# The markup impairs the legibility, so fix the OCR, then # another pass for markup. MATHEMATICS-SET 1 BASIC8-1 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation

BASKT-Demonstrates exponential convergence.

BICYCL-Solves simple time-speed-distance problem.

BOOKS-Demonstrates method of improving upon brute force to solve simultaneous equations.

CONVRG-Converges on e and pi by three methods.

DRINKR-Solves simple drinking/blood pressure relationships.

GROUP-Demonstrates brute force vs. substitutional solution of simple equations.

PASCAL-Method of generating Pascal's triangle using random numbers.

PROGRS-Solves a number progression problem.

QUADRT-Solves for the roots of a quadratic equation.

ROOTS-Finds the roots of any function between -20 and 20.

SIMUL-Solves simultaneous equations by brute force.

TICKET-Introduces the concept of logical branching.

CRSCNT-Solves for the area of a crescent (not generalized).

LADDER-Solves the slipping ladder program by Pythagorean Theorem.

CAI-ADD-Demonstrates a Computer Assisted Instruction drill and practice routine.

DISTANCE-Calculates distance between points in three-dimensional space. Media Price Code: D3 MATHEMATICS-SET 2 BASIC8-2 Submitted by: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

CRVLEN-Computes the length of any curve (analytically defined).

CVAREA-Computes the area under any curve (analytically defined).

GCD-Finds the greatest common divisor of any set of numbers.

LIMSIN-Evaluates the limit of sin x/x as x approaches zero, in both radian and degree measure.

PI2-Computes the area of a circle using both inscribed and circum- scribed regular polygons.

PRIFA-Finds prime factors.

QUADRT2-Describes the graph of a second degree equation, Ax^2 + Bxy + Cy^2 + Dx + Ey + F = 0.

RATIO-Solves for the unknown in a proportion.

ROOTS2-Finds the real roots of the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = o.

SETS-Finds the union and intersection of any two numerical sets.

SIMEQN-Finds solutions to sets of up to ten simultaneous equations.

SLOPE-Computes the tangent slope for any function.

SQRT-Finds the square root of counting numbers up to five decimal places.

STATAL-Calculates the arithmetic mean (average) of a set of numbers.

SURFAR-Computes the area of any surface of revolution.

VOLSOL-Finds the volume of solids of revolution.

ARITH-Multiplication involving one and two digit multipliers.

Media Price Code: D6 MATHEMATICS-SET 3 BASIC8-3


Rounds off numbers to any number of places.

SETS-1-CAMP, First Course

Determines the intersection of two sets of numbers.

TUTOR-I-Walter Koetke

Drill and practice with time-speed-distance.

AREA-1-Computer Methods in Mathematics

Solves for the area under a curve by equation.


Uses random number generator in BASIC to flip a coin.


Solves for tOe exponent in general exponential equations.


Computes and prints the sum of the first n terms of the following series: 1 - 1/2 + 1/3 - 1/4 + 1/5 - 1/6 + ... + (-1)^(k-1)(1/k) + ....

GCD-Adapted from the FOCAL program written by Roger B. Kerchner, Carleton College

Applies the Euclidean algorithm to the problem of finding the gaeatest common divisor for M and N.

WALKI-Bill Walker

A generalized plotting routine which prints a graph of an expression given in terms of x.

GAUSS-Philip Sorgen

Uses the Gauss-Jordan Elimination Method to solve N linear equa- tions in N unknowns simultaneously.

ABSVAL-DYMAX A series of seven programs which compute and print the absolute value ofX. ME EPSILON YOU DELTA-Roger Kerchner

A game designed to help in understanding the limit concept.

SINPLOT-Dennis Lunder

Plots and prints a graph of the sine for function from 0-360 degrees.


Provides new ways to approach theorem proving using Goldbach's Conjecture.

LINEAR-Frederick Brink

Finds the point where linear systems in 2 or 3 variables intersect.

Media Price Code: D3 PLOTTING-SET 1 BASIC8-4 Submitted by: Digital Equipment Corporation

DIAMON-Plots an N by N diamond matrix.

PLOTFN-Plots any function.

SINEX-Plots a sine wave.

3DPLOT-Plots any three dimension functions.

Note: The following routines are for teletype compatible plotters.

TPLOTU-Utility support routine for TSP-212 plotter.

FPLOTU-Utility support routine for TSP-212 plotter.

TPLOT1-Plots a family of 10 sine curves.

TPLOT2-Plots random horizontal and vertical lines.

TPLOT3-Plots connected horizontal and vertical lines similar to Etch-A-Sketch.

TPLOT4-Plots random length, random direction lines. Looks like electron traces.

TPLOT5-Polygon designer. Plots any polygon given the external angle and number of sides.

TPLOT6-Spiral designer. Plots a spiral of any shape given the external angle.

TPLOT7-Bar chart and point to point graph.

TPLOT8-Plots characters 1 to 8 at random locations with size proportionate to their value.

TPLOT9-Plots "3-dimensional" exponential functions.

FPLT10-Plots any function. Media Price Code: D3 PHYSICS-SET 1 BASIC8-6 Submitted by: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

BFIELD-A plot routine illustrating the B field about one and two wire currents. (Electricity and Magnetism)

BOHR-Hydrogen line spectrum and energy level diagrams are displayed. (Atomic and Nuclear)

CALORI-Calorimetry experiment to determine the heat energy to be supplied (or removed) from each mass to obtain the equilibrium temperature. (Mechanical)

DECAY1-Radioactive decay is treated qualitatively in a game-type situation.

DECAY2-Calculates half-life, mass and prints a table showing mass or number of particles of a radioactive sample.

EFIELD-An extension of Coulomb's law. Finds the relative field strength at a distance from a line and plane of charge. (Electricity and Magnetism)

KINERV-Review of kinematics; presents questions concerning the movement of a ball in flight. (Mechanical)

LENSES-Solves lens problems. (Light and Waves)

MASSD-Calculates mass defect.

