#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cgi-lib/cgi-lib.h" #include "cgi-lib/html-lib.h" #define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0])) typedef enum {TYPE_OS8_SV, TYPE_BIN, TYPE_IMAGE, TYPE_DUMP} BIN_TYPE; struct dial_hdr { unsigned short mode; unsigned short field; unsigned short unknown; unsigned short start_addr; unsigned short fill[219]; unsigned short nsegs; unsigned short segs[32]; }; void html_error(int type, char *str, ...) { va_list ap; mime_header("text/html"); html_begin("Error",NULL); va_start(ap, str); vprintf(str, ap); va_end(ap); html_end(); exit(1); } void include_file(char *fn) { FILE *in; char *str; in = fopen(fn,"r"); if (in == NULL) return; while (fgets(str, sizeof(str), in) != NULL) { printf("%s",str); } } char conv(int x) { if (x == 037) return '\r'; if (x == 043) return '\n'; if (x == 047) return '\t'; if (x <= 037) return x + 'A' - 1; else return x + '!' - 041; } dump_image(FILE *out, int size, unsigned short *inbuf) { int cntr; unsigned char outbuf[3]; for (cntr = 0; cntr < size; cntr += 2) { outbuf[0] = inbuf[cntr]; outbuf[1] = inbuf[cntr+1]; outbuf[2] = ((inbuf[cntr] & 0xf00) >> 4) | (inbuf[cntr+1] >> 8); if (fwrite(&outbuf, sizeof(outbuf), 1, out) < 1) html_error(0, "File write failed\n"); } } dump_os8_sv(FILE *out, int mem[], unsigned int start) { struct { unsigned short nsegs; unsigned short field; unsigned short start_addr; unsigned short job_status_word; struct { unsigned short origin; unsigned short descr; } core[32]; unsigned short fill[188]; } hdr; int core_ndx = -1; int used_blk[16][8]; int page, block, offset, cntr; int mem_addr; int active; memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr)); hdr.field = 06203 | ((start >> 9) & 070); hdr.start_addr = start; for (page = 7; page >= 0; page--) { for (block = 0 ; block < 16; block++) { used_blk[block][page] = 0; mem_addr = (page << 12) | (block * 256); for (offset = 0; offset < 256; offset++) { if (mem[mem_addr + offset] != 0xffffffff) { used_blk[block][page] = 1; break; } } } active = 0; for (block = 0 ; block < 16; block++) { if (used_blk[block][page]) { if (active) { if ((page == 0 || page == 1) && block == 15) { hdr.core[core_ndx].descr += 0100; //printf("Not loading last field page %d\n",page); } else { if (hdr.core[core_ndx].descr & 03700 >= 03600) active = 0; else hdr.core[core_ndx].descr += 0200; } } if (!active) { core_ndx++; if (core_ndx > ARRAYSIZE(hdr.core)) html_error(0, "Too many core blocks\n"); hdr.core[core_ndx].origin = block * 256; hdr.core[core_ndx].descr = 0200 | (page << 3); active = 1; } } else { active = 0; } } } hdr.nsegs = -(core_ndx + 1); if (!used_blk[0][0] && !used_blk[1][0] && !used_blk[2][0] && !used_blk[3][0]) hdr.job_status_word |= 1; if (!used_blk[0][1] && !used_blk[1][1] && !used_blk[2][1] && !used_blk[3][1]) hdr.job_status_word |= 2; dump_image(out, sizeof(hdr)/2,(unsigned short *) &hdr); for (page = 7; page >= 0; page--) { for (block = 0 ; block < 16; block++) { if (used_blk[block][page]) { unsigned short buf[256]; for (cntr = 0; cntr < 256; cntr++) buf[cntr] = mem[(page << 12) + block * 256 + cntr]; dump_image(out, 256, buf); } } } } dump_binary(FILE *in, int block, int size, BIN_TYPE type, FILE *out) { struct dial_hdr hdr; unsigned short buf[256]; int cntr; char newfn[100]; unsigned int seg_addrs[ARRAYSIZE(hdr.segs)]; unsigned int pdp8_mem[32768]; unsigned int pdp8_start; if (fseek(in,01000 * block, SEEK_SET) != 0) html_error(0, "file seek failed\n"); if (fread(&hdr,sizeof(hdr),1,in) < 1) html_error(0, "file read failed\n"); if (type == TYPE_DUMP) { mime_header("application/octet-stream"); if (fwrite(&hdr, sizeof(hdr), 1, out) < 1) html_error(0, "File write failed\n"); for (cntr = 1; cntr < size; cntr++) { if (fread(&buf,sizeof(buf),1,in) < 1) html_error(0, "file read failed\n"); if (fwrite(&buf, sizeof(buf), 1, out) < 1) html_error(0, "file write failed\n"); } } else if (type == TYPE_OS8_SV) { int cntr2 = 0; memset(pdp8_mem, -1, sizeof(pdp8_mem)); for (cntr = 0; cntr < ARRAYSIZE(hdr.segs); cntr++) { if (hdr.segs[cntr] != 0) { seg_addrs[cntr2++] = cntr*256; } } if (cntr2 != hdr.nsegs) html_error(0, "Illegal save file header %d %d\n", cntr2, hdr.nsegs); if (size != hdr.nsegs + 1) html_error(0, "Illegal save file size %d %d\n", size, hdr.nsegs); pdp8_start = hdr.start_addr | ((hdr.field & 070) << 9); for (cntr = 0; cntr < size - 1; cntr++) { unsigned short buf[256]; if (fread(buf, 2, 256, in) < 256) html_error(0, "File read failed\n"); for (cntr2 = 0; cntr2 < 256; cntr2++) { pdp8_mem[seg_addrs[cntr] + cntr2] = buf[cntr2]; } } mime_header("application/octet-stream"); dump_os8_sv(out, pdp8_mem, pdp8_start); } else if (type == TYPE_IMAGE) { mime_header("application/octet-stream"); dump_image(out, sizeof(hdr)/2,(unsigned short *) &hdr); for (cntr = 1; cntr < size; cntr++) { if (fread(&buf,sizeof(buf),1,in) < 1) html_error(0, "File read failed\n"); dump_image(out, sizeof(buf)/2, buf); } } else if (type == TYPE_BIN) { } else { html_error(0, "Unknown conversion type %d\n",type); } fclose(out); } dump_source(FILE *in, int block, int size, FILE *out) { //FILE *out; unsigned short temp; int cntr; char newfn[100]; if (fseek(in,01000 * block, SEEK_SET) != 0) html_error(0, "File seek failed\n"); mime_header("text/plain"); for (cntr = 0; cntr < size * 256; cntr++) { if (fread(&temp,1,2,in) < 2) html_error(0, "File read failed\n"); if ((temp >> 6) == 0) break; fprintf(out, "%c",conv(temp >> 6)); if ((temp & 077) == 0) break; fprintf(out, "%c",conv(temp & 077)); } fclose(out); } dial_dir(FILE *in, char *infn) { int cntr; int dirent; unsigned short dir[512]; char fn[32]; if (fseek(in,01000 * 238,SEEK_SET) != 0) html_error(0, "dir seek failed\n"); if (fread(dir, sizeof(dir), 1, in) != 1) html_error(0, "dir read failed\n"); mime_header("text/html"); printf(" Directory of %s \n",infn); printf("
Directory of %s
\n",infn); printf("
"); printf("On DIAL tapes each file name can have a source and binary file \n"); printf("assocated with it. The links below will return the file in\n"); printf("various format.\n"); printf("The BN link will give source files in ASCII and binary files \n"); printf("in a choice of formats with more information on file.\n"); printf("The BLKS link will return files in \n"); printf("PIP image format.\n"); printf("

   printf("           SOURCE     BINARY  \n"); 
   printf("  Name    BN  BLKS   BN  BLKS\n"); 
   for (dirent = 0; dirent < 512; dirent += 8) {
      if (dir[dirent] == 05757) {
         //printf("Directory entry %d empty\n",dirent/8);
      for (cntr = 0; cntr < 4; cntr++) {
         fn[cntr*2] = conv(dir[dirent+cntr] >> 6);
         fn[cntr*2+1] = conv(dir[dirent+cntr] & 077);
      fn[cntr*2] = 0;
      for (cntr = 0; cntr < 8; cntr++) {
         if (fn[cntr] == '?')
            fn[cntr] = 0;
      printf("%-8s ", fn);
      if (dir[dirent+4] != 05757) {
         printf("%4o %4o  ", fn, infn, 
             dir[dirent+4],dir[dirent+5], dir[dirent+4], fn, infn, 
             dir[dirent+4],dir[dirent+5], dir[dirent+5]);
         //dump_source(fn, dir[dirent+4], dir[dirent+5], in);
      } else
         printf("          ");
      if (dir[dirent+6] != 05757) {
         printf("%4o %4o  ", fn, infn, 
           dir[dirent+6],dir[dirent+7], dir[dirent+6], fn, infn, 
           dir[dirent+6],dir[dirent+7], dir[dirent+6]);
         //dump_binary(fn, dir[dirent+6], dir[dirent+7], in, 1);
      } else
         printf("          ");
\n"); include_file("footer.shtml"); printf(" \n"); } dial_info(FILE *in, char *tofn, int start, int len, char *infn, int blk_offset) { struct dial_hdr hdr; int cntr; int cntr2 = 0; if (fseek(in,01000 * start,SEEK_SET) != 0) html_error(0, "file seek failed\n"); if (fread(&hdr,sizeof(hdr),1,in) < 1) html_error(0, "file read failed\n"); mime_header("text/html"); printf(" Information on file %s \n",tofn); printf("
Information on file %s
\n",tofn); if (hdr.mode == 0) printf("Program does not autostart.
