CASTOR: Sykes Cassette Editor
Author: M. G. Fishel, G. Vandermuellen, R. Vyncke,
and S. Orloff
Free University, Brussels, V.U.B., Belgium
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 4K (0000-2673)
Special Hardware Required: Sykes 3000 series cassette
Other Software Required: Symbolic Editor

Abstract: Program CASTOR overlays Digital's symbolic Editor to
enable reading and writing on a SYKES 3000 series cassette unit, it uses
the ASR-33 or (and) the VT05. This results in considerable time savings
when assembling PAL programs since PAL III has also been modified to
accept symbolic source programs directly from the SYKES 3000 series
cassette unit (PALLUX). The original FORM FEED (F), GET (G) and
TRAILER (T) commands, the ESCAPE key and the high speed paper
tape reader and punch routines are inoperative.

CASTOR was written for a system with the following configuration:
PDP-8E, VT05, ASR-33 and SYKES 3220.

Media Price Code: A2, B2, F5, G16
Catalog: August 1978