FFFFFFF UU UU TTTTTTTT II LL FF UU UU TT II LL FFFF UU UU TT II LL FF UU UU TT II LL FF UU UU TT II LL FF UUUUUU TT II LLLLLLL OS/8 File UTILity program Jim Crapuchettes MENLO COMPUTER ASSOCIATES (formerly FRELAN ASSOCIATES) P.O. Box 298 Menlo Park, Calif. 94025 Futil Version 6.16 Writeup Version 6.5 March 1977 Page i FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program NEW FEATURES This version of FUTIL represents a significant revision and expansion over the previous version. The following is a capsule summary of the changes and new features of this version: 1. Chaining support and CCL command addition for convenient setup and startup. Restartable even after CCL command setup. 2. Addition of F4 support in the form of FPP instruction decoding and .LD module mapping and header decoding (including overlay specification). 3. Future MACREL/LINK support in the form of overlay specification support for .SV files and extension of CCB decoding for overlay information. 4. DIRECTORY output format to help in decoding crashed directories and COS format for examination of COS-300 data files. 5. SCAN command to do rapid check for read errors on the current device. 6. Defaults of .SV, .LD and null for FILE command. 7. Modification to "limit" options for WORD and STRING commands for more convenient usage. 8. FILLER variable, used by MODIFY command to fill in specified words whose new contents are not given. 9. Additional output of VERSION, by itself and with ERRORS. 10. Several changes to command names and syntax for more logical usage. 11. Swapping of error messages or write-locked operation (without error messages), as needed. 12. Absolute block number display in MQ register (if available). 13. Order of magnitude improvement in performance for WORD and STRING search commands; WORD is now as fast as SCAN! These new features are paid for by a reduction of the IOT table expansion area from 64 to 32 IOTS and by error message swapping with the USR. March 1977 Page ii FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program Acknowledgements First, thanks need to go to Tom McIntyre of West Virginia University for the use of RUNOFF for the generation of this manual. The significantly increased readability of the manual is directly due to the formatting, paginating and case conversion capabilities of RUNOFF. I want to especially thank several people who read this writeup and commented on it and the program. Tim Clarke, one of my associates, reviewed this writeup many times during its growth. Jim Warren, currently editor of DR. DOBBS JOURNAL, and John Tubbs, currently at the Palo Alto VA Hospital, each made many helpful comments on the writeup. Dennis McGhie, currently at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, made several suggestions on possible additions to the program, the error messages in particular. All of these people were associated with Stanford University or Stanford Medical Center during the time that I worked at Stanford. Also not to be forgotten are many other users who made comments and suggestions during the time that this program has been developing. I also want to mention the groups whose computers were used in the development of this program. The original program, XTAPE, was developed on the PDP-8 belonging to the Tropospheric Propagation Group of Stanford Electronics Labs. Most of the work on FUTIL Version 5 was done on the PDP-8/E belonging to the Department of Anesthesia at the Stanford Medical Center. The rest of the work on FUTIL Version 5 and work on Version 6 was done on the PDP-12 belonging to the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at the Stanford Medical Center, on the PDP-8/E belonging to the Department of Chemistry at Stanford University and at whatever other computer I could find. March 1977 Page iii FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction Why bother with FUTIL? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Running FUTIL (including CCL) . . . . . . . . 3 Special characters used in this writeup . . . 5 Special characters used in FUTIL . . . . . . . 5 Access method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Referencing words on the device . . . . . . . 9 Numeric items (or numbers) . . . . . . . . . . 10 Errors (and error messages). . . . . . . . . . 11 Single character (ODT-like) commands . . . . . . . . . 12 "Symbolic" output formats . . . . . . . . . . 14 Word-type commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Output formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 DUMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 LIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 MODIFY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Search limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 WORD (search) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 STRING (search) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SMASK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 SET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SHOW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 FILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 WRITE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 SCAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 REWIND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 EXIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 EVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Additional examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Miscellaneous information Assembling, loading & CREFing the program . . 