Author: David Salzman
Belmont High School, Belmont, MA
Source Language: FOCALX, 1972
Other Software Required: DECUS No. FOCAL8-223

Abstract: This program generates measures of music in the treble clef,
within the range from middle-C to G'. Selection of the notes is restricted
to the twelve naturals in this area; and tones are determined from within
the structure of one of several chords: C-major, F-major, or G-major. The
beats are variations of 1/16, l/8, 1/4, 1/2 and whole-notes. Each measure
consists of a sequence of notes from one of the chords, in the form of one
or more beats, totaling the length of the measure b/4, such that the user
defines b shortly after the program begins.

Media Price Code: D2, G5
Catalog: August 1978