NEWTN2-A problematic situation requiring repeated application of Newton's second law. (Mechanics)

PHOTEL-Critical wavelength for photoelectric emission is to be determined in a simulated experiment. (Atomic and Nuclear)

PHOTON-How energy levels are determined from the emission of excited atoms. (Atomic and Nuclear)

PLANK-A photoelectric simulation. Students adjust the retarding potential to determine the wavelength of randomly selected electron emitting X-rays. (Atomic and Nuclear)

PRJTL-Coordinates and speeds are printed for a projectile fired at selected speeds and angles (frictionless). (Mechanical)

REFLCT-Least time principle of light is presented as a challenge involving a game analogy. (Light and Waves)

SLITS-A plot routine permitting further exploration of Young's Double Slit experiment. (Light and Waves)

SNELL-A plot routine to aid in visualizing Snell's law. (Light and Waves)

SPACE-Demonstrates the effects of changing velocity on orbital motion. (Mechanics)

VFIELD-Plots a picture of the relative potential strength in the region surrounding two charges. (Electricity and Magnetism)

VLOCTY-Demonstrates that average velocity (D/T) approaches a limiting value as T O. A graph of D vs. T is plotted for an acceleration of 1 meter/sec^2. (Mechanics)

WAVES-Plots a graph of a fixed and a variable wave, and the superpo- sition of the waves. (Light and Waves) Media Price Code: D10 PHYSICS-SET 2 BASIC8-7

KINEMA-Digital Equipment Corporation
Tests knowledge of kinematics.
PHOTOE-Huntington Computer Project
Demonstrates photo electric effect.
UELEC-J. Martin
Produces tables of electric potential.
Problem using Newton's second law.
ACCELER-Calculates the time in seconds it takes a vehicle to accelerate from zero to sixty miles per hour given curb weight, brake horsepower at maximum torque, and rear axle ratio.
Media Price Code: D2 CHEMISTRY-SET 1 BASIC8-8 Submitted by: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

ATWT-Calculates atomic weight from percent abundance of isotopes.

AVOGA-Calculates Avogadro's number.

DECAYI-Radioactive decay is treated qualitatively in game-type situation.

DECAY2-Calculates half-life, mass and prints a table showing mass or number of particles of a radioactive sample.

EMPIR-Calculates empirical formulas.

EQUIL1 and EQUIL2-Calculates the effects of concentration changes in the equilibrium systems: 2HI H2 + I2 and PCl5 PCl3 + C12.

KINET-Tabulates and graphs equilibrium concentration data.

MASSD-Calculates mass defect. MOLAR-Calculates molarity from titration data.

PHPOH-Calculates pH, poH and percent dissociation.

PRCNT-Calculates percent composition.

STOICH-Solves mass/mass, mass/volume, and volume/volume problems. Media Price Code: D5 CHEMISTRY-SET 2 BASIC8-9 GASVOL-NREL/SDC/DEC Calculates and plots gas volumes at various pressures. Media Price Code: D1 BIOLOGY-SET I BASIC8-10 Submitted by: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

EVOLU/SIMPLIFIED VERSION-Demonstrates evolutionary mutations of pepper moths.

EVOLU-Simulated experiment-The relationship between evolution and natural selection is accomplished by studying a population of mutant moths.

DROS-Game approach to determination of the genetic characteristics of Drosophila.

GAMGN-Review of gametogenesis using diagrams and questions.

MEMBR-Experiment simulation showing the active and passive transport of materials across a membrane.

NZYMC-Simulated experiment-Degree of enzyme reactivity varies as environmental conditions are changed.

NZYM2-Simulated experiment-Maximum enzyme reactivity is shown as being dependent upon an interaction of environmental conditions.

PHOSYN-Simulated experiment-Photosynthetic production of sugar varies as student varies light intensity or carbon dioxide concentration. Media Price Code: D4 EARTH SCIENCE-SET 1 BASIC8-11 Submitted by: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

CLIMAT-Practice in identifying climates and climatic patterns.

CLOUDS-Explores problems related to the formation of cumuliform clouds.

WATER1-A tutorial program which goes through the calculations of a water budget.

WATER2-Prints a complete water budget. Media Price Code: D2 BUSINESS AND SOCIAL STUDIES-SET 1 BASIC8-12

POPULATION-Gruenberger and Jaffray
Examines population growth of the U.S. and Mexico.
BALANC-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Simulates the effects of the relationship between costs of production and revenues.
BANK-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Solves financial problems concerning installment buying, long term loans and savings accounts.
CIRFLW-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Simulates the effect of a change in consumption of the "Circular flow model of goods, services and money."
CONSMP-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
A simulation of economic depression and equilibrium as effects of consumption.
STOCK-Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Simulates the stock market.
PURCHS-Dennis Lunder
Projects the purchasing power of the American dollar from 1970 to 1980 based on a base figure of $1.00 value for the year 1959 and values from 1960 to 1969.
Media Price Code: D3 ADMINISTRATIVE-SET 1 BASIC8-13 Submitted by: Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn

AVERG1-Averages grades, lists value of curve, and adjusts grades.

AVERG2-Sorts and averages grades.

FREQ-Prints a frequency distribution (bar graph) of grades.

GRADE-Prints a table of grades (in percentages), number of questions missed, and number of questions answered correctly.

ITEM1-Counts and prints number of times questions are missed.

ITEM2-Sums item analysis.

STAT-A statistical analysis of laboratory data. (For teachers' use)

STATAL-Calculates the arithmetic mean (average) of a set of numbers. Media Price Code: D2 COMPUTER WORKSHOP BASIC8-14 Submitted by: Alvin Beat Abstract: This workshop is intended to provide the teacher or administrator with a knowledge of creating a list of instructions (a program) for a computer to perform. It is a clear, concise, step-by-step set of instructions which introduce the user to the computer and its functions. Media Price Code: D2 LIB12-Mathematical and Graphing Routines BASIC8-30 Submitted by: Geoffrey Chase Abstract: A series of twelve programs written on 8K-2 user Edu-20. Routines include:

UNFLOT-The user inputs, in octal form, three 12-bit (4-digit) numbers representing the high, middle and low words of the floating AC; the program returns with the equivalent decimal value.

PERFCT-A fast program for finding perfect numbers up to 12 digits of precision.

SORTS-Actually 3 programs: (1) TREES--a binary tree (heap) sort; (2)

TOP1-a fast version of the "top" sort; (3) TOP2-slower, but it remembers the input order.

CALEND-Prints a calendar for the current year. User inputs year (1969 or later).

POLY-Brute force polynomial search and reduction; user information and control are maximized. If and when quadratic level is reached, both roots (real or imaginary or complex) are calculated and printed.

CUBIC-G. Ruth's general solution of the quartic is in DECUS NO.

FOCAL8-263. This program handles only cubics and quadratics, but allows for possible upward expansion by the user.

FRCADD-Adds fractions as fractions, finding L.C.D. and reducing answers to lowest terms. Written primarily for Edu-20/25, since these allow direct fractional input.

REPTER-A string of up to 6 digits, specified as repeating (9.0 repeating means 9.0909090 ... ) or terminating (9.0 terminating is just 9) is converted to a proper or improper fraction reduced to lowest terms.

