# # This GNU make makefile has been tested on: # Linux (x86 & Sparc & PPC) # OS X # Solaris (x86 & Sparc) (gcc and Sun C) # OpenBSD # NetBSD # FreeBSD # HP-UX # AIX # Windows (MinGW & cygwin) # Linux x86 targeting Android (using agcc script) # Haiku x86 (with gcc4) # # Android targeted builds should invoke GNU make with GCC=agcc on # the command line. # # In general, the logic below will detect and build with the available # features which the host build environment provides. # # Dynamic loading of libpcap is the preferred default behavior if pcap.h # is available at build time. Support to statically linking against libpcap # is deprecated and may be removed in the future. Static linking against # libpcap can be enabled if GNU make is invoked with USE_NETWORK=1 on the # command line. # # Some platforms may not have vendor supplied libpcap available. HP-UX is # one such example. The packages which are available for this platform # install include files and libraries in user specified directories. In # order for this makefile to locate where these components may have been # installed, gmake should be invoked with LPATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib # defined (adjusted as needed depending on where they may be installed). # # The default build will build compiler optimized binaries. # If debugging is desired, then GNU make can be invoked with # DEBUG=1 on the command line. # # simh project support is provided for simulators that are built with # dependent packages provided with the or by the operating system # distribution OR for platforms where that isn't directly available (OS X) # by packages from specific package management systems (MacPorts). Users # wanting to build simulators with locally build dependent packages or # packages provided by an unsupported package management system can # override where this procedure looks for include files and/or libraries. # Overrides can be specified by define exported environment variables or # GNU make command line arguments which specify INCLUDES and/or LIBRARIES. # Each of these, if specified, must be the complete list include directories # or library directories that should be used with each element separated by # colons. (i.e. INCLUDES=/usr/include/:/usr/local/include/:...) # # Some environments may have the LLVM (clang) compiler installed as # an alternate to gcc. If you want to build with the clang compiler, # invoke make with GCC=clang. # # Internal ROM support can be disabled if GNU make is invoked with # DONT_USE_ROMS=1 on the command line. # # The use of pthreads for various things can be disabled if GNU make is # invoked with NOPTHREADS=1 on the command line. # # Asynchronous I/O support can be disabled if GNU make is invoked with # NOASYNCH=1 on the command line. # # For linting (or other code analyzers) make may be invoked similar to: # # make GCC=cppcheck CC_OUTSPEC= LDFLAGS= CFLAGS_G="--enable=all --template=gcc" CC_STD=--std=c99 # # CC Command (and platform available options). (Poor man's autoconf) # ifneq (,$(GREP_OPTIONS)) $(info GREP_OPTIONS is defined in your environment.) $(info ) $(info This variable interfers with the proper operation of this script.) $(info ) $(info The GREP_OPTIONS environment variable feature of grep is deprecated) $(info for exactly this reason and will be removed from future versions of) $(info grep. The grep man page suggests that you use an alias or a script) $(info to invoke grep with your preferred options.) $(info ) $(info unset the GREP_OPTIONS environment variable to use this makefile) $(error 1) endif ifeq (old,$(shell gmake --version /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'GNU Make' | awk '{ if ($$3 < "3.81") {print "old"} }')) GMAKE_VERSION = $(shell gmake --version /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'GNU Make' | awk '{ print $$3 }') $(warning *** Warning *** GNU Make Version $(GMAKE_VERSION) is too old to) $(warning *** Warning *** fully process this makefile) endif BUILD_SINGLE := $(MAKECMDGOALS) $(BLANK_SUFFIX) # building the pdp1, pdp11, tx-0, or any microvax simulator could use video support ifneq (,$(or $(findstring XXpdp1XX,$(addsuffix XX,$(addprefix XX,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))),$(findstring pdp11,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring tx-0,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),\ $(findstring