CARD: Simplified Machine Language Simulator
| BASIC8-103
Author: John Tyson II
Submitted by: Samuel M. V., Tatnall-Haverford School, PA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: BASIC V3.21
Abstract: CARD is a comprehensive simulator for CARDIAC, a
simplified machine language developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories
for teaching elementary programming concepts. CARD, written in OS/8
BASIC, interprets and executes CARDIAC programs, while also providing
editing, tracing and listing capabilities. Input comes from cards or
keyboard, and output can be directed to the console or line printer. Fully
interactive and diagnostic, it is easy to use and very useful in an
educational environment. Complete instructions and four sample
programs are provided. CARD assumes a VT-50 or VT-52 terminal and
requires 16K words of memory.
Media Price Code: D2, K27
Format: OS/8
Catalog: August 1978