Adventure, Version: February 1979

Author: Dick Murphy, Digital Equipment Corporation

Operating System: OS/8 V3C, V3D; OS/12 Source Language: FOR-
TRAN IV, RALF Memory Required: 32KW Keywords: Games

Abstract: Adventure is a magical, unpredictable and often addicting
computer game that has caught on in the United States in near epidemic

It is a treasure hunt with all the trimmings - mysteries and challenges
that grow more and more complex as the game unravels. Adventure is
more of a puzzle than a game. Once solved, it's mastered. The mastering,
however, often takes months of drawing maps and planning strategy.

Adventure's sweeping popularity lies in it's power to enchant. Players
are projected into a world of fantasy, one that blends the heart pounding
suspense of "Treasure Island" with the magic of "Alice in Wonderland".

Note: This is a version of the popular PDP-11 Adventure game (DECUS
No. 11-340), containing all the features, but modified to run on a PDP-8.

Documentation on magnetic media.

Media Service Charge Code: Write-Up (AA), DECtape (HA), Floppy
Diskette (KB) Format: OS/8
Catalog: June 1985