| BASIC8-6 |
BFIELD-A plot routine illustrating the B field about one and two wire currents. (Electricity and Magnetism)
BOHR-Hydrogen line spectrum and energy level diagrams are displayed. (Atomic and Nuclear)
CALORI-Calorimetry experiment to determine the heat energy to be supplied (or removed) from each mass to obtain the equilibrium temperature. (Mechanical)
DECAY1-Radioactive decay is treated qualitatively in a game-type situation.
DECAY2-Calculates half-life, mass and prints a table showing mass or number of particles of a radioactive sample.
EFIELD-An extension of Coulomb's law. Finds the relative field strength at a distance from a line and plane of charge. (Electricity and Magnetism)
KINERV-Review of kinematics; presents questions concerning the movement of a ball in flight. (Mechanical)
LENSES-Solves lens problems. (Light and Waves)
MASSD-Calculates mass defect.
NEWTN2-A problematic situation requiring repeated application of Newton's second law. (Mechanics)
PHOTEL-Critical wavelength for photoelectric emission is to be determined in a simulated experiment. (Atomic and Nuclear)
PHOTON-How energy levels are determined from the emission of excited atoms. (Atomic and Nuclear)
PLANK-A photoelectric simulation. Students adjust the retarding potential to determine the wavelength of randomly selected electron emitting X-rays. (Atomic and Nuclear)
PRJTL-Coordinates and speeds are printed for a projectile fired at selected speeds and angles (frictionless). (Mechanical)
REFLCT-Least time principle of light is presented as a challenge involving a game analogy. (Light and Waves)
SLITS-A plot routine permitting further exploration of Young's Double Slit experiment. (Light and Waves)
SNELL-A plot routine to aid in visualizing Snell's law. (Light and Waves)
SPACE-Demonstrates the effects of changing velocity on orbital motion. (Mechanics)
VFIELD-Plots a picture of the relative potential strength in the region surrounding two charges. (Electricity and Magnetism)
VLOCTY-Demonstrates that average velocity (D/T) approaches a limiting value as T O. A graph of D vs. T is plotted for an acceleration of 1 meter/sec^2. (Mechanics)
WAVES-Plots a graph of a fixed and a variable wave, and the superpo- sition of the waves. (Light and Waves)