WPFLOP: WPS-8 to OS/78 File Conversion Utility, Version: December 1981

Author: Dick Murphy

Submitted by: Rosemary Williams, Lockheed-California Company,
Burbank, CA

Operating System: OS/8, OS/78 Source Language: PAL-8 Other Soft-
ware Required: WPS-8 Keywords: Conversions; Utilities - OS/8

Abstract: WPFLOP is used to transfer documents from word processing
floppy disks to OS/8 media or from OS/8 media to word processing diskettes.
The WPS floppy is accessed using the COS compatible floppy handlers
which are included in this package.
A WPS-8 Data List (generated by list processing to drop all field
names) can be converted to OS78 format to be read as input for a data
processing program for running on OS78.
An OS/78 data processing output file record can be coded within the
program to contain enclosed field names (<field name>) for conversion
to WPS-8 for further list processing.
An OCR captured file or telecommunicated text file received
from a host computer can be converted to OS/78 for embedding word
wrap controls.

Complete sources are not available.

Media Service Charge Code: Write-Up (AA), Floppy Diskette (KA)
Format: OS/8
Catalog: June 1985