Author: G. R. Hervey, The School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, England
The system adapts 4K PDP-8 FORTRAN to make use of the magnetic tape facility of the basic LINC-8 computer. FORTRAN programs can be called from the left-hand tape (unit 0) by statements in the FORTRAN program in the core; data can be stored and recalled by WRITE and READ statements, using the right-hand tape (unit 1).

The programs may be called in any order, and may be read in at less than full length in order to leave data in core. Data can be transferred to-and-from tape in blocks of any length, which may be chosen to correspond with program variables. Incorporation of the program-calling facility does not involve any sacrifice of core space for program or data; use of the data transfer facilities uses from half to one page of core.

The system includes a modified, improved version of SYMBOL PRINT; increases the maximum length of the statement number tables; and corrects some errors in the compiler.

Other Programs Needed: PDP-8 FORTRAN System (DEC-08-AFCO)
Source Language: PAL III
Catalog: November 1969