Games-SET 1
| BASIC8-16 |
GUESS-Walter Koetke, Binary search guessing game vs. the computer.
LUNAR2-Digital Equipment Corporation, Simulates the landing of a lunar module on the moon.
SLOTS-Anonymous, Simulates a one-armed bandit.
EDBARD-Digital Equipment Corporation, Random poetry writing program.
GAME OF LIFE-A. Christopher Hall; A. E. Sapega, A sort of solitaire game, played on a large grid.
MTCHS, This program simulates the game of 23 matches.
GOMOKU, Simulates the traditional game of the Orient, GOMOKU, on a 7 x 7 board.
AMAZIN-Jack Hauber, This program prints out a different maze every time it is run. User specifies length and width. There is only one path through the maze.
GOLF-Howard Kargman, Simulates a game of golf for 1 to 4 players.
TIC-TAC-TOE-Joseph Salamon, Allows user to play TIC-TAC-TOE with the computer. User should always lose or come to a draw.
SIMULATION BASEBALL-Jeff Moskow; Brad Golden, Allows the user to play a nine inning game of baseball against the computer.
DISTANCE GAME-Tom Adametz, Figures out distance implied by 2 random numbers labeled TIME and SPEED.
NUMBER GAME-Tom Adametz, Computer compares a number from 1-5 with a set of random variables. Winning depends on whether or not chosen number compares with variable.
COINS, Simulates coin tossing game.
RUSSIAN ROULETTE, Simulates the game of Russian Roulette.