#!/usr/bin/perl # # Convert a text version of a .SV file into a .BN file # First, get the header information. # JSW bits: # 0-No 00000-01777 # 1-No 10000-11777 # 2-Reload # 3-Less 8k # 10-No pre CD # 11-No pre USR @todo = @ARGV; foreach $f (@todo) { open(INPUT, $f) || die "$f: $!"; $cs = $sf = $sa = $jsw = undef; @co = @pc = @fld = (); while () { last if /^Block/; $cs = oct($1) if /^Number of core segments: (\d+)/; $sf = oct($1) if /^Starting field\s+:\s+(\d+)/; $sa = oct($1) if /^Starting address:\s+(\d+)/; $jsw = oct($1) if /^Job status word\s+:\s+(\d+)/; push(@co, oct($1)) if /^Core origin\s+:\s+(\d+)/; push(@pc, oct($1)) if /^Pages to load\s+:\s+(\d+)/; push(@fld, oct($1)) if /Field to load:\s+(\d+)/; } $cs--; die "origin count $#co != $cs\n" unless $#co == $cs; die "page count $#pc != $cs\n" unless $#pc == $cs; die "field count $#fld != $cs\n" unless $#fld == $cs; # At this point, we have parsed a seemingly valid header. # We have also read the first "Block" line. die "$f: no Block line" unless /^Block:\s+(\d+)/; $blk = oct($1); # # First, enumerate where each page is to load. $p = 0; for ($i = 0; $i <= $cs; $i++) { $base = $fld[$i]*010000 + $co[$i]; for ($j = 0; $j < $pc[$i]; $j++) { $pagebase[$p++] = $base + $j*0200; } $p++ if $pc[$i] & 0001; } undef @core; while () { # The lines we care about have an octal offset, colon, then 16 values. if (s/^(\d+): //) { $offset = oct($1); die "Wrong block: $1 $offset($blk)" unless int($offset / 0400) == $blk; # From the offset in the file, determine where the data will load. $p = int($offset / 0200); # 128 word page in .SV file. # Some stuff in a .SV file in the last half a block is never loaded. next unless defined $pagebase[$p]; $addr = $pagebase[$p] + ($offset % 0200); # Now store 16/020 values. for ($i = 0; $i < 020; $i++) { if (s/^(\d+) +//) { $core[$addr++] = oct($1); } else { die "Invalid octal data ($offset): $_"; } } } # Also keep an eye out for "Block:" lines. $blk = oct($1) if /^Block:\s+(\d+)/; } # At this point we have "loaded" the file. # Now to dump it back out in the correct format. # The checksum is simply the 12-bit sum of all bytes # except field settings and leader-trailer. # $oaddr = -2; # for ($addr = 0; $addr <= 077777; $addr++) { # $oaddr = -2 if ($addr & 007) == 0; # if (defined $core[$addr]) { # printf "\n%05o)", $addr unless $addr == $oaddr; # printf "%04o ", $core[$addr]; # $oaddr = $addr+1; # } # } $of = $f; $of =~ y/A-Z/a-z/; $of =~ s/\.htm$//; $of =~ s/\.sv/.bn/; if (-f $of) { warn "Skipping $of: exists\n"; next; } open(OUTPUT, ">$of") || die "$of: $!"; binmode(OUTPUT); print "Writing $of\n"; # Leader for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) { print OUTPUT "\200"; } $oaddr = -2; $cksum = 0; for ($addr = 0; $addr <= 077777; $addr++) { if (defined $core[$addr]) { # Change fields of $oadder is different field from $addr if (($oaddr & 070000) != ($addr & 070000)) { print OUTPUT pack("C", 0300 + (($addr >> 9) & 070)); } # Output an origin if needed. if ($addr != $oaddr + 1) { $c1 = 0100 + (($addr >> 6) & 077); $c2 = $addr & 077; print OUTPUT pack("CC", $c1, $c2); $cksum += $c1 + $c2; } # Output the data. $c1 = ($core[$addr] >> 6) & 077; $c2 = $core[$addr] & 077; print OUTPUT pack("CC", $c1, $c2); $cksum += $c1 + $c2; # Remember the address. $oaddr = $addr; } } # Output the 12 bit checksum. $c1 = ($cksum >> 6) & 077; $c2 = $cksum & 077; print OUTPUT pack("CC", $c1, $c2); # Trailer for ($i = 0; $i < 64; $i++) { print OUTPUT "\200"; } close(OUTPUT) || die "$of: $!"; } exit 0;