/ / This patch converts djkka-c to djkka-8. / My theory about what this is for is so that you can run it on / an 8/I with a DW08E. / CAF=6007 START=0200 *4 CAF JMP I .+1 START *0205 NOP/ION /Don't enable interrupts for possible power fail. *1172 RAR/GTF /Get link *1211 CLA CLL CML/RTF /Restore link to 1 *1217 CLA/GTF /Get flags, link to AC0 *1226 NOP/ION /Don't enable interrupts /This won't check that CAF clears ION. *1235 NOP/SKON /Don't check "SKON with interrupts off". *1240 NOP/ION /Don't enable interrupts. *1242 SKP/SKON /Don't check "SKON with interrupts on". *1244 NOP/SKON /Don't check "SKON turns interrupts off". *1247 NOP/ION /Don't enable interrupts. /This disables "IOF clears interrupt enable" test. *1252 NOP/SKON /Don't check "IOF clears interrupt enable". *1255 NOP/ION /Don't enable interrupts. CLA CMA/GTF /Set "int. enable" and "int. delay" bits. *1266 CLA CLL/RTF /Don't attempt to restore flags, link, int. enable *1272 SKP/SKON /Don't check "RTF enabled interrupts". *1274 NOP/ION /Don't enable interrupts. /This disables a window for power fail interrupt. *1276 NOP/SRQ /Don't skip if interrupt request. $