12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 These are based on the code saved at russ.ucs.indiana.edu/Langs/Algol, as of this writing, kept at bitsavers.org. So far, I have built the binaries, and verified that they are identical to the original binaries. The compiler requires mark parity on it's input files! The write-up mentions that the full compiler cannot compile itself, so the integer system is used to compile itself and the full compiler. There is a list of the additional restrictions of the full compiler in the write-up. I should figure out the build instructions for the ralgol.sv image and bring over the write-up. According to the write-up, the "Basic Compiler Tape" consisted of the integer runtime followed by the full compiler code. Apparently, the "Basic Subset Compiler Tape" substituted the subset compiler. The "Compiler Options Tape" contained the EAE, OS/8, and 16K patches. Floating point can be either EAE or non-EAE version, depending on what was ordered. The "Basic Runtime Tape" contains to full runtime and the loader. The "Runtime Options Tape" contains the EAE, OS/8, 12K, and 16K patches. This information has been used to assemble the tape images, but their content has not been verified to match anything historical. DMS support was supplied separately, and we don't have it. There was apparently also an interrupt overlay for high speed paper tape, which is also missing. The 16K patch works only with the full compiler (and is missing). 12k Is the patch which moves things to the chosen fields. abinos Is the OS/8 CCL patch with ALBIN defined. albin Is the Algol loader. algcom Is the full Algol compiler, in Algol. algrun Implements the full runtime. cclcf Is a patch to OS/8 CCL to add Algol related commands. comos8 Is the OS/8 CCL patch without ALBIN defined. exampl Shows some example programs in Algol. fpeae8 Appears to be a straight-8 compatible version of fppeae. fpp Appears to be the Floating Point Package for non-EAE machines. fppeae Appears to be the Floating Point Package for EAE machines. intcom Is the integer-only version of the compiler, in Algol. inteae Is the EAE overlay for the integer-only runtime. intrun Implements the integer-only runtime. ralgol Is the executable for the compiler. runeae Is the EAE overlay for the full runtime. runos8 Is the overlay for OS/8 handlers on device three. Vince