ZULHXMHKET#1ETHJ QL"N -----> ':GMQL"N <-----' IIIIII NN NN UU UU SSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEE IIIIII NN NN UU UU SSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEE II NNNN NN UU UU SS EE II NNNN NN UU UU SS EE II NNNN NN UU UU SS EE II NNNN NN UU UU SS EE II NN NN NN UU UU SSSSSS EEEEEEEE II NN NN NN UU UU SSSSSS EEEEEEEE II NN NNNN UU UU SS EE II NN NNNN UU UU SS EE II NN NNNN UU UU SS EE II NN NNNN UU UU SS EE IIIIII NN NN UUUUUU SSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEE IIIIII NN NN UUUUUU SSSSSSSS EEEEEEEEEE In use by TECO fanatic Stanley Rabinowitz MK1-2/E09 X 264-5288  Y0,80XAZJGAJ ^C Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am forced to desert my post for a short period of time. Nevertheless, this lack of active participation on my part does not indicate any lack of willingness to use this machine to its greatest capability. It is with sorry and deep regret that I must announce that I will be gone for a short time. But do not despair! Those who seek my presence shall not be disappointed. I will return forthwith and bring with me more joy and happiness. In the event of an emergency (such as nuclear attack), you may turn power off on this terminal and notify my superiors. In all other cases, it would be extremely unwise for you (or any other person) to stop the process running on this machine at this time. This program may be very important to the proper operation of Digital Equipment Corporation. If it appears to you that this machine is idle, then you are making a grave mistake. I will be back very quickly to continue the crucial operation of this computer and its associated programs. The destiny of the entire free world may hinge on my assignment. Woe unto all who interfere. For more information about my current use of this computer, fill out P?S form #12856-XXX-01 in triplicate and submit it to the proper authorities. We guarantee to respond to your inquiry within the next 30 days. Thank you for being so patient.... Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am forced to desert my post for a short period of time.