PLTPKG: Mathematical TTY Plotting Package
| BASIC8-83
Submitted by: Brother Joseph Autin, S. C.
Operating System: EDU-2
Source Language: BASIC
Abstract: This package contains six TTY plotter programs as
described below.
- FTNPLT (Functional Plotter) allows the user to define the
function Y = f(X) in a manner similar to that used in high
school algebra.
- RELPLT (Relational Plotter) will plot any relation defined in
terms of X and Y. The relation must be defined in the form
0 = R(X, Y).
- MULPLT (Multiple Relational Plotter) allows the simultaneous
plotting of a maximum of 5 relations in the same section of the
coordinate plane.
- PRAPLT (Parametric Relational Plotter) allows the plotting of a
relation 0 = R(X, Y) where the X and Y are themselves defined
in terms of the parametric variable A.
- POLPLT (Polar Coordinate Plotter) will plot a function of the
form Rho = f(Alpha) on a polar coordinate grid.
- SURPLT (Surface Plotter) attempts to plot a "bird's eye view"
of a surface defined by a function of the form Z = f(X, Y). The
graph somewhat resembles a topological map, where the letters
used in the graph indicate the relative "height" of the range. The
output is not printed in three-dimensional perspective.
Media Price Code: D2, G26
Catalog: August 1978