43 Program execution and memory allocation . . . 43 List device output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Implementation notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Command summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Single-character command output format summary . . . . 49 March 1977 Page 1 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: Why bother with FUTIL? ---------------------- The most obvious answer is that you want or need to use it! This immediately leads to the question: What does it do? FUTIL enables a user to examine and modify from the console terminal the contents of mass storage devices for which an OS/8 handler is available. It is the only program currently available which can be used to patch programs which contain overlays (MACREL/LINK or F4/LOAD outputs). Other possible uses include: application of patches to system programs as reported in Digital Software News; examination and repair of clobbered OS/8 directories; bad block checking and fixup on a device; decimal/octal conversion of double precision numbers; output of the CCB of ".SV" files and the HEADER of ".LD" files; examination of non-OS/8 devices; creation of special directories. Its closest relatives in the form of DEC-supported software are ODT and EPIC. ODT is not used for patching files on devices, however, so the relationship is in form and philospohy. EPIC can patch files on devices and can also compare files (see OCOMP by Dennis McGhie for those comparisons and device independent output that you really wish EPIC would do) and output special paper-tapes of files (if you can't get by with a simple SV2BIN program, at least one of which has been floating around for some time, you'll have to use EPIC). However, though FUTIL does not do comparisons or punching, it does a much more convenient job of patching files on devices, including over thirty (30) commands with many options, four (4) accessing modes for the device, four (4) data input formats, two (2) searches, eighteen (18) status and information outputs and twelve (12) output formats, all of which allow for easy examination of words or blocks on a device in the most understandable way. Supporting these functions is signed double-precision arithmetic expression evaluation which can be used by itself (ever try to convert -135748 to octal?) or in any place in the command syntax that a numeric value is needed. Two simple examples at this point may entice you to read further. Assume that you would like to know what CCL remembers of your last ".UA" command. The remembrances are stored on block 65 (octal) of the system device. As described in the source of CCL, each of the remembrances is allocated 40 (octal, 32 decimal) words in this block, the first four of which contain binary information and the last 34 of which contain the last input command, stored as packed ascii characters. The lines contain the inputs for the commands as follows: TECO and MAKE (line 0), EDIT and CREATE (line 1), COMPILE and EXECUTE and PAL (line 2), UA (line 3), UB (line 4), UC (line 5), and, possibly, FUTIL. So the saved ".UA" command can be listed by outputting the contents of the 4th through 37th words of area 3 in block 65 as packed ascii characters as follows-- .R FUTIL --call FUTIL from OS/8 EVAL 3*40+4 --calculate start displacement = 00000144 ( 0000100) -- of the 3rd "line" (=144[8]) March 1977 Page 2 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: now list the words of this line with the LIST command, specifying the output format to be PACKED ascii characters and the words to list to be block 65 locations 144 (from above) through 144+33 (the expression for the location of the last word of this "line"). FUTIL responds with the start location and a line characters, and the next location with a multiple of 10[8] as an address and a line of characters. LIST PACKED 65.144-(144+33) --list the words wanted 0065.00144: DIR R:FUT???.*/E/R=3 0065.00160: --that's it! NOTE on For the examples above and below, the symbol "" is used to show that you need to terminate your command lines with a "carriage return". All other lines above are output by the program. Now lets assume that you would like to make the simple patch for OS/8 FORTRAN IV users with an FPP-8/A to use the lockout feature of the FPP-8/A, as given in the August 1976 Digital Software News. This requires changing the contents of location 15776 of FRTS (the Fortran Run Time System) from 400 to 410 (which adds the lockout bit). After doing this you also want to update the date word of the directory entry for FRTS (the 4th word beyond the start of the entry) to show that the file has been updated. You would do the following-- .R FUTIL --call it SET MODE SAVE --set FUTIL to a mapped mode FILE FRTS --look up the file to map FRTS.SV 0671-0722 0032 (0026) 1.327 12/31/75 --"1.327" is start of entry! Now use "ODT" command "/" to open and change 1 word. 15776/ 0400 410 --add LOCKOUT bit SET MODE NORMAL --switch to unmapped now use "ODT" command "/" with an expression to open the date word, command "@" to output it in "date" format and then put today's date (as an expression) in its place! March 1977 Page 3 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: 1.