microvax1,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring microvax2,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring microvax3900,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),\ $(findstring pdp8,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring XXvaxXX,$(addsuffix XX,$(addprefix XX,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))))) VIDEO_USEFUL = true endif # building the besm6 needs both video support and fontfile support ifneq (,$(findstring besm6,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) VIDEO_USEFUL = true BESM6_BUILD = true endif # building the pdp11, pdp10, or any vax simulator could use networking support ifneq (,$(or $(findstring pdp11,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring pdp10,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring vax,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),$(findstring all,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))) NETWORK_USEFUL = true ifneq (,$(findstring all,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) BUILD_MULTIPLE = s VIDEO_USEFUL = true BESM6_BUILD = true endif ifneq (,$(word 2,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) BUILD_MULTIPLE = s endif else ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),) # default target is all NETWORK_USEFUL = true VIDEO_USEFUL = true BUILD_MULTIPLE = s BUILD_SINGLE := all $(BUILD_SINGLE) BESM6_BUILD = true endif endif find_exe = $(abspath $(strip $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(strip $(subst :, ,$(PATH))),$(wildcard $(dir)/$(1)))))) find_lib = $(abspath $(strip $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(strip $(LIBPATH)),$(wildcard $(dir)/lib$(1).$(LIBEXT)))))) find_include = $(abspath $(strip $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(strip $(INCPATH)),$(wildcard $(dir)/$(1).h))))) ifneq ($(findstring Windows,$(OS)),) ifeq ($(findstring .exe,$(SHELL)),.exe) # MinGW WIN32 := 1 else # Msys or cygwin ifeq (MINGW,$(findstring MINGW,$(shell uname))) $(info *** This makefile can not be used with the Msys bash shell) $(error *** Use build_mingw.bat $(MAKECMDGOALS) from a Windows command prompt) endif endif endif ifeq ($(WIN32),) #*nix Environments (&& cygwin) ifeq ($(GCC),) ifeq (,$(shell which gcc 2>/dev/null)) $(info *** Warning *** Using local cc since gcc isn't available locally.) $(info *** Warning *** You may need to install gcc to build working simulators.) GCC = cc else GCC = gcc endif endif OSTYPE = $(shell uname) # OSNAME is used in messages to indicate the source of libpcap components OSNAME = $(OSTYPE) ifeq (SunOS,$(OSTYPE)) TEST = /bin/test else TEST = test endif ifeq (CYGWIN,$(findstring CYGWIN,$(OSTYPE))) # uname returns CYGWIN_NT-n.n-ver OSTYPE = cygwin OSNAME = windows-build endif ifeq (,$(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'clang')) GCC_VERSION = $(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'gcc version' | awk '{ print $$3 }') COMPILER_NAME = GCC Version: $(GCC_VERSION) ifeq (,$(GCC_VERSION)) ifeq (SunOS,$(OSTYPE)) ifneq (,$(shell $(GCC) -V 2>&1 | grep 'Sun C')) SUNC_VERSION = $(shell $(GCC) -V 2>&1 | grep 'Sun C') COMPILER_NAME = $(wordlist 2,10,$(SUNC_VERSION)) CC_STD = -std=c99 endif endif ifeq (HP-UX,$(OSTYPE)) ifneq (,$(shell what `which $(firstword $(GCC)) 2>&1`| grep -i compiler)) COMPILER_NAME = $(strip $(shell what `which $(firstword $(GCC)) 2>&1` | grep -i compiler)) CC_STD = -std=gnu99 endif endif else ifeq (,$(findstring ++,$(GCC))) CC_STD = -std=gnu99 else CPP_BUILD = 1 endif endif else ifeq (Apple,$(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'Apple' | awk '{ print $$1 }')) COMPILER_NAME = $(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'Apple' | awk '{ print $$1 " " $$2 " " $$3 " " $$4 }') CLANG_VERSION = $(word 4,$(COMPILER_NAME)) else COMPILER_NAME = $(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'clang version' | awk '{ print $$1 " " $$2 " " $$3 }') CLANG_VERSION = $(word 3,$(COMPILER_NAME)) ifeq (,$(findstring .,$(CLANG_VERSION))) COMPILER_NAME = $(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep 'clang version' | awk '{ print $$1 " " $$2 " " $$3 " " $$4 }') CLANG_VERSION = $(word 4,$(COMPILER_NAME)) endif endif ifeq (,$(findstring ++,$(GCC))) CC_STD = -std=c99 else CPP_BUILD = 1 endif endif ifeq (git-repo,$(shell if $(TEST) -d ./.git; then echo git-repo; fi)) ifeq (need-hooks,$(shell if $(TEST) ! -e ./.git/hooks/post-checkout; then echo need-hooks; fi)) $(info *** Installing git hooks in local repository ***) GIT_HOOKS += $(shell /bin/cp './Visual Studio Projects/git-hooks/post-commit' ./.git/hooks/) GIT_HOOKS += $(shell /bin/cp './Visual Studio Projects/git-hooks/post-checkout' ./.git/hooks/) GIT_HOOKS += $(shell /bin/cp './Visual Studio Projects/git-hooks/post-merge' ./.git/hooks/) GIT_HOOKS += $(shell ./.git/hooks/post-checkout) ifneq (,$(strip $(GIT_HOOKS))) $(info *** Warning - Error installing git hooks *** $(GIT_HOOKS)) endif else ifneq (commit-id-exists,$(shell if $(TEST) -e .git-commit-id; then echo commit-id-exists; fi)) GIT_HOOKS = $(shell ./.git/hooks/post-checkout) ifneq (,$(strip $(GIT_HOOKS))) $(info *** Warning - Error executing git hooks *** $(GIT_HOOKS)) endif endif endif endif LTO_EXCLUDE_VERSIONS = PCAPLIB = pcap ifeq (agcc,$(findstring agcc,$(GCC))) # Android target build? OS_CCDEFS = -D_GNU_SOURCE ifeq (,$(NOASYNCH)) OS_CCDEFS += -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO endif OS_LDFLAGS = -lm else # Non-Android Builds ifeq (,$(INCLUDES)$(LIBRARIES)) INCPATH:=/usr/include LIBPATH:=/usr/lib else $(info *** Warning ***) ifeq (,$(INCLUDES)) INCPATH:=$(shell LANG=C; $(GCC) -x c -v -E /dev/null 2>&1 | grep -A 10 '> search starts here' | grep '^ ' | tr -d '\n') else $(info *** Warning *** Unsupported build with INCLUDES defined as: $(INCLUDES)) INCPATH:=$(strip $(subst :, ,$(INCLUDES))) UNSUPPORTED_BUILD := include endif ifeq (,$(LIBRARIES)) LIBPATH:=/usr/lib else $(info *** Warning *** Unsupported build with LIBRARIES defined as: $(LIBRARIES)) LIBPATH:=$(strip $(subst :, ,$(LIBRARIES))) ifeq (include,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD)) UNSUPPORTED_BUILD := include+lib else UNSUPPORTED_BUILD := lib endif endif $(info *** Warning ***) endif OS_CCDEFS = -D_GNU_SOURCE GCC_OPTIMIZERS_CMD = $(GCC) -v --help 2>&1 GCC_WARNINGS_CMD = $(GCC) -v --help 2>&1 LD_ELF = $(shell echo | $(GCC) -E -dM - | grep __ELF__) ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) OSNAME = OSX LIBEXT = dylib ifneq (include,$(findstring include,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD))) INCPATH:=$(shell LANG=C; $(GCC) -x c -v -E /dev/null 2>&1 | grep -A 10 '> search starts here' | grep '^ ' | grep -v 'framework directory' | tr -d '\n') endif ifeq (incopt,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /opt/local/include; then echo incopt; fi)) INCPATH += /opt/local/include OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/local/include endif ifeq (libopt,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /opt/local/lib; then echo libopt; fi)) LIBPATH += /opt/local/lib OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/local/lib endif ifeq (HomeBrew,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /usr/local/Cellar; then echo HomeBrew; fi)) INCPATH += $(foreach dir,$(wildcard /usr/local/Cellar/*/*),$(dir)/include) LIBPATH += $(foreach dir,$(wildcard /usr/local/Cellar/*/*),$(dir)/lib) endif ifeq (libXt,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /usr/X11/lib; then echo libXt; fi)) LIBPATH += /usr/X11/lib OS_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11/lib endif else ifeq (Linux,$(OSTYPE)) ifneq (lib,$(findstring lib,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD))) LIBPATH := $(sort $(foreach lib,$(shell /sbin/ldconfig -p | grep ' => /' | sed 's/^.* => //'),$(dir $(lib)))) endif LIBEXT = so else ifeq (SunOS,$(OSTYPE)) OSNAME = Solaris ifneq (lib,$(findstring lib,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD))) LIBPATH := $(shell LANG=C; crle | grep 'Default Library Path' | awk '{ print $$5 }' | sed 's/:/ /g') endif LIBEXT = so OS_LDFLAGS += -lsocket -lnsl ifeq (incsfw,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /opt/sfw/include; then echo incsfw; fi)) INCPATH += /opt/sfw/include OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/sfw/include endif ifeq (libsfw,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /opt/sfw/lib; then echo libsfw; fi)) LIBPATH += /opt/sfw/lib OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/sfw/lib -R/opt/sfw/lib endif OS_CCDEFS += -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE else ifeq (cygwin,$(OSTYPE)) # use 0readme_ethernet.txt documented Windows pcap build components INCPATH += ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/include LIBPATH += ../windows-build/winpcap/WpdPack/lib PCAPLIB = wpcap LIBEXT = a else ifneq (,$(findstring AIX,$(OSTYPE))) OS_LDFLAGS += -lm -lrt ifeq (incopt,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /opt/freeware/include; then echo incopt; fi)) INCPATH += /opt/freeware/include OS_CCDEFS += -I/opt/freeware/include endif ifeq (libopt,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /opt/freeware/lib; then echo libopt; fi)) LIBPATH += /opt/freeware/lib OS_LDFLAGS += -L/opt/freeware/lib endif else ifneq (,$(findstring Haiku,$(OSTYPE))) HAIKU_ARCH=$(shell getarch) ifeq ($(HAIKU_ARCH),) $(error Missing getarch command, your Haiku release is probably too old) endif ifeq ($(HAIKU_ARCH),x86_gcc2) $(error Unsupported arch x86_gcc2. Run setarch x86 and retry) endif INCPATH := $(shell findpaths -e -a $(HAIKU_ARCH) B_FIND_PATH_HEADERS_DIRECTORY) INCPATH += $(shell findpaths -e B_FIND_PATH_HEADERS_DIRECTORY posix) LIBPATH := $(shell findpaths -e -a $(HAIKU_ARCH) B_FIND_PATH_DEVELOP_LIB_DIRECTORY) OS_LDFLAGS += -lnetwork else ifeq (,$(findstring NetBSD,$(OSTYPE))) ifneq (no ldconfig,$(findstring no ldconfig,$(shell which ldconfig 2>&1))) LDSEARCH :=$(shell LANG=C; ldconfig -r | grep 'search directories' | awk '{print $$3}' | sed 's/:/ /g') endif ifneq (,$(LDSEARCH)) LIBPATH := $(LDSEARCH) else ifeq (,$(strip $(LPATH))) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** The library search path on your $(OSTYPE) platform can't be) $(info *** Warning *** determined. This should be resolved before you can expect) $(info *** Warning *** to have fully working simulators.) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** You can specify your library paths via the LPATH environment) $(info *** Warning *** variable.) $(info *** Warning ***) else LIBPATH = $(subst :, ,$(LPATH)) endif endif OS_LDFLAGS += $(patsubst %,-L%,$(LIBPATH)) endif endif endif ifeq (usrpkglib,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /usr/pkg/lib; then echo usrpkglib; fi)) LIBPATH += /usr/pkg/lib INCPATH += /usr/pkg/include OS_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/pkg/lib -R/usr/pkg/lib OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/pkg/include endif ifeq (X11R7,$(shell if $(TEST) -d /usr/X11R7/lib; then echo X11R7; fi)) LIBPATH += /usr/X11R7/lib INCPATH += /usr/X11R7/include OS_LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11R7/lib -R/usr/X11R7/lib OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/X11R7/include endif ifeq (/usr/local/lib,$(findstring /usr/local/lib,$(LIBPATH))) INCPATH += /usr/local/include OS_CCDEFS += -I/usr/local/include endif ifneq (,$(findstring NetBSD,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring FreeBSD,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring AIX,$(OSTYPE))) LIBEXT = so else ifeq (HP-UX,$(OSTYPE)) ifeq (ia64,$(shell uname -m)) LIBEXT = so else LIBEXT = sl endif OS_CCDEFS += -D_HPUX_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE OS_LDFLAGS += -Wl,+b: NO_LTO = 1 else LIBEXT = a endif endif endif endif endif endif # Some gcc versions don't support LTO, so only use LTO when the compiler is known to support it ifeq (,$(NO_LTO)) ifneq (,$(GCC_VERSION)) ifeq (,$(shell $(GCC) -v /dev/null 2>&1 | grep '\-\-enable-lto')) LTO_EXCLUDE_VERSIONS += $(GCC_VERSION) endif endif endif endif $(info lib paths are: $(LIBPATH)) $(info include paths are: $(INCPATH)) need_search = $(strip $(shell ld -l$(1) /dev/null 2>&1 | grep $(1) | sed s/$(1)//)) LD_SEARCH_NEEDED := $(call need_search,ZzzzzzzZ) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,m)) OS_LDFLAGS += -lm $(info using libm: $(call find_lib,m)) endif ifneq (,$(call find_lib,rt)) OS_LDFLAGS += -lrt $(info using librt: $(call find_lib,rt)) endif ifneq (,$(NOPTHREADS)) OS_CCDEFS += -DDONT_USE_READER_THREAD else ifneq (,$(call find_include,pthread)) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,pthread)) OS_CCDEFS += -DUSE_READER_THREAD ifeq (,$(NOASYNCH)) OS_CCDEFS += -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO endif OS_LDFLAGS += -lpthread $(info using libpthread: $(call find_lib,pthread) $(call find_include,pthread)) else LIBEXTSAVE := $(LIBEXT) LIBEXT = a ifneq (,$(call find_lib,pthread)) OS_CCDEFS += -DUSE_READER_THREAD ifeq (,$(NOASYNCH)) OS_CCDEFS += -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO endif OS_LDFLAGS += -lpthread $(info using libpthread: $(call find_lib,pthread) $(call