Hybrid Operation in FOCAL for EAL580 PDP-8/e System
Author: T. Jeevanandam and S. S. Lamba
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India
Source Language: PAL-III
Memory Required: 8K

Abstract: HYFOC is an extended version of FOCAL-8 to operate the
EAL 580/PDP 8-e system in hybrid mode. It retains all the features of
FOCAL and has additional subroutines to control the 580 computer. The
additional commands are: FDVM - To read and store all the addressable
amplifiers of 580; thus the address selection system provides a sort of
multiplexing. FPST - To change the settings of servo-set potentiometers or
to provide two channel bi-directional DAC output. FSAM - To control
the modes of the 580 computer. FSTR - To store large amount of data in
field one to provide data logging facility. FOCAL-8 user area is undisturbed
as the HYFOC overlay resides in field one.

Media Price Code: A2, G6 (Includes F)
Catalog: August 1978