Preliminary PDP-1 Spacewar README Phil Budne February 9, 2004 Both spacewar.mac and macro1.c are available from Phil's CVS server. see cvs -d login Password: anonymous cvs -d co history/pdp1 README.MIT readme from MIT contains history, and instructions spacewar.mac spacewar 3.1 (24 sep 62) retyped at MIT from a listing, originally assembled using a Perl macro-expander and assembler, and run under a Java PDP-1 emulator. This version modified by Phil Budne to assemble under his version of "macro1" (see below) Note that low memory (locations 6 thru 31) contains various manifest constants which can be tweaked to alter the game's behavior! spacewar.rim above assembled by Phil Budne's macro1 PDP-1 RIM of "loader" followed by loader blocks: PDP-1 simulator V4.0 sim> set dpy enable sim> attach ptr spacewar.rim sim> boot ptr controls compatible with MIT Java simulation, see README.LCS or display/README from your SIMH distribution in order for "set dpy enable" to be successful, you must have compiled the pdp1 binary with libSDL or libSDL2 installed munch.mac "munching squares" display hack, reconstructed from munch.rim binary of munching squares. reads console switches: Upto 18 simulated console switches, toggled by hitting keys: 123 456 789 qwe rty uio space bar clears all switches. assembled with '-r' option, so it can be "loaded" directly: PDP-1 simulator V4.0 sim> set dpy enable sim> load munch.rim sim> run in order for "set dpy enable" to be successful, you must have compiled the pdp1 binary with libSDL or libSDL2 installed macro1.c Phil Budne's version of the MACRO cross-assembler