SINCOS-Graphs sine & cosine curves, with some attention to speed in execution.

ELLHYP-Tangent ellipse/hyperbola, with asymptotes of the latter.

POINTS-A series of graphs, on increasingly larger scales, of the hyper- bolic curves of addition and cancellation of radiation from 2 point sources.

HARMON-A series of curves successively approximating a sawtooth or a square wave (user choice). Media Price Code: D4, G16 Mathematics-Set 5 BASIC8-31 Submitted by: Walter Koetke

STNDEV-Calculates the mean, biased and unbiased variance, biased and unbiased standard deviation and standard error for one set of numbers.

PRIME-Determines if number N is a prime number.

TABLE-Table of values of sine and cosine function from 0 to 90.

PERMS-Prints all permutations of N letters.

DIVIDE-A simple exercise in division.

DERIV-Figures an approximation to the derivative.

CONTOURS-Demonstrates the level curves (contours) of a function of two variables.

MAX-Finds the maximum value of a function of an interval.

CHINES-Solves N simultaneous congruences of the form: A*X congru- ent to B (MOD M).

EUCLID-Finds the greatest common divisor of two integers, together with the weighting factors by which the GCD is expressionable as a linear combination.

SIEVE-Demonstrates the sieve method of finding primes.

FRSQRS-Writes positive integers as the sum of 4 squares.

INSCRB-Prints first ten Pythagorian triangles and the radius of the inscribed circle of each.

FACTAP-Computes factorials by Stirling's formula.

EASY02-Lists factors for given number N.

FACTRL-Computes the sum of the first N factorials.

SPHERE-Relationship of surface area, radius and volume of spheres. Media Price Code: D2 Mathematics-Set 6 BASIC8-32

QTABLE-Produces a table of values for all algebraic and many rational functions.

CORREL-Calculates coefficient of linear correlation based on pairs of data supplied py the user.

INTEGR-Approximates a definite integral by using a Riemann sum for a user supplied function.

QUADEQ-Will solve any quadratic equations in the form: ax^2 + bx + c = 0.

SIGDIG-Raises any integer to any other integer and prints all significant digits.

EQUA-Shows the step-by-step solution to an equation of the form AX + B = CX + D.

SIMEQ2-Solves any system of two linear equations in two unknowns.

SIMEQ3-Solves any system of three linear equations in three unknowns. Media Price Code: D2 SEQ; SAME; STAT1 BASIC8-33

SEQ-Gives alphabetic sequence and asks for next letter.

SAME-Exercise in which student finds synonym for given word.

STAT1-Accepts a minimum of 100 data values and will calculate minimum and maximum values, range, arithmetic mean, median, sample and population standard deviations. Media Price Code: D2 Football Scouting Report Systems BASIC8-34 Submitted by: Harold L. Singer Operating System: EDUsystem-30 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: Two systems for analyzing football scouting information are described. Results of each play are coded on special mark sense cards and the game is exhaustively analyzed by a series of chained EDU-30 BASIC language programs. Actual use by our coaching staff has produced a time savings of from 18 to 30 coaching man hours per week.

Those not having a CM-SE mark sense card reader but equipment capable of running EDU-30 BASIC or OMSI-BASIC can easily code the play information on paper tape using the TTY.

Either of the two described systems can be used unchanged if your coaches can adapt to the notation system used. If they cannot, these systems should prove excellent guides for producing a tailor made system to your coach's specifications. Note: CM-8E mark sense card reader recommended. Media Price Code: D5, G30 XVPLOT; 3DGRAPH; PLOT-1 BASIC8-3S

XYPLOT-Will plot single-valued functions of X, with X on the vertical axis.

3DGRAPH-Graphs functions of 2 variables. Each graph will be plotted 3 times.

PLOT-I-Plots integral values on a teletype terminal. No listing. Media Price Code: D2, G5 LODICE BASIC8-36 Submitted by: David Martin Abstract: Simulates rolls of one fair die and one loaded die. Students are to determine, by chi-square analysis, which is which. Media Price Code: D1 Business and Social Studies-Set 3 BASIC8-37

AMOR-Computes monthly interest on a loan, given term and interest rates.

PAYRL-Computes and prints the payroll for a small company.

CPI-An economics project to calculate the CPI of a given year.

SALES-Computes and prints the weekly sales for each salesman.

BANKER-Tests student's understanding of different methods of com- pounding interest. Media Price Code: D2 USAGE BASIC8-38 Submitted by: Dave Liebschen Operating System: EDUsystem-25 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: Tabulates usage of the computer system. Media Price Code: D1 LILAC: Laband's Ingeneous Little Automatic Computer BASIC8-39 Submitted by: Keith Leband Operating System: EDUsystem-25 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: LILAC is a hypothetical machine language written in Edusystem-30 BASIC for a PDP-8 series computer. The program itself is supposed to simulate a real computer's machine language. It contains quite a few instructions that can be found in real assembly languages, but modified in form to fit the needs of this simulator. It also has a few other instructions not found in assembly languages.

Due to the size of the actual program, (on a 4K PDP-8) you are limited to only 175 lines of machine language programming. If you are using a larger BASIC, you can easily modify the program for more programming text.

Since this program simulates many of the steps in learning a real computer's machine language (i.e. the loading and operation of pro- grams) it should be extremely useful to a beginner in machine language programming. Media Price Code: D2, G5 Tutorial Exercises in Chemistry BASIC8-40 Submitted by: Paul Couchon Abstract: Teacher's Guide and Student Workbook are available from DEC's Software Distribution Center.

