!VTEDIT - V00.00-8!  @^U0/32,0ET U7 0,32ET/ 128,0ETETU0 0,2048+32+8ET @^U5/U9283Q9"G[|-Q9U9'Q9/!Hack! @^U6/.U8 ZU4 -3U6 HM5 13 KM5 10 KM5 13 :G4 < M0 !F! Q7-127"NQ7' ZJ Q7I Q7-13"E 10I 10U7 Q7' Q7-10"E 13 KM5 -1%6' Q7-21"E Q6W 0U7 0;' Q7-127"E -D Z-Q4"N -1AU9 -D Q9-27"E 32U9' Q9-31"G DM5 KM5 1+' 0"E 13 -Q6-2< KM5 AM5 > 10 13 :G4 Q4,ZT' '' Q7-27"E M0 Q7-27"E !F0! 27I Q4,ZX4 HM5 13 -1U7 0;' Q7-["E OU7' Q7-O"E M0 OF0' OF' > Q4,ZK Q8J Q7/ 0,0X7 0,0X9 0U2 HM5 13 -=M5 OA' Q7-x"E Q5P OA' Q7-y"E Q5-1"E M0Q7U5' Q5I OA' Q7-M"E ISearch: .-8,.X4-8D M6"F OA'.U3 I@:S 0I.U2 G4-2D .-Q2U1 0I Q3,.X8 Q3,.K OS' Q7-n"E 0U6 !S!Q1U2 Q5M8"F0U2' Q6"N Q6W' OA' 0U8 Q7-A"E -1U8' Q7-B"E 1U8' Q8"N Q8"L -Q5U5' Q6"E 0U7 .U8 0L Q8-.%6< 0A-32"L 0A-27"N 0A-9"E 6-(Q7&7)%6 -2U7' %7 1%6'' C %7 >' Q5L -Q6U9 0U7 Q6< .-Z; 0A-32"L 0A-13"E 0;' 0A-27"N 0A-9"E 6-(Q7&7)%9 -2U7' %7 1%9'' C %7 1%9"G R' Q9; > 0U4 OB' Q7-Q"EICommand: .-9,.X4-9DM6"F OA' .U3 G4 Q3,.X9Q3,.K Working...OC' Q7-R"E .U4 G7 .-Q4U2 OA' Q7-P"E Q4 "E .+1U4' Q5L Q4-1,.X7 .-Q4+1U2 0U6 OB' OA ' Q7"D0U5OV' Q7-27"E 0U6 !C! M9 -1EU Q6"N Q6W' OA' > ->M5 2M5 4;1H KM5 13 Q0ET !Z! !Q-reg Text Numeric 0 read char holds initial ET setting 1 length of last search string 2 length of last string gotten 3 deleted string temp 4 arg to M6 cut buffer start 5 prints esc seq repeat count 6 mini editor # of lines destroyed at top 7 cut buffer current char 8 search command temp 9 arg to M5 Hacks: ESCAPE is sent literally to the terminal via the 27+256^T command which fakes out TECO into sending the character literally. This avoids the necessity of doing a 0,1ET command which will swap in an overlay on 16K machines. Macro M0 is used to read a character and wait until it is available even though read with no wait is enabled. To temporarily turn off read with no wait via the 32,0ET command would require swapping in an overlay on 16K machines. Note that the current algorithm is terribly inefficient on systems where OS/8 is running under timesharing. In such a case, OS/8 should be run in a 20K partition and macro 0 should be initialized to 32,0ET ^TU7 0,32ET !