ASCII TO E.I.A. Conversions, September 1978
Author: Charles Coffel
Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, CA
Operating System: OS/8
Source Language: FOCAL
Memory Required: 4K
Other Software Required: DECUS FOCAL8-52
Other Hardware Required: High Speed Reader and Punch

Abstract: This program will read an ASCII tape into the PDP-8 High Speed Reader one block at a time and simultainiously output an exact copy in E.I.A. coding. A second option is to type a Slo-Syn program on the keyboard of a model 33 teletype and have the characters punched on tape by the high speed punch. Unlimited program lengths are possible since no characters are stored in memory being immediately punched on tape.

Documentation on paper tape.

Media Price Code: D1, G5
Catalog: June 1979