  1. METEST-Practice in the metric system units for measuring length, mass and volume. Consists of a sequence of multiple choice conversion problems that utilize the units most frequently encountered in science courses.
  2. DENSITY-This exercise deals with the concept of density. Five different problems are presented, involving the relationships between the fundamental physical qualities of mass, volume and density. Each problem requires some application of the formula: DENSITY = MASS / VOLUME
  3. ELECTRONS-Drill in identifying the number of electrons having principal quantum numbers 1,2,3, or 4 in elements with atomic numbers from 1-22.
  4. ATOM-Problems giving the atomic number of an element which lies between LITHIUM and TITANIUM on the periodic table. Student required to describe structure of this atom regarding the number protons, neutrons and electrons in various s and p orbitals.
  5. PERIODD-Exercise giving the student practice in using the periodic table and applying the Periodic Law. Questions require an understanding of the relationships which exist between elements and their position in the periodic table.
  6. COMPOS-Quantitative relationships between the elements that compose simple binary compounds. Compound selected at random from 42 possible combinations of six anions and seven cations. Questions asked concerning percent composition and relative number of grains and moles.
  7. EQUATI-Quantitative relationships in chemical reactions, stoichiometry. Students are provided with six balanced equations and must answer a sequence of questions concerning quantitative relationships between substances in three of the reactions.
  8. RAOULT-Practice in solving problems which deal with the concentration of a solution and its freezing point, and the determination of molecular weight.
  9. MOLAR-Relationship between the moles and grams of a solute and the volume and molarity of the solution.
  10. GASLAW-Relationships between temperature, pressure and volume of ideal gases. Practice in applying Boyle's Law, Charlie's Law and the Combined Gas Law.
Media Price Code: D4, G38 OMSI30 BASIC BASIC8-41 Submitted by: Barry Smith Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: PAL-8 Abstract: A version of DEC's EDUsystem-30 BASIC (including all features) operating under the PS/8 and OS/8 systems. The system uses 8K instead of 4K-offering significantly larger programs and more varia- bles. Compilation speed is also greatly increased. Media Price Code: A1, B22, F24, H32 Format: OS/8 RECOVE: BASIC RECOVERY FROM CRASH BASIC8-42 Submitted by: James Puccio Abstract: This program will allow the TSS/8 BASIC programmer to recover from system crashes and user-induced halts of BASIC. If the user is on a system that has two versions of BASIC, one simple BASIC and one extended BASIC, the program also allows selection of which processor to link to. Media Price Code: D2, G5 NEOPAL: PAL-D SIMULATOR BASIC8-43 Submitted by: Christopher A. Kryzan Abstract: NEOPAL was designed to provide students with a means of working in assembly language while still in BASIC. This also facilitates BATCH running of programs in assembly language assigned by the teacher. Output is in three passes: the first being a listing of the program as read in (in the form of data); the second being the actual execution of the program; and the third being a listing of the program after execution, (or core dump, if you will) as well as the status of the link and accumulator. Numbers are in base ten form, with 2048 equal to -2048, and 4095 equal to -1, etc. Media Price Code: D2, G5 MATHEMATICS, SET 7 BASIC8-44

TUTOR-A drill and practice program designed to develop a student's skills in mathematical processes. Allows a specific area to be chosen, gives number of correct answers and percentage score. Runs under TSS/8 BASIC.

SIMEQ3-Solves N simultaneous equations using the addition method.

PYTH-Generates sets of whole Pythagorean triples. It neither repeats nor prints multiples. Media Price Code: D2, G8 LIB9: Extended Precision Routines for BASIC BASIC8-45 Submitted by: G. Chase Abstract:

  1. "LARG2", add or multiply 2 extended-precision integers. A subset of H.-P.'s "L(A)RGNUM" program.
  2. "COLUMN", adds an arbitrary number (up to about 999) of extended-precision integers all at once, in a column, so to speak.
  3. "EXSUB", subtracts one extended-precision integer from another. Handles negative answers correctly.
  4. "EXDIV", swipes an algorithm from Knuth (V. 2) to allow division of an extended-precision dividend by an extended-precision divisor. Both quotient and remainder are printed in full precision (all digits).
  1. "FACFAC", from Knuth (V. I) is a remarkably simple program which lists the prime factors and their multiplicity (power) for the factorial of any single-precision integer typed by the user. In addition, a modified Stirling approximation is given of NAT. LOG (N!), COMMON LOG (N!), and of N!. Values of N! over 10 ^ 38 cause no overflow.
  2. "DEC10", extended-precision decimal integer converted to its extended precision octal equivalent.
  3. "DECFO", single precision A/B fraction *OR* extended-precision 0.12345 ... String converted into extended-precision octal string.
  4. "OCIDEC", the inverse of #6: octal integer to decimal. extended precision, input and output.
  5. "OCFDEC", the inverse of #7: octal fraction or octal string (0.12345 ... ) converted to decimal string. Extended precision. WARNING: #7-especially- and #9 in A/B input mode are quite capable of generating infinite answers.
Media Price Code: D3, Gl4 HORSE: TSS/8 HORSERACING PROGRAM BASIC8-46 Submitted by: Ed Vogel Operating System: TSS/8 Abstract: This horse race program includes betting, odds, and names for the horses. Its format is different than most other horse racing programs. Written in EDUsystem 50 BASIC, can be translated to other BASICs. Size: 5 TSS/8 disk segments. Media Price Code: D1, G5 FILE: Text Data File Program for TSS/8 BASIC-4 BASIC8-47 Submitted by: David Dodell Operating System: TSS/8 Abstract: This program creates a BASIC data file and allows the changing, inserting, and addition of numeric and alpha strings of data. A printout then can be made at either the beginning or end of the program.

Limitations: Will work only with TSS/8 BASIC that has disk and an optional DECtape. BASIC has to be of the type that has data file capabilities. Size: 4 TSS/8 Disk Segments Media Price Code: D2, G5 STF and STM: Stellar Formation and Stellar Model BASIC8-48 Submitted by: Robert Schaffer Abstract: Two BASIC programs are provided which can be applied to studies of stellar evolution and nuclear physics. STF is used to simulate the birth of any star, given certain parameters. At the same time, it tests the possibility of stellar contraction and the start of fusion. If fusion becomes possible, STF considers the condensation a star, and it halts. If condensation proves impossible, then no simulation of birth is given-STF halts. The second program, STM, is composed of several sub-programs which represent data concerning a given star. These sub-programs make it possible to compute a sun-relative model for any star, plot an H-R Diagram, plot the Mass to Luminosity ratio, or estimate the radius of a star.

These programs are more applicable to CAI than actual scientific studies, due to a simplified view of the processes involved. Media Price Code: D4 GASSER BASIC8-49 Submitted by: Kent Springer Operating System: EDU-20/25 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This program solves problems involving the Ideal Gas Law equation for any of the four variables in the equation. It will accept temperature in degrees Farenheit, Centigrade, or Kelvin, pressure in P.S.I., atmospheres, or mm of mercury, and volume in liters or milliliters. Media Price Code: D1, G5 CSHHS BASIC-73 BASIC8-50 Submitted by: "PK" Kretzman, George Roukis Abstract: CSHHS BASIC-73 is a language patterned after, and in fact, consisting of numerous modifications to DECUS No. 8-195, POLY BASIC. Extensive rebuilding of both the compiler and editing sections have given the language enormous scope and increased power. Neverthe- less, almost complete upward compatability has been maintained between POLY BASIC and CSHHS BASIC-73. Features include: 1). Computed GO TO, 2) Extended function definitions, 3) Data repointer, 4) Line search feature, 5) 'Tab' function, 6) Improved text handling, 7) Correction of all known POLY BASIC bugs, and many others. Note: No source available. Media Price Code: A2, F20 DISEDU: Loading EDUsystem-20 on the 4K Disk Monitor System BASIC8-51 Submitted by: Jeff Nisler Operating System: 4K Disk Monitor System Source Language: PAL-III Abstract: This program enables the user to load and save EDUsystem 20 on the 4K disk/DECtape monitor system. Media Price Code: D1, G5 (Includes F) POSTER, SIGNS BASIC8-52 Submitted by: Christopher A. Kryzan, Malcolm Slaney

