EduSystem 20 Version C ====================== Background ---------- The EduSystem Handbook (January, 1973) has a detailed description of all versions of EduSystem BASIC. Edu20C handles up to 8 simultaneous users in a paper-tape environment: both ASR-33 Teletype (or equivalent) and optional high-speed PTR:/PTP:. The EduSystem Handbook can be found on line at: The EduSystem Handbook predates Edu20C BASIC by several months so it is not a fully accurate description. Edu20C includes string manipulation functions LEN(A$), CAT(A$,B$), MID(A$,S,L) not found in Chapter 5. These functions are described in the Edu25 chapter (Chapter 6, specifically on pages 6-12 and 6-13). Edu20C Basic also supports the command LINPUT (see page 6-10). Files ----- is the reconstructed PAL source code is the PAL-8 assembler output listing (with cross-reference generated on a PDP-10) is the BIN Loader format output from assembling is the full Edu20C paper tape image with the self-starting binary loader grafted on to the front end (see the SSBIN folder) Assembling Edu20C BASIC's Source Code in OS/8 --------------------------------------------- Once you've got EDU20C.PA on DSK:, you can assemble it with: .R PAL8 *EDU20C