find_include,pthread)) else ifneq (,$(findstring Haiku,$(OSTYPE))) OS_CCDEFS += -DUSE_READER_THREAD ifeq (,$(NOASYNCH)) OS_CCDEFS += -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO endif $(info using libpthread: $(call find_include,pthread)) endif endif LIBEXT = $(LIBEXTSAVE) endif endif endif # Find available RegEx library. Prefer libpcreposix. ifneq (,$(call find_include,pcreposix)) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,pcreposix)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_PCREPOSIX_H OS_LDFLAGS += -lpcreposix $(info using libpcreposix: $(call find_lib,pcreposix) $(call find_include,pcreposix)) ifeq ($(LD_SEARCH_NEEDED),$(call need_search,pcreposix)) OS_LDFLAGS += -L$(dir $(call find_lib,pcreposix)) endif endif else # If libpcreposix isn't available, fall back to the local regex.h # Presume that the local regex support is available in the C runtime # without a specific reference to a library. This may not be true on # some platforms. ifneq (,$(call find_include,regex)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_REGEX_H $(info using regex: $(call find_include,regex)) endif endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,dlfcn)) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,dl)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_DLOPEN=$(LIBEXT) OS_LDFLAGS += -ldl $(info using libdl: $(call find_lib,dl) $(call find_include,dlfcn)) else ifneq (,$(findstring BSD,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring AIX,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring Haiku,$(OSTYPE))) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_DLOPEN=so $(info using libdl: $(call find_include,dlfcn)) else ifneq (,$(call find_lib,dld)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_DLOPEN=$(LIBEXT) OS_LDFLAGS += -ldld $(info using libdld: $(call find_lib,dld) $(call find_include,dlfcn)) endif endif endif endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,utime)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_UTIME endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,png)) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,png)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_LIBPNG OS_LDFLAGS += -lpng $(info using libpng: $(call find_lib,png) $(call find_include,png)) endif endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,glob)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_GLOB else ifneq (,$(call find_include,fnmatch)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_FNMATCH endif endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,sys/mman)) ifneq (,$(shell grep shm_open $(call find_include,sys/mman))) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_SHM_OPEN $(info using mman: $(call find_include,sys/mman)) endif endif ifneq (,$(VIDEO_USEFUL)) ifeq (cygwin,$(OSTYPE)) LIBEXTSAVE := $(LIBEXT) LIBEXT = dll.a endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,SDL2/SDL)) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,SDL2)) ifneq (,$(findstring Haiku,$(OSTYPE))) ifneq (,$(shell which sdl2-config)) SDLX_CONFIG = sdl2-config endif else SDLX_CONFIG = $(realpath $(dir $(call find_include,SDL2/SDL))../../bin/sdl2-config) endif ifneq (,$(SDLX_CONFIG)) VIDEO_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_LIBSDL -DUSE_SIM_VIDEO `$(SDLX_CONFIG) --cflags` VIDEO_LDFLAGS += `$(SDLX_CONFIG) --libs` VIDEO_FEATURES = - video capabilities provided by libSDL2 (Simple Directmedia Layer) DISPLAYL = ${DISPLAYD}/display.c $(DISPLAYD)/sim_ws.c DISPLAYVT = ${DISPLAYD}/vt11.c DISPLAY_OPT += -DUSE_DISPLAY $(VIDEO_CCDEFS) $(VIDEO_LDFLAGS) $(info using libSDL2: $(call find_include,SDL2/SDL)) ifeq (,$(Linux,$(OSTYPE))$(Darwin,$(OSTYPE))) VIDEO_CCDEFS += -DSDL_MAIN_AVAILABLE endif endif endif else ifneq (,$(call find_include,SDL/SDL)) ifneq (,$(call find_lib,SDL)) ifneq (,$(findstring Haiku,$(OSTYPE))) ifneq (,$(shell which sdl-config)) SDLX_CONFIG = sdl-config endif else SDLX_CONFIG = $(realpath $(dir $(call find_include,SDL/SDL))../../bin/sdl-config) endif ifneq (,$(SDLX_CONFIG)) VIDEO_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_LIBSDL -DUSE_SIM_VIDEO `$(SDLX_CONFIG) --cflags` VIDEO_LDFLAGS += `$(SDLX_CONFIG) --libs` VIDEO_FEATURES = - video capabilities provided by libSDL (Simple Directmedia Layer) DISPLAYL = ${DISPLAYD}/display.c $(DISPLAYD)/sim_ws.c DISPLAYVT = ${DISPLAYD}/vt11.c DISPLAY_OPT += -DUSE_DISPLAY $(VIDEO_CCDEFS) $(VIDEO_LDFLAGS) $(info using libSDL: $(call find_include,SDL/SDL)) ifeq (,$(Linux,$(OSTYPE))$(Darwin,$(OSTYPE))) VIDEO_CCDEFS += -DSDL_MAIN_AVAILABLE endif endif endif endif endif ifeq (cygwin,$(OSTYPE)) LIBEXT = $(LIBEXTSAVE) endif ifeq (,$(findstring HAVE_LIBSDL,$(VIDEO_CCDEFS))) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** The simulator$(BUILD_MULTIPLE) you are building could provide more) $(info *** Info *** functionality if video support were available on your system.) ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) $(info *** Info *** Install the MacPorts libSDL2 package to provide this) $(info *** Info *** functionality for your OS X system:) $(info *** Info *** # port install libsdl2) ifeq (/usr/local/bin/brew,$(shell which brew)) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** OR) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** Install the HomeBrew libSDL2 package to provide this) $(info *** Info *** functionality for your OS X system:) $(info *** Info *** $$ brew install sdl2) endif else ifneq (,$(and $(findstring Linux,$(OSTYPE)),$(call find_exe,apt-get))) $(info *** Info *** Install the development components of libSDL or libSDL2) $(info *** Info *** packaged for your operating system distribution for) $(info *** Info *** your Linux system:) $(info *** Info *** $$ sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev) $(info *** Info *** or) $(info *** Info *** $$ sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev) else $(info *** Info *** Install the development components of libSDL packaged by your) $(info *** Info *** operating system distribution and rebuild your simulator to) $(info *** Info *** enable this extra functionality.) endif endif $(info *** Info ***) endif endif ifneq (,$(NETWORK_USEFUL)) ifneq (,$(call find_include,pcap)) ifneq (,$(shell grep 'pcap/pcap.h' $(call find_include,pcap) | grep include)) PCAP_H_PATH = $(dir $(call find_include,pcap))pcap/pcap.h else PCAP_H_PATH = $(call find_include,pcap) endif ifneq (,$(shell grep pcap_compile $(PCAP_H_PATH) | grep const)) BPF_CONST_STRING = -DBPF_CONST_STRING endif NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_PCAP_NETWORK -I$(dir $(call find_include,pcap)) $(BPF_CONST_STRING) NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += PCAP ifneq (,$(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) ifneq ($(USE_NETWORK),) # Network support specified on the GNU make command line NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_NETWORK ifeq (,$(findstring Linux,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring Darwin,$(OSTYPE))) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** Statically linking against libpcap is provides no measurable) $(info *** Warning *** benefits over dynamically linking libpcap.) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** Support for linking this way is currently deprecated and may be removed) $(info *** Warning *** in the future.) $(info *** Warning ***) else $(info *** Error ***) $(info *** Error *** Statically linking against libpcap is provides no measurable) $(info *** Error *** benefits over dynamically linking libpcap.) $(info *** Error ***) $(info *** Error *** Support for linking statically has been removed on the $(OSTYPE)) $(info *** Error *** platform.) $(info *** Error ***) $(error Retry your build without specifying USE_NETWORK=1) endif ifeq (cygwin,$(OSTYPE)) # cygwin has no ldconfig so explicitly specify pcap object library NETWORK_LDFLAGS = -L$(dir $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) -Wl,-R,$(dir $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) -l$(PCAPLIB) else NETWORK_LDFLAGS = -l$(PCAPLIB) endif $(info using libpcap: $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB)) $(call find_include,pcap)) NETWORK_FEATURES = - static networking support using $(OSNAME) provided libpcap components else # default build uses dynamic libpcap NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_SHARED $(info using libpcap: $(call find_include,pcap)) NETWORK_FEATURES = - dynamic networking support using $(OSNAME) provided libpcap components endif else LIBEXTSAVE := $(LIBEXT) LIBEXT = a ifneq (,$(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_NETWORK NETWORK_LDFLAGS := -L$(dir $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) -l$(PCAPLIB) NETWORK_FEATURES = - static networking support