  1. POSTER enables the user to produce posters with enlarged characters or figures inputted by the user. POSTER is actually a modified version of Christopher Kryzan's APPLE and is alike APPLY in every way, except that the user is able to design his own characters. This allows for more versatility in character production than APPLE. Messages up to 50 characters may be used (more on larger systems).
  2. SIGNS prints signs on a standard 72 space wide teletype. It will prmt signs anywhere from ten characters to 72 characters wide. It will also start the sign where desired or will automatically self-center according to input. Another major feature is that you can specify whether it is to print black letters on a plain background or a white character on a black background.
Media Price Code: D2, G9 ACEDUC, TICTACTOE, CHECK6C, ONEARM BASIC8-53 Submitted by: Edward J. Quigley Operating System: EDU-20
  1. ACEDUC2, written in, and run under, a three-user configuration Edusystem-20, allows up to six people to play the game of Aceyducey at the same time, with the computer keeping track of each player's money, wins, losses, etc. The computer will also tell the player the odds he faces before he places his wagers.

    This program also offers a good example of printout control.

  2. TICTACTOE plays against a human opponent. The progam is intentlonally beatable. Playing a program that cannot be beaten is very boring. It is not easy to beat the machine, but it can be beaten.

    This game runs on a PDP-8/L running a standad Edusystem-20 with a three-user configuration.

  3. CHECK6C plays a fair game of checkers against a human opponent. The program will play at the level of a very good amateur. It is usually beaten by a quality opponent, but fares very well against novices and other programs. Full directions are included in the write-up.

    CHECK6C runs on an 8K PDP-8/L running Edusystem-20 with a three-user configuration.

  4. ONEARM, written in Edusystem-20 BASIC, simulates playing a slot machine. The program allows variable payoff odds, six different fruits (double payoff if you get three boysenberries), and allows the player to carry his winnings or loses from one game to the next, should he care to. The bank breaks at 1000 dollars, and the player is broken at 1000 dollars lost.
The program will run on an 8K PDP-8/L with a three-user configuration. Media Price Code: D2, G8 NLYSIS, POSTER2, CLNDRS, PIDART BASIC8-54 Submitted by: Edward J. Quigley Operating System: EDU-20
  1. NLYSIS is a program that 'analyzes' handwriting. The signature is put on any data input form (card/paper tape) and the program then goes to work on it.

    NLYSIS HAS NO BASIS IN ACTUAL HANDWRITING ANALYSIS. The program is a good example of how the computer's reputation as a "superbrain" can be used to fool the uninitiated.

  2. POSTER2 prints out messages in large block letters, 5 lines by 5 spaces, in several rows, each row printed across the page, rather than down the length of the page.
  3. CLNDR5 will print out, in 2 columns down the page, a calender for any given year from 1800 to 2300 A.D.

    CLNDR5, with no changes, will run on an 8K Edusystem-20 with three users. When abbreviated (through the use of three-letter commands) the program will run on a four user system.

  4. PIDART utilizes the random number generator to approximate pi.
Media Price Code: D2, G5 BASIC COMPUTER GAMES BASIC8-55 Author: David Ahl Revised by: Kay Fisher, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, MA Abstract: The original games, compiled by David Ahl for RSTS-ll BASIC-PLUS, have been revised to run under OS/8 BASIC. A complete description of the games, listed as DECUS BASIC8-55.1 through BASIC8-55.108, is available as a book entitled "101 BASIC Computer Games" and can be ordered through the Software Distribution Center, Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754. These games are available as a complete package on Papertape, DECtape, or Floppy Diskette (order BASIC8-55); or they may be purchased individually on Paper Tape (see the following list.) Media Price Code: A1, G380, H64, K108
Media Price Code: G5
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Laboratory and Display Instructions for OS/8 BASIC BASIC8-56 Submitted by: Ronald Jones, Ph.D. Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: PAL-8 Abstract: This program is a set of user-defined functions for OS/8 BASIC. It is combined with the LAB/8E functions (DEC-8E-ALOSA-A- LA) to build the file BASIC.UF; a run-time overlay for OS/8 BASIC. These functions control DEC analog and Digital input and output devices and the VC8E display-control. They permit real-time data sampling, with background display, and control of both the X and Y coordinates for CRT plotting. Media Price Code: A2, B3, H32 Format: OS/8 RESEQUENCE (A revision of DECUS8-402) BASIC8-58 Author: Howard Wolfington Revised by: Timothy M. Sigmon Operating System: TSS/8 Source Language: PAL-D Abstract: This is a revision of DECUS 8-402 which resequences line numbers and references within a BASIC program on TSS/8. It has been revised to handle the following TSS/8 extended BASIC options: 'OPEN- ELSE,' 'ON-GOTO,' 'PUT,' and 'GET' statements and the backslash option. Media Price Code: D2, G22 STORM3 BASIC8-59 Submitted by: Bradford A. Morse Abstract: This is a program written in BASIC on Edusystem-20, to simulate formations of clouds, rain storms, and the breakup of the clouds after the rain. It requires only that you can type it into the computer (PDP-8/E), and type the word "RUN". It will take it from there. The program works entirely with random numbers and simulates buildups and breakdowns of clouds by printing progress reports by the hour until the storm is over. After the storm a complete description of the storm's actions are printed out. Media Price Code: D1 WORDSEK, WRDGES, LIFE, UFESI, TICTAC BASIC8-60 Submitted by: Christopher Kryzan, Gordon Speer
  1. WRDSEK, given the words to be used, will construct a 15 by 15 word search puzzle. The computer will use the number of words you specify, place them in the puzzle at random locations and in random directions, and then print out a word list, solution, and the puzzle.
  2. WRDGES will play 'guess the word' with the user. The user will be able to determine the word size (up to 50 characters) and the time in which he has to look at the word. The computer will then generate the word, let the user look at if for the given amount of time, then totally eradicate the word, and ask him what it was.
  3. LIFE is a computerized demonstration of Conway's Game of Life as found in Scientific American. This program illustrates the mathematical patterns which result as the organisms on the grid grow and die. Random or determined starting positions of organisms may be used, and the program terminates itself when it has reached an equilibrium.
  4. LIFES1 is another version of Conway's 'LIFE.' It works with teletype output.

