Improved OS/8 LQP Handler, Version: I-D, July 1978

Author: Jim van Zee, Lab Data Systems, Seattle, WA

Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: PAL-8 V10A Memory Re-
quired: 2 pages Special Hardware Required: LQP (Diablo) Printer
Keywords: Device Handlers

Abstract: This is an improved version of the OS/8 LQP handler which
has the following features: 1) Adjustable left hand margin offset, 2)
Adjustable pitch and line spacing, 3) Single page-at-a-time output control,
4) No formfeed at the beginning or end of file, 5) Backspace recognition
for underlining, etc.

Restrictions: Margin offset not always restored after a printer error;
appears to be a hardware problem.

Media Service Charge Code: Write-Up and Listing (DA), DECtape
(HA), Floppy Diskette (KA) Format: OS/8
Catalog: June 1985