Author: B. D. Fleish, J. A. Zec, R. E. Salz, E. Fisher

BASIC8-86.1 PLBUNY-Prints a facsimile of the Playboy bunny.

BASIC8-86.2 TEN-UP-Random number selection with a subtraction by the computer. Point of the game is to reach a total of 10. Edu 20 BASIC.

BASIC8-86.3 GUESS--Guess a number in as few tries as possible. Designed so that more than one person can play. Edu 25 BASIC.

BASIC8-86.4 PONG-Utilizes VT-50 display and OS/S BASIC to emulate the well-known home entertainment game.

Note: Papertapes include PLBUNNY, TEN-UP, and GUESS only. PONG tape is not available.
Media Price Code: D2, G7
Catalog: August 1978