    The population occupies a grid up to 35 wide by 60 long. Excess height is automatically trimmed to save paper. Changes in the population are counted and the run stops automatically when the population reaches a stable pattern.

  5. TICTAC will play the game of tic tac toe against the user, trying to pick the move which is most advantageous to the computer. If the operator makes the first move, the computer will play defensively. If the computer makes the first move, it will play offensively. The board is printed out after the computer's move.
Media Price Code: D2, G10 Bowling League Tabulator BASIC8-61 Submitted by: Philip Bujalski Abstract: This program automates the tabulation of a bowling league for any amount of teams with any amount of bowlers on the teams. For each bowler, total pinfall, total games, average, high game, low game and high triple are calculated. Media Price Code: D2, G5 NANCY.BA BASIC8-62 Submitted by: Peter W. Dowrick Operating System: OS/8 Abstract: This program, written in OS/8 BASIC, simulates the playing of tic tac toe, with randomization of differing strategies and blunders, at four different levels of probability. Media Price Code: D2, G5 MAMII and MAMID BASIC8-63 Submitted by: F. G. McIntosh Abstract: "MAMII"-input version, "MAMID"-data version. The programs provide the functions of addition, multiplication and inversion using either 'input' statements or 'read' and 'data' statements. Both programs allow retention of solutions so that 'chain-type' calculations may be performed. Real matrices only. Media Price Code: D2, G5 NAMES BASIC8-64 Submitted by: Malcolm Slaney Abstract: This is a simple program to punch out names and other messages on tape. Messages of any size that can be handled by the LINPUT command will be punched. It is also possible to specify whether the letter or the background should be punched. All alpha-numeric characters can be punched, and new characters, such as Christmas trees, are easy to add. Media Price Code: D1, G5 Butler Area School District Computer Mathematics Series BASIC8-6S Submitted by: Keith Henry, John Koehring, Albert Stewart Operating System: TSS/8 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: A series of mathematics programs for individual testing on math problems at various levels. Provisions are made for alternative questions for "retakes" at each level. Complementary programs allow for printout of sets of problems on spirit ditto masters and for the teacher to get an answer sheet for the ditto handout. An achievement ideograph program gives explicit student achievement records.

Note: This DECtape is in TSS/8 format and cannot be read by OS/8. TSS/8 V22B or TSS/8 V24 is required. Media Price Code: A6, H32 Format: TSS/8 CLILAC, LILAC Conversion BASIC8-66 Submitted by: Brett Fleisch Operating System: EDU-25 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This version of LILAC (BASIC8-39) retains all the original commands, but is modified for EDU-25 BASIC. The number of lines has been reduced due to the occasional usage of the SHIFT/L command. Its highest line number is less than 2046. Also, two additional useful commands have been added. Media Price Code: D2, G5 TSSTLK: BASIC Language Communications Package for the TSS/8 BASIC8-67 Submitted by: Reed Christiansen Operating System: TSS/8 Abstract: TSSTLK utilizes a data file, TSSTKF, to transmit and receive messages to and from other terminals. Media Price Code: D1 BASIC Storage BASIC8-68 Submitted by: Sandra A Howell Source Language: 8K BASIC Abstract: BASIC Storage is a program written in the 8K BASIC language to accept an integer from the teletype and convert it to its 27 bit floating point equivalent. The integer is restricted to numbers between E +/- 38 and can be input as integers, decimal integers, or integers expressed in E format. The output is the octal of words 1, 2, and 3 respectively, in the floating point accumulator. Media Price Code: D1 CHESS BASIC8-69 Submitted by: Andy Kent Operating System: EDU-25 Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 12K Abstract: Allows two people to playa game of chess using a computer as a board and a move recorder. The computer does not check for illegal moves. When the game is over, the computer prints the final position and every move for both white and black that was made. Media Price Code: D1, G5 PISTOL: Practically Imtantaneous Scheduling Typed On-Line BASIC8-70 Submitted by: Andrew R Bradbury Operating System: TSS/8 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: PISTOL is a BASIC source program devised to rapidly produce student schedules for various uses. It was originally designed to schedule student usage of a computer terminal, but may be used for many other scheduling problems. Note: Disk storage required (Could be modified to use DECtape) Media Price Code: D2, G5 CALC BASIC8-71 Submitted by: Jesse Heines Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: CALC allows you to input any valid BASIC numerical expression and prints out the value of that expression on a CLASSIC or OS/8 system.

This program uses one BASIC language program to write another, CHAINs to a newly written program, and then CHAINs back to the original one. Media Price Code: D1, G5 Great Circle Course and Distance BASIC8-72 Submitted by: G. Brent Dalrymple Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This program computes the great circle distance, the initial course angle, and the initial great circle course from the latitude and longitude of the points of departure and destination. Media Price Code: D2, G5 POSTER BASIC8-73 Submitted by: Bradford Huntress Operating System: EDUCOMP EDU250 under OS/8 Source Language: EDUCOMP EDU250 BASIC Special Hardware Required: PDP-8/E with 3 teletypes and single DECtape unit Abstract: This program, an adaptation of BANNER, was designed to run under EDUCOMP EDU250 BASIC, but can easily be adapted to other BASICs as well. All letters now have rounded comers where appropriate, and no two characters, except the letter O and the number zero, are the same. Media Price Code: D2, G5 PING-PONG BASIC8-74 Submitted by: Edward J. Quigley Operating System: EDU-20 Source Language: BASIC Special Hardware Required: 8K - 3 user PDP-8/L, any terminal Abstract: This program allows you to play Ping-Pong against the computer, in a manner similar to that of game room machines. Properly hit balls are returned by the computer. Play continues until the program beats the opponent in a 7-0 shutout. Media Price Code: D1 SINCOS: SIN and COS Functions Graphing Program BASIC8-7S Submitted by: Geoffrey Mandel Source Language: BASIC Abstract: SINCOS allows the user to select the vertical limit of the θ (Theta) axis, in either real numbers or multiples of π (Pi). The program will then print out a graph of the SIN and COS functions, from 0.1 to the specified limit (in vertical steps of 0.1). The SIN wave is represented by a series of "*"s, and the COS wave by "+"s. The unit spacing along the θ and F (θ) axes is approximately equal. Multiples of Pi are indicated along the verticle axis.

