Payroll Listings and Totals

John A. Villano, CAM-A-TON, Waterbury, Connecticut

This routine uses all 72 characters of the teletype to print
payroll information for each employee on one line and also
outputs totals at the end of the payroll. A data tape, with
leader-trailer between employees, prepunched with the
initial ASK information of name, marital status, number of
dependents and a one or zero depending upon whether an
insurance payment is to be deducted, allows the operator to
merely enter the number of hours worked. The routine will
handle specified amounts of withholding and will skip FICA
when the limit is reached,

Minimum Hardware:
4K PDP-8
Employees' names limited to 7
characters and must not end in
"E". Deleting insurance deduction
column would permit 11 characters
MisceIlaneous: Object computer - PDP-8/F
Source Language:
FOCAL 1969

Catalog: July 1973