using $(OSNAME) provided libpcap components $(info using libpcap: $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB)) $(call find_include,pcap)) endif LIBEXT = $(LIBEXTSAVE) endif else # On non-Linux platforms, we'll still try to provide deprecated support for libpcap in /usr/local INCPATHSAVE := $(INCPATH) ifeq (,$(findstring Linux,$(OSTYPE))) # Look for package built from tcpdump.org sources with default install target (or cygwin winpcap) INCPATH += /usr/local/include PCAP_H_FOUND = $(call find_include,pcap) endif ifneq (,$(strip $(PCAP_H_FOUND))) ifneq (,$(shell grep 'pcap/pcap.h' $(call find_include,pcap) | grep include)) PCAP_H_PATH = $(dir $(call find_include,pcap))pcap/pcap.h else PCAP_H_PATH = $(call find_include,pcap) endif ifneq (,$(shell grep pcap_compile $(PCAP_H_PATH) | grep const)) BPF_CONST_STRING = -DBPF_CONST_STRING endif LIBEXTSAVE := $(LIBEXT) # first check if binary - shared objects are available/installed in the linker known search paths ifneq (,$(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) NETWORK_CCDEFS = -DUSE_SHARED -I$(dir $(call find_include,pcap)) $(BPF_CONST_STRING) NETWORK_FEATURES = - dynamic networking support using libpcap components from www.tcpdump.org and locally installed libpcap.$(LIBEXT) $(info using libpcap: $(call find_include,pcap)) else LIBPATH += /usr/local/lib LIBEXT = a ifneq (,$(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) $(info using libpcap: $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB)) $(call find_include,pcap)) ifeq (cygwin,$(OSTYPE)) NETWORK_CCDEFS = -DUSE_NETWORK -DHAVE_PCAP_NETWORK -I$(dir $(call find_include,pcap)) $(BPF_CONST_STRING) NETWORK_LDFLAGS = -L$(dir $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) -Wl,-R,$(dir $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB))) -l$(PCAPLIB) NETWORK_FEATURES = - static networking support using libpcap components located in the cygwin directories else NETWORK_CCDEFS := -DUSE_NETWORK -DHAVE_PCAP_NETWORK -isystem -I$(dir $(call find_include,pcap)) $(BPF_CONST_STRING) $(call find_lib,$(PCAPLIB)) NETWORK_FEATURES = - networking support using libpcap components from www.tcpdump.org $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** $(BUILD_SINGLE)Simulator$(BUILD_MULTIPLE) being built with networking support using) $(info *** Warning *** libpcap components from www.tcpdump.org.) $(info *** Warning *** Some users have had problems using the www.tcpdump.org libpcap) $(info *** Warning *** components for simh networking. For best results, with) $(info *** Warning *** simh networking, it is recommended that you install the) $(info *** Warning *** libpcap-dev (or libpcap-devel) package from your $(OSNAME) distribution) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** Building with the components manually installed from www.tcpdump.org) $(info *** Warning *** is officially deprecated. Attempting to do so is unsupported.) $(info *** Warning ***) endif else $(error using libpcap: $(call find_include,pcap) missing $(PCAPLIB).$(LIBEXT)) endif NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += PCAP endif LIBEXT = $(LIBEXTSAVE) else INCPATH = $(INCPATHSAVE) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** $(BUILD_SINGLE)Simulator$(BUILD_MULTIPLE) are being built WITHOUT) $(info *** Warning *** libpcap networking support) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** To build simulator(s) with libpcap networking support you) ifneq (,$(and $(findstring Linux,$(OSTYPE)),$(call find_exe,apt-get))) $(info *** Warning *** should install the libpcap development components for) $(info *** Warning *** for your Linux system:) $(info *** Warning *** $$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev) else $(info *** Warning *** should read 0readme_ethernet.txt and follow the instructions) $(info *** Warning *** regarding the needed libpcap development components for your) $(info *** Warning *** $(OSTYPE) platform) endif $(info *** Warning ***) endif endif # Consider other network connections ifneq (,$(call find_lib,vdeplug)) # libvdeplug requires the use of the OS provided libpcap ifeq (,$(findstring usr/local,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) ifneq (,$(call find_include,libvdeplug)) # Provide support for vde networking NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_VDE_NETWORK NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += VDE