RESEQ.PA Version: 1, June 1978
Author: Clifford Farner
Harverford School, Harverford, PA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: PAL-8
Memory Required: 16K

Abstract: RESEQ.PA is an assembly languare program that replaces the DEC-supported resequence
program offered with OS/8 BASIC. Execution time is ten times faster and it is vastly more reliable. The
limit of the number of lines that can be resequenced has been increased from 350 to 1230, and the line length
has been increased for 72 to 80 characters. REM lines and text within PRINT stements are ignored. A
comprehensive error detection procedure prevents the original BASIC program from being replaced by a
faulty resequenced version.
A /S option will strip the program of all unnecessary line numbers, making it look like a FORTRAN
prograam and resequence those remaining. The resulting file can be up to 25% smaller withoug the line
numbers, but can be run under BCOMP.
Note: RESEQ could be extended to process FORTRAN programs.

Media Price Code: A2, K25
Format: OS/8
Catalog: June 1979