Author: Joseph Cannata, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY
Source Language: BASIC
Abstract: This version of HOCKEY is designed to simulate almost
every facet of the game. To start, the rink was divided into 24 zones with
an odd~ven numbering scheme. This allowed control and monitoring
throughout the program. Because of this system, icing, offside passes, and
passing could be built in. Icing and offsides are checked by differences in
zones. Passing is based on a probability of completing a pass, depending
upon whether it is a long or short pass, or whether it is a lateral or back
Restrictions: This program was written for use on a Univac 1110
computer, and will require modification for use on most other
versions of BASIC. There are approximately 350 lines of code.
Media Price Code: D2
Catalog: August 1978