# Instructions: # Run 'pdp8' in this directory, and assuming socat and xterm are installed, # the server should start automatically and the system should boot. :starter SET ON ON OPENERR ON OPENERR GOTO telerr at ttix 2222;notelnet ON OPENERR #br 7732; "e l; e ac; c" set ttox0 8b echo Starting socat... ! socat PTY,echo=0,link=ttyPDP TCP:localhost:2222 & echo Waiting for socat... ! sleep 2 echo Starting SerialDisk server... #! xterm -e "bash -c \"../server/server -1 diag-games-kermit.new -2 diag-games-kermit.dsk -3 ../disks/diagpack2_new2.dsk -4 ../disks/diagpack2.dsk \"" & #! xterm -e "bash -c \"../server/server -1 diagpack2.new -2 ../disks/diag-games-kermit.dsk -3 ../disks/diagpack2_new2.dsk -4 ../disks/diagpack2.dsk \"" & ! xterm -e "bash -c \"../server/server -1 ../disks/pdp12.new -2 ../disks/diag-games-kermit.dsk -3 ../disks/diagpack2_new2.dsk -4 ../disks/diagpack2.dsk \"" & ! sleep 1 echo Booting... #set vc8 ena load ../bootloader/bootloader.bin #at rk ../disks/pdp12.new go #b rk e l e ac #goto done :byebye detach ttix quit :telerr echo TTIX has not released port. Retrying now... ! sleep 2 goto starter :done