IPSLAV: Slave Program, and DB8E Interprocessor Buffer Handler
Author: Karlheinz Siehold and Friedeman Brauer
HNO Forschungstrakt Klinikum Westend Spandauer Damm
130 D-1000 Berlin (West) 19 Germany
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 8K
Special Hardware Required: DB8E Interprocessor Buffer

Abstract: OS/8 slave program, and DB8E interprocessor buffer device
handler (1-page) for the host computer. The program replies with the
command decoder when called. The name of an OS/8 device belonging
to the slave computer requested (where the DB8E device handler must
have been implemented into the OS/8 system with "build"). CTRL/U
selects another device; CTRL/C goes back to OS/8 monitor the program
is restartable at 2000.

Media Price Code: D2, F5, G6
Catalog: August 1978