ifeq (,$(findstring USE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))$(findstring USE_SHARED,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_NETWORK endif ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) NETWORK_LDFLAGS += -lvdeplug -L$(dir $(call find_lib,vdeplug)) else NETWORK_LDFLAGS += -lvdeplug -Wl,-R,$(dir $(call find_lib,vdeplug)) -L$(dir $(call find_lib,vdeplug)) endif $(info using libvdeplug: $(call find_lib,vdeplug) $(call find_include,libvdeplug)) endif endif endif ifeq (,$(findstring HAVE_VDE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) # Support is available on Linux for libvdeplug. Advise on its usage ifneq (,$(findstring Linux,$(OSTYPE))$(findstring Darwin,$(OSTYPE))) ifneq (,$(findstring USE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))$(findstring USE_SHARED,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** $(BUILD_SINGLE)Simulator$(BUILD_MULTIPLE) are being built with) $(info *** Info *** minimal libpcap networking support) $(info *** Info ***) endif $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** Simulators on your $(OSNAME) platform can also be built with) $(info *** Info *** extended LAN Ethernet networking support by using VDE Ethernet.) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** To build simulator(s) with extended networking support you) ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) $(info *** Info *** should install the MacPorts vde2 package to provide this) $(info *** Info *** functionality for your OS X system:) $(info *** Info *** # port install vde2) ifeq (/usr/local/bin/brew,$(shell which brew)) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** OR) $(info *** Info ***) $(info *** Info *** Install the HomeBrew vde package to provide this) $(info *** Info *** functionality for your OS X system:) $(info *** Info *** $$ brew install vde) endif else ifneq (,$(and $(findstring Linux,$(OSTYPE)),$(call find_exe,apt-get))) $(info *** Info *** should install the vde2 package to provide this) $(info *** Info *** functionality for your $(OSNAME) system:) ifneq (,$(shell apt list 2>/dev/null| grep libvdeplug-dev)) $(info *** Info *** $$ sudo apt-get install libvdeplug-dev) else $(info *** Info *** $$ sudo apt-get install vde2) endif else $(info *** Info *** should read 0readme_ethernet.txt and follow the instructions) $(info *** Info *** regarding the needed libvdeplug components for your $(OSNAME)) $(info *** Info *** platform) endif endif $(info *** Info ***) endif endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,linux/if_tun)) # Provide support for Tap networking on Linux NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_TAP_NETWORK NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += TAP ifeq (,$(findstring USE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))$(findstring USE_SHARED,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_NETWORK endif endif ifeq (bsdtuntap,$(shell if $(TEST) -e /usr/include/net/if_tun.h -o -e /Library/Extensions/tap.kext; then echo bsdtuntap; fi)) # Provide support for Tap networking on BSD platforms (including OS X) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_TAP_NETWORK -DHAVE_BSDTUNTAP NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += TAP ifeq (,$(findstring USE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))$(findstring USE_SHARED,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_NETWORK endif endif ifeq (slirp,$(shell if $(TEST) -e slirp_glue/sim_slirp.c; then echo slirp; fi)) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -Islirp -Islirp_glue -Islirp_glue/qemu -DHAVE_SLIRP_NETWORK -DUSE_SIMH_SLIRP_DEBUG slirp/*.c slirp_glue/*.c NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += NAT(SLiRP) endif ifeq (,$(findstring USE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))$(findstring USE_SHARED,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))$(findstring HAVE_VDE_NETWORK,$(NETWORK_CCDEFS))) NETWORK_CCDEFS += -DUSE_NETWORK NETWORK_FEATURES = - WITHOUT Local LAN networking support $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** $(BUILD_SINGLE)Simulator$(BUILD_MULTIPLE) are being built WITHOUT LAN networking support) $(info *** Warning ***) $(info *** Warning *** To build simulator(s) with networking support you should read) $(info *** Warning *** 0readme_ethernet.txt and follow the instructions regarding the) