Age Difference Probability Calculation, Version: February 1978
Author: G. Brent Dalrymple, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA
Operating System: OS/8 V3D
Source Language: OS/8 BASIC
Memory Required: 8K
Other Software Required: OS/8, OS/8 BASIC
Special Hardware Required: TTY; PDP-8/A or /E
Abstract: This OS/8 (Ver. 3D) BASIC program calculates the probability, P, that two quantities are different statistically. Given a list of values and their standard deviations, P will be calculated for all possible pairs of values. Data may be input from the keyboard or from any OS/8 device. The program contains features for editing and adding data.
Media Price Code: D2, G5
Catalog: June 1979