(327+4)/ 6375 @12/31/75 (D) --change file date WRITE --send out this change NOTE on device access First the file FRTS.SV is changed, and then the OS/8 directory is updated to the current date. Changing the address desired from FRTS to the directory automatically writes out the modified block of FRTS before reading in the directory segment that contains the file name. However, the changed directory segment must be written out explicitly because there are no other blocks to examine for this example. The command set of FUTIL is divided into two groups of commands, as seen above. The first group uses single letters to direct the program in the examination and modification of single words on the device. These commands are very similar to the commands used by OS/8 ODT in both form and function. Examples would be "/", "+" and ";". The second group of commands uses command words to direct the program in the dumping, listing, modifying and searching of the device more or less on a by-block basis. Also included in this group is a set of commands to direct the program in some auxiliary functions including setting and resetting switches and variables within the program, showing their settings and values, etc. Examples of these would be 'DUMP', 'SET' and 'EVALUATE'. Running FUTIL (including CCL): ------------------------------ FUTIL can be called into execution by either the OS/8 Monitor commands "R FUTIL" (as seen above) or "RU dev:FUTIL" or by the CCL command "FUTIL ...", which may optionally include the specification of a device name and/or a file name (with optional extension) and/or several switches. The CCL command is an addition which requires that the standard version of CCL be modified. When execution begins due to an "R" or "RU ..." command, FUTIL performs some initialization (described in more detail in the section on program execution), types a carriage-return and line-feed and is at your command. When execution begins due to the CCL command, FUTIL performs the same initialization, loads any device handler requested, acts on any switches given, performs a 'FILE' command if a file name is specified (with output as described for this command) and is at your command. When started without further direction, FUTIL is set up to access the system device, the 'ERROR' message output mode is set to 'LONG', the access 'MODE' is set to 'NORMAL' and no file is known. To March 1977 Page 4 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: access some other device, either use the CCL command and specify the name of the device desired (including a ":") or give the command 'SET DEVICE dev' (without a ":"). To set the 'ERROR' mode to 'SHORT', either add "/E" to the CCL command, or give the command 'SET ERROR SHORT'. To use some other access mode, either add a mode switch to the CCL command ("/L", "/O" or "/S") or give a 'SET MODE ' command with a of 'LOAD', 'OFFSET' or 'SAVE' (note switch to mode correspondence). When in 'OFFSET' mode, the 'OFFSET' to be used can be specified by either adding "=oooo" to the "/O" added to the CCL command, or the command 'SET OFFSET oooo' can be given. Lastly, a file lookup can be done either by adding a file name to the CCL command or by giving a 'FILE' command (with three default extensions). The following is a summary of the options of the CCL command for FUTIL: .Futil [dev:][file[.ex]] [/E][] where only the first character of the command must be given but any other, if specified, must be correct (the standard for CCL commands) and where the can be one of the following: /L set: access mode to LOAD, default .ex to .LD only /O=oooo set: access mode to OFFSET, offset to "oooo" /S set: access mode to SAVE, default .ex to .SV only Finally, when using the CCL command, CCL remembers the command line, requiring the desired options to be entered only once per day until it is desired to change them. To call FUTIL with no options and without using a previously entered command, add an unused switch (such as "/X") to the command. NOTE on second example above The use of this extension to CCL would have somewhat simplified the second example given previously because the command string "FUT FRTS/S" would have called FUTIL, 'SET' the 'MODE' to 'SAVE' and executed the 'FILE' command, all in one swoop! Information on addition of this command is provided in the source of the patch file FUTCCL.PA which is provided with the other FUTIL release files. March 1977 Page 5 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: Special characters used in this writeup: ---------------------------------------- To help reduce the confusion brought about when this writeup is output in upper case only, the characters single quote ('), double quote ("), angle brackets (< and >) and square brackets ([ and ]) have been used to help separate special items from the words around them. The single quote character is used to surround a word-type command, e.g. the 'FORMAT' option 'SET's up the format in which output is to be done. The double quote is used to