Author: Dr. C. M. Malpus, University of Leeds, Leeds, England
DF.INOUT combines into a single memory quarter subroutines
to input and output signed decimal numbers of any magnitude,
offering great savings of core storage from IFORL8 and
OFORL8. It transforms between FORTRAN F-Format and
DBLFLT format. Input accuracy is limited only by the DBLFLT
format; output is correct to six significant digits plus any
additional integer or fractional zeros necessary to correctly
place the decimal point. Calls to the routine are comparable
to those to DBLFLT.
Other Programs Needed: DBLFLT (DEC-L8-SFAA-D)
Source Language: LAP6
Storage Requirement: 400 octal locations
Restrictions: Special call for numbers in
DBLFLT Accumulator (FAC)
Catalog: November 1969