Author: Thomas W. McIntyre
Submitted by: Michael McIntyre
McIntyre Computing, Harvard, MA
Operating System: OS/8 or OS/12
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 8K

Abstract: RUNOFF is a program which runs under PS/8, OS/8, or
DECSYSTEM-8 to facilitate the preparation of typed or printed manu-
scripts, such as memorandums, manuals, theses, etc. The user prepares his
material on any terminal, and writes it onto a file using TECO, EDIT,
SCROLL, or any other editor available to the user. The user includes not
only textual material, but also case and formatting information. RUNOFF
then takes the file and reproduces it onto the line printer, teletype
or other file to produce a final copy or final file image. It performs the
formatting and case shifting as directed, and will also perform line
justification, page numbering and titling, etc. as desired.

The principal benefit of such a program is that files prepared for use
with it may be edited and corrected easily. Small or large amounts of
material may be added or deleted, and unchanged material need not be
retyped. After a set of changes, the program may be operated to produce
a new copy which is properly paged and formatted. Documentation may
thus be updated as necessary without requiring extensive retyping.

Note: Documentation on Media.

Media Price Code: E5, F9, H32, K54
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978