surround an item whose actual name is being used, e.g. the "RETURN" key is the key on the Teletype that has that word printed on it. The angle brackets are used to surround the name of a type of item (a syntactical type), e.g. "" means that a NUMERIC ITEM is to be used. The square brackets are used to surround optional items, e.g. "w[ord]" would indicate that the characters "ord" may be supplied optionally. Special characters used in FUTIL: --------------------------------- Several characters, when keyed, cause immediate action from the program. Typing either "CTRL"-"P" (which prints "^P") or "CTRL"-"C" (which prints "^C") will immediately cause the program to stop whatever it is doing. "CTRL"-"P" then causes the program to go back to command input mode and wait for you, while "CTRL"-"C" calls the OS/8 Monitor (as it does with most system programs). During console terminal input, three other keys can be used to help with editing the input string of characters. These keys are "RUBOUT", "CTRL"-"U" (which prints "^U") and "CTRL"-"R" (which prints "^R"). The action of "RUBOUT" and "CTRL"-"U" is exactly the same as it is for the OS/8 Monitor and Command Decoder. The action of "CTRL"-"R" is the same as that of the "LINE-FEED" key for the Monitor and Command Decoder (a different key was required due to the fact that "LINE-FEED" is used for other things in this program so the key picked is the same one used by TOPS-10 for this function). For those users with upper-lower case terminals, the program translates all lower case characters received from the keyboard to upper case. The characters are echoed and handled internally as upper case characters. While this makes use easier, it obviously does not allow any lower-case characters to be input directly. In those cases where lower-case codes are needed in the modification of a file, either use the codes directly or use a text editor. Note that this translation occurs only on input! Lower case characters in a file will be printed to the best ability of the output device. All of the commands are taken in context, i.e. many of the characters which are used in the single character command set will not be considered to be commands if they are included in a line which March 1977 Page 6 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: begins with a command word or if they are embedded within expressions. The carriage-return ("RETURN") always starts command execution, and is the terminator for all word-type command lines. March 1977 Page 7 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: Access method: -------------- The program accesses the OS/8 device one OS/8 block (256 words) at a time. For every location specified, the real block and word are determined and compared with the current block in memory. If the desired block and current block are not the same, the flag is checked to see if anything has been changed in the current block. If nothing has been changed, the new block is read in. If something has been changed, the current (modified) block is first written out and then the new block is read in. This action happens correctly even when the access mode is changing because it is done at the level of the OS/8 block number right before calling the current 'DEVICE' handler. The contents of the OS/8 device are therefore not changed unless the block in which changes are made is written out either implicitly, as described above, or explicitly, using the 'WRITE' command (which is discussed near the end of the section on word-type commands). The result is that typing "CTRL"-"C" before writing out the current block (assuming it has been modified) will return to the Monitor without actually modifying the contents of the device itself. Note, also, that only one implicit write attempt is ever made by the program. Should an error occur when the write is attempted (e.g. write locked device), an explicit 'WRITE' command must be given to actually write out the block. If the words within some block are changed accidentally, the flag can be reset by using the 'SET' command to reset the 'DEVICE' (described further along in this writeup) to the same device currently being used. This will reset the flag, the current block in memory, and the file start block and core-control-block/header-block (if they had been set by a 'FILE' command). The resetting of the current block in memory will cause the next access to the device to read in the block desired. The resetting of the file information will require a new 'FILE' command to be given to set it back up. If you can't remember what is the current setting of the 'DEVICE', use 'SHOW DEVICE' first and then 'SET' it the same. Files stored on an OS/8 mass-storage device generally fall into one of four categories. The program has four corresponding modes for accessing the device. The current 'MODE' of the program can be set by the 'SET' command or by chaining (as described previously) and examined by the 'SHOW' command (to be described later). The three categories and their corresponding modes are: 1) General (binary, ascii and data) files - 'NORMAL' mode 2) Core image (save) files - 'SAVE' mode 3) FORTRAN IV load modules - 'LOAD' mode 4) System overlays - 'OFFSET' mode March 1977 Page 8 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: The actual operation of the program for each of these modes is as follows: 'NORMAL' The high order 7 bits of the 15 bit address are added to the current block number to get the actual block number. The low 8 bits of the 15 bit address are used to specify the desired word within that block. 