Restrictions: SIN, COS and specialized use of TAB function necessary to run program. Media Price Code: D1, G5 GAMES, Set 4 BASIC8-76

SIERAC-A game of skill and luck

GUNNER-Simulation of a gun battle

MAGIC SQUARES-Will print a 5*5 magic square

BLACKJACK-A game of blacijack

VOTE-Simulation program which conducts elections featuring up to six candidates Media Price Code: D2 STREK-STAR TREK BASIC8-77 Submitted by: Christopher Starr Operating System: EDU-25 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: A version of the STAR TREK game which simulates a battle between the starship Enterprise and a Klingon vessel. It requires 8 blocks. Media Price Code: D2, G5 INDY SOO Survival Tests BASIC8-78 Submitted by: Steven Rabin Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This racing game simulates a 3,000 unit raceway on a BASIC system with the backslash or: statements and string variables. It requires 7 blocks. Media Price Code: D2, G5 MIS1, MIS2 BASIC8-79 Submitted by: Joshua Mogal Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This program plays a game which simulates the "Mission Impossible" program. It requires 6-blocks. Media Price Code: D1, G5 Geometry Routines, Prime Numbers, Bullon's Needle Theorem, Markov BASIC8-80 Submitted by: Joe Bowbeer Source Language: BASIC Abstract: GEOMTR is a group of 6 routines incorporated into a single program to aid in the solving of geometry problems.ยท

Media Price Code: D2 JUMBLE; ONETWO BASIC8-81 Submitted by: Joe Bowbeer Source Language: BASIC Abstract: JUMBLE is a game in which the user tries to unscramble ten words. Funny dialogue and bell-ringing may or may not be an asset.

ONETWO is a game of chance played with the computer. Points are awarded on how the choices relate to each other. The computer plays the best odds. Media Price Code: D2 SADSAC BASIC8-82 Submitted by: Brother Joseph Autin, S. C. Source Language: EDUsystem 20 BASIC Abstract: In an effort to aid high school students in their study of computer science, the SAD/7400 "computer" simulation with a representative instruction set (including indirect addressing and floating point options) provides experience with a decimal machine code. The SAC compiler allows the student to write an assembly-level symbolic program which is translated into SAD machine instructions. Media Price Code: D2, E2, G8 PLTPKG: Mathematical TTY Plotting Package BASIC8-83 Submitted by: Brother Joseph Autin, S. C. Operating System: EDU-2 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This package contains six TTY plotter programs as described below.

  1. FTNPLT (Functional Plotter) allows the user to define the function Y = f(X) in a manner similar to that used in high school algebra.
  2. RELPLT (Relational Plotter) will plot any relation defined in terms of X and Y. The relation must be defined in the form 0 = R(X, Y).
  3. MULPLT (Multiple Relational Plotter) allows the simultaneous plotting of a maximum of 5 relations in the same section of the coordinate plane.
  4. PRAPLT (Parametric Relational Plotter) allows the plotting of a relation 0 = R(X, Y) where the X and Y are themselves defined in terms of the parametric variable A.
  5. POLPLT (Polar Coordinate Plotter) will plot a function of the form Rho = f(Alpha) on a polar coordinate grid.
  6. SURPLT (Surface Plotter) attempts to plot a "bird's eye view" of a surface defined by a function of the form Z = f(X, Y). The graph somewhat resembles a topological map, where the letters used in the graph indicate the relative "height" of the range. The output is not printed in three-dimensional perspective.
Media Price Code: D2, G26 PLOTTY: A Program to Plot a Function On a Teletype BASIC8-84 Submitted by: Jorge Paloschi, Argentina Source Language: 8K BASIC Abstract: This program plots through a teletype any one variable function, printing the axis if they are within the plotting domain.

It allows the user to choose the graph scale and also to apply a function to the ordinates (as to get semilogarithmic graphs, for example).

The program was designed to minimize the graph printing time. Media Price Code: D2, G5 FOOTBALL BASIC8-85 Author: C. R. Desper, Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center, Watertown, MA Source Language: BASIC-8 Abstract: The program matches two players in a simulated football game, running under BASIC-8. The offensive team may select from six plays, plus punt and field goal attempt while the defense is chosen from four patterns, plus attempted block of kicks. The offense enters its plays through the teletype, while the defense is entered through the switch register, using the special UUF(X) patch. Play is timed against a software "clock;" each side is allowed three "time outs" per half. The duration of the game is four quarters, with additional periods in the event of a tie score. Actual time for a game averages 40-60 minutes. Media Price Code: D1, G8 GAMES-SET 5 BASIC8-86 Author: B. D. Fleish, J. A. Zec, R. E. Salz, E. Fisher

BASIC8-86.1 PLBUNY-Prints a facsimile of the Playboy bunny.

BASIC8-86.2 TEN-UP-Random number selection with a subtraction by the computer. Point of the game is to reach a total of 10. Edu 20 BASIC.

BASIC8-86.3 GUESS--Guess a number in as few tries as possible. Designed so that more than one person can play. Edu 25 BASIC.