\n"); else if ((hdr.mode & 2)) printf("Program starts in PDP-8 mode.
\n"); else printf("Program starts in LINK mode.
\n"); printf("Start Address %04o, loads in %d 256 word memory blocks.
\n", hdr.start_addr, hdr.nsegs); printf("Memory blocks used:
\n"); for (cntr = 0; cntr < ARRAYSIZE(hdr.segs); cntr++) { if (hdr.segs[cntr] != 0) { printf("%5o ",cntr*256); cntr2++; } } printf("
\n"); if (cntr2 != hdr.nsegs) printf("Illegal save file segment header %d %d
\n", cntr2, hdr.nsegs); if (len != hdr.nsegs + 1) printf("Illegal save file size %d %d
\n", len, hdr.nsegs); printf("Convert to OS/8 SV format in 8 bit PIP image format.
\n", tofn, infn, start + blk_offset, len); printf("Convert to BIN loader format
\n", tofn, infn, start + blk_offset, len); html_end(); } dial_file(FILE *in, char *tofn, int start, int len, char *to) { if (strcmp(to, "ascii") == 0) { dump_source(in, start, len, stdout); } else if (strcmp(to, "image") == 0) { dump_binary(in, start, len, TYPE_IMAGE, stdout); } else if (strcmp(to, "os8_sv") == 0) { dump_binary(in, start, len, TYPE_OS8_SV, stdout); } else { html_error(0, "Unknown conversion %s\n",to); } } main(int argc, char **argv) { FILE *in; LIST *head; char *action; char *infn; struct { short first_block; unsigned short block_size; } link_info; char fullpath[256]; #define MAX_LCL_PATH 64 head = cgi_input_parse(); if (head == NULL) html_error(0, "ERROR: No action specified\n"); action = find_val(head, "act"); if (action == NULL) html_error(0, "ERROR: No action specified\n"); infn = find_val(head, "fn"); if (infn == NULL) html_error(0, "ERROR: No file specified\n"); if (strstr(infn,"/../") != NULL || strlen(infn) > sizeof(fullpath) - MAX_LCL_PATH) html_error(0, "ERROR: Illegal file name %s\n",infn); strcpy(fullpath, "/mnt/data3/link/link/good/"); strcat(fullpath,infn); in = fopen(fullpath,"r"); if (in == NULL) html_error(0,"Open %s failed: %s\n",infn, strerror(errno)); if (fseek(in, -4, SEEK_END) != 0) html_error(0, "file seek failed\n"); if (fread(&link_info,sizeof(link_info),1,in) < 1) html_error(0, "file info read failed\n"); if (strcmp(action,"dir") == 0) { dial_dir(in, infn); } else if (strcmp(action,"file") == 0) { int start,len; char *blk, *to, *tofn; blk = find_val(head, "blk"); if (blk == NULL) html_error(0, "ERROR: No block specified on file\n"); if (sscanf(blk, "%d,%d",&start, &len) != 2) html_error(0, "ERROR: Illegal block (%s) specified on file\n", blk); to = find_val(head, "to"); if (to == NULL) html_error(0, "ERROR: No conversion specified on file\n"); tofn = getenv("PATH_INFO"); if (tofn == NULL || strlen(tofn) < 2) html_error(0, "ERROR: No to file specified\n"); tofn++; // Remove leading / dial_file(in, tofn, start - link_info.first_block, len, to); } else if (strcmp(action,"info") == 0) { int start,len; char *blk,*tofn; blk = find_val(head, "blk"); if (blk == NULL) html_error(0, "ERROR: No block specified on file\n"); if (sscanf(blk, "%d,%d",&start, &len) != 2) html_error(0, "ERROR: Illegal block (%s) specified on file\n", blk); tofn = getenv("PATH_INFO"); if (tofn == NULL || strlen(tofn) < 2) html_error(0, "ERROR: No to file specified\n"); tofn++; // Remove leading / dial_info(in, tofn, start - link_info.first_block, len, infn, link_info.first_block); } else { html_error(0, "ERROR: illegal action %s\n",action); } }