'SAVE' The file to be examined must be set up by a 'FILE' command. "Block" numbers are used to specifiy an overlay number (future MACREL/LINK support) and must be exactly zero ("0") for files without overlays (generated by the monitor "SAVE" command). The core segment data (pages and fields) from the file's CCB (core-control-block) is used to determine where on the device the desired word is to be found. This is done by first determining the correct block from the file's CCB and then using the low 8 bits of the address to specify the desired word within that block. Specifying a nonexistent address or overlay for one of the single-character (ODT) commands will cause an error. Specifying a nonexistent address or overlay for any of the word-type commands will cause the program to ignore the address and access no data. 'LOAD' The file to be examined must be set up by a 'FILE' command. Block number specifications are actually taken as overlay specifications and must be contained within the file. The information from the OIT (overlay-information-table) in the header block of the file is used to determine where on the device the desired word is to be found. Nonexistent addresses are handled the same way as for 'SAVE' mode. 'OFFSET' The 12 bit 'OFFSET' (which is set by the 'SET' command or by chaining with "/O=oooo" and examined by the 'SHOW' command) is subtracted from the low order 12 bits of the address and then the same arithmetic as with the 'NORMAL' mode is used. This mode is used mostly with system overlays whose start block number and actual loading address is known. By setting the 'OFFSET' to the loading address (which can only be a 12 bit number), the 12 bit "actual" addresses of the overlay can be used. The 'SAVE' and 'LOAD' modes are mentioned together throughout this writeup as MAPPED modes because their method of address translation uses a descriptor block from the file of interest to control access to the file in a non-contiguous manner. March 1977 Page 9 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: NOTE on block number display For all access modes, the OS/8 "actual" block number for the block to be read is stored (for display) in the computer MQ register (if present). The value is stored before checking if the current block needs to be written. It is particularly useful for following the progress of the 'SCAN' command. Referencing words on the device: -------------------------------- The words on the OS/8 device are referenced by their (often abbreviated as ). This consists of an optional or number (which must be followed by a "." if present), and an
or . The / number is a 12-bit number which must be in the range 0 thru 7776 (octal), or 4094 (decimal). Block number 7777 (or 4095, decimal) does not exist under OS/8, and the program will ignore this number. The number is further limited to the number of overlays at a given address. Whenever the / part of the is not used, the program will use the last specified value. The
/ is a 15 bit number (5 octal digits), but leading 0's need not be specified. Thus the forms are: . e.g. 1201.37524 or .
e.g. 3.57633 or
e.g. 15721 or e.g. 223 NOTE of caution on device handlers Neither this program nor the OS/8 handlers generally include checking for legal block numbers! It is simply assumed that all accesses to the device will be done after checking with the directory for legal file start blocks and lengths, which is the normal mode of operation under OS/8. This can have very interesting results with this program, e.g. the RK8/E handler, given a block number greater than 6257 (octal) on device RKA0, will simply continue on into device RKB0! Use some (or MUCH) caution! For the rest of this document, unless otherwise stated, block will mean or and address will mean
or March 1977 Page 10 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: , depending on usage. Therefore the definition will be: [block.]address = = Since these location references are numeric input, all of the characteristics described next can also be used when specifying locations. Numeric items (or numbers): --------------------------- Two switches are used by the program to allow the input of either octal, decimal or mixed numeric input where ever numeric input is used. Each new command line always resets the input mode to octal. The character "CTRL"-"D" (printed as "^D") switches the input mode for any following input to decimal. The character "CTRL"-"K" (printed as "^K") switches the input mode back to octal. These two switches may be located anywhere in numeric input. For example, when inputting a string of numbers, the input would be alternately decimal and octal if it were ^D100,^K100,^D200,^K200,^D300,^K300 Two other characters, double quote (""") and single quote ("'"), may be used for numeric input. The double quote functions the same way in this program as it does in PAL8--the 8-bit ascii value of the following character is used as a number. As with all character input, the