BASIC8-86.4 PONG-Utilizes VT-50 display and OS/S BASIC to emulate the well-known home entertainment game. Note: Papertapes include PLBUNNY, TEN-UP, and GUESS only. PONG tape is not available. Media Price Code: D2, G7 BSC12K: A Modification to 8K BASIC Extending the Number of Variables BASIC8-87 Author: Jorge Paloschi, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahia Blanca, Argentina Source Language: PAL-III Memory used: 64 words Other Software Required: 8K BASIC Interpreter Abstract: A modification of "8K BASIC' that allows one to have an additional array of 1322 elements in field 2 is presented. Further, the dimension of the new array can be extended up to 4096 elements with only minor changes in a 20K configuration. Note: (Documentation in Spanish. Abstract and listing comments are in English). Media Price Code: D2, F5 BASIC8 Switch Register Function BASIC8-88 Author: C. R. Desper, Army Materials and Mechanics Research Center Watertown, MA Source Language: PAL-III Memory Required: 8K Other Software Required: BASIC-8 Abstract: This patch for the BASIC8 programming system permits input of numerical data through the switch register. Data is strobed in when switch zero is thrown up, then down. The subroutine is accessed through the UUF (X) function and the TAB function is dropped. The patch is used in the two-player version of the BASIC FOOTBALL game (BASIC8-85a). Media Price Code: D1, G5 Rational Roots of a Polynomial Equation BASIC8-89 Author: Andrew Linn, Miss Porter's School, Farmington, CT Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This program will determine the rational roots of any polynomial equation. If there are no rational roots, the program will tell you so. Media Price Code: D2 Math and Simulation Programs for Educational Use BASIC8-90 Author: Walter D. Bartlett, Tasmanian College of Advanced Education Operating System: EDU 25 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: A system of linked general purpose mathematical and computer simulation programs for use in an educational environment. Media Price Code: D6, H32 Format: OS/8 BASIC8 Single Key Reader BASIC8-91 Author: Jeffrey Shrager, Radnor High School Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: PAL-8 Other Software Required: OS/8 BASIC Abstract: It is often convenient to be able to read a single keystroke in the process of a BASIC program. Normal input is done via the INPUT statement, but this method requires that the user type a return at the end of input. KEYIN permits the program to poll the terminal for keystrikes and read and process these keys without having to stop the program and wait for input. Restrictions: BRTS User Overlay Area Media Price Code: D1 Symbolic Editor Program BASIC8-92 Author: Christopher A. Kryzan, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Operating System: EDU-30 Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 4K Abstract: Text-editing and word processing facilities are welcome and desired on all computer systems, including small systems with only one available compiler at one time period. In order to provide editing capabilities on even these small systems, EDITOR was created. BASIC was seen as one of the most abundant system languages in use on small high-school systems, and thus EDITOR was designed in the BASIC language. Text-editing capabilities similar to standard DEC editors and a character capacity of up to 6600 characters serve to enhance EDITOR's attractiveness. Media Price Code: D6, G7 Scrambled Word Generator BASIC8-94 Author: Christopher A. Kryzan, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Operating System: EDU-30 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: Oftentimes instructors wish to supplement their lectures with extraordinary teaching aids. One common method utilized by teachers is scrambled word lists. In order to increase the ease with which lists can be compiled, SCRMBL was created. This program will scramble words in lists of up to 150 characters (or more on larger computer systems). An attractive feature of this program is its ability to generate multiple for mass distribution. Media Price Code: D1, G5 MADMAZ Maze Generator BASIC8-95 Author: Christopher A. Kryzan, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Operating System: EDU-30 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: Computers have many non-scientific applications in addition to their technical side, one of which is found in demonstrations and gaming. An interesting sub-genre of this is the construction and solution of puzzles. MADMAZ is designed to create 15 X 15 maze puzzles, replete with solutions as well. Execution can be quite lengthy, but the results are well worth the wait. Media Price Code: D2, G5 Paper Tape Message Generator BASIC8-96 Author: Christopher A. Kryzan, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL Operating System: EDU-30 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: A variety of programs to produce punched tape messages have been published, but this particular version proves to be one of the most efficient yet designed in BASIC. The program consists simply of a data list of characters and a routine to enter and output the message, creating punched tape records of up to 400 characters in length. Media Price Code: D1, G5 HOCKEY BASIC8-97 Author: Joseph Cannata, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY Source Language: BASIC Abstract: This version of HOCKEY is designed to simulate almost every facet of the game. To start, the rink was divided into 24 zones with an odd~ven numbering scheme. This allowed control and monitoring throughout the program. Because of this system, icing, offside passes, and passing could be built in. Icing and offsides are checked by differences in zones. Passing is based on a probability of completing a pass, depending upon whether it is a long or short pass, or whether it is a lateral or back pass. Restrictions: This program was written for use on a Univac 1110 computer, and will require modification for use on most other versions of BASIC. There are approximately 350 lines of code. Media Price Code: D2 Compass Deviation BASIC8-98 Author: G. Brent Dalrymple, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: BASIC Memory Required: 8K Abstract: This OS/8 BASIC program calculates the deviation of a boat's compass using the relative bearing of a celestial body and the Time Azimuth method. A knowledge of the compass heading, the boat's position, the local magnetic variation and the GHA and declination of the body are also required. The program will accept up to 51 data sets for various compass headings and completes execution by printing a devia- tion table. The program runs in 8K of core. Media Price Code: D2, G5 Bowling Record Tabulator BASIC8-100 Author: Jerry N. Rabinowitz, Claymont School District, Claymont, DE Operating System: Paper Tape Source Language: BASIC-8 Memory Required: 8K Special Hardware Required: Teletype recommended Abstract: This two-part program will tabulate weekly records for a bowling league with twelve four man teams; but, can be used for leagues with any number of teams, and any number of bowlers. It will run under virtually any version of BASIC - NO string handling capabilities are required. Media Price Code: D2, G8 Battle of Numbers BASIC8-101 Author: Brad Tebow, Camelback High School, Phoenix, AZ Source Language: BASIC Abstract: The first question asked by the program (besides if you want instructions) is "Beginning number". The answer to this question should be an integer greater than 15. The next question is "Maximum to be removed". The answer should be an integer between 4 and 14 inclusive.

You and the computer will take turns removing a number equal to or less than the number inputted as the maximum to be removed. The object of the game is to force the computer to remove the last number. Media Price Code: D1, G5 Collection of Math and Demonstration Programs BASIC8-102 Author: Joe Bowbeer, Clinton High School, Clinton, IA Operating System: TSS/8 Source Language: BASIC Abstract: Eight programs are included in this package. They are:

  1. Extended Precision Square Roots
  2. Extended Precision Log Base Ten
  3. Poetry-composes free verse.
  4. Ellipse and Circle Plotting
  5. CHANGE-reverses the order of a line of text.
  6. Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
  7. Coefficients, Probabilities, ESP Test
  8. Repeating Decimals
Media Price Code: D4, G6 CARD: Simplified Machine Language Simulator BASIC8-103 Author: John Tyson II Submitted by: Samuel M. V., Tatnall-Haverford School, PA Operating System: OS/8 Source Language: BASIC V3.21 Abstract: CARD is a comprehensive simulator for CARDIAC, a simplified machine language developed by Bell Telephone Laboratories for teaching elementary programming concepts. CARD, written in OS/8 BASIC, interprets and executes CARDIAC programs, while also providing editing, tracing and listing capabilities. Input comes from cards or keyboard, and output can be directed to the console or line printer. Fully interactive and diagnostic, it is easy to use and very useful in an educational environment. Complete instructions and four sample programs are provided. CARD assumes a VT-50 or VT-52 terminal and requires 16K words of memory. Media Price Code: D2, K27 Format: OS/8 QCHESS: Quigley's Algebraic Chess Program BASIC8-104 Author: Edward John Quigley, Levittown, NY Source Language: BASIC Abstract: QCHESS is a Chess game written in BASIC that uses an algorithmic model of the game of Chess. The program as submitted to DECUS represents the end of about two years of work. Originally written for the PDP-8, QCHESS has been run on several different computers. Media Price Code: D2