YORK1.BA: Two Error Unear Regression with Correlated Errors,
Version: December 1977
| BASIC8-105
Author: G. Brent Dalrymple, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: BASIC V.5A
Memory RequIred: 12K
Abstract: York 2 is a linear regression program that allows for errors in both X and Y and also for positive
or negative correlation of the X and Y errors. The program accepts errors for each value of X and Y. If the
errors are uncorrelated, the correlation coefficient (-1 <= R <= 1) may be set to zero. Input may be from
the keyboard, a file, or paper tape, and the program has a variety of data editing features. Output consists
of the slope, the intercept, the coordinates of the centroid, and six statistical parameters. The program uses
the "least squares cubic" method of D. York, University of Toronto (York, 1969). The mathematics are
identical to DECUS No. FOCAL8-315.
Media Price Code: D2, G5
Catalog: June 1979