special characters described earlier cannot be used. The single quote functions in a way similar to the way that the "TEXT" pseudo-op operates in PAL8--the following two characters are masked to 6-bits each and packed into a 12-bit word. There must always be exactly two characters following the single quote. If it is desired to pack one half of the word with a 6-bit 00, use the character "@". For example, a string equivalent to the file-name "PIP.SV" would be represented by the string 'PI,'P@,0,'SV Expressions may also be used for numeric input when enclosed in parentheses. The parenthesis pair "(" and ")" must surround the expression. When this is so, all the options of the 'EVAL' command are available for numeric input. For example, the contents of the switch register can be used for a number by the expression "(S)", or the current block number + 5 could be used by the expression "(B+5)". See the discussion of the 'EVAL' command for the other options available. March 1977 Page 11 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program INTRODUCTION: NOTE on expressions "(" and ")" must completely surround the expression! Neither digits nor the switch characters may be outside of the parentheses or an error will result. This is required because many of the non-alphabetic characters have multiple meanings (commands or operators) so the use of the parenthesis pair "(...)" provides the necessary context to remove ambiguity. Errors (and error messages): ---------------------------- Whenever the program recognizes an error of some type, it outputs out an error message to inform you what went wrong. The message tells both what went wrong and where in the command line the error was made. Depending on the setting of the 'ERROR' mode switch, either 'SHORT' or 'LONG' messages are output. The error messages have the forms: "? at " -'LONG' or "? at " -'SHORT' where is the error code, is the number of the column in the command line where the program stopped scanning and is the message itself. There are currently 45 error conditions with corresponding codes and messages to assist the user of this program. The error codes and their messages can be printed out by the 'SHOW' 'ERRORS' command. The 'ERROR' mode is set by the 'SET' command or by chaining with "/E" set. The error messages are swapped with the USR, but not in the normal manner, allowing write locked startup with the loss of the message text (see the section on program execution for more information). March 1977 Page 12 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program SINGLE CHARACTER (ODT-LIKE) COMMANDS: These commands allow the examination and modification of words on an OS/8 device in the same way that ODT allows the examination and modification of the memory in the computer. In all of the following commands where --a numeric item--is specified, the operation of "closing" the location is to place the value of into the word if it is open. If the current location is not open, or if is not specified, no change takes place. Refer to the "Introduction to Programming" (DEC handbook) and the OS/8 Handbook sections on ODT for more information if needed. Note that (as mentioned previously) "[]" with the following commands means that a numeric item may be optionally supplied. / Open & output the contents of location in the current 'OUTPUT' mode. / Re-open the last location opened by one of these commands and output its contents in the current 'OUTPUT' mode. []# Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'BCD' (3 digit binary-coded decimal). []$ (dollar sign) Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'OS/8' ascii. []% Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'BYTE' octal (8 bits with OS/8 packing). []& Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'COS' format packed ascii. []: Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'SIGNED' decimal. []< Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'OCTAL'. []= Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'UNSIGNED' decimal. []> Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'PDP' (symbolic). []? Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'DIRECTORY' format [negated DECIMAL, DATE and PACKED (ascii)]. []@ Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'DATE' format ("mm/dd/yr", 2 digits each). March 1977 Page 13 FUTIL - OS/8 File UTILity program SINGLE CHARACTER (ODT-LIKE) COMMANDS: [][ Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'ASCII'. []\ Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'FPP' (symbolic). []] Close the current location, re-open it and output its contents in 'PACKED' ascii. []$ ("ALT-MODE" or "ESCAPE" keys) Close the current location, re-open it and type its contents as specified by the current 'FORMAT'. []"RETURN" Close the current location. []; Close the current location and open the next sequential location. Neither address nor contents are output, but one space is echoed. NOTE on use of ";" command The ";" command can be used to advance through addresses without outputting their value in octal when some other format is really more helpful. For example, when examining a directory, the file name and extension can be output u )@`4^l\;w_o^):qs_9)lQr-P( 4^Z&=i^ApMawWas(rH;rE:j3Df).7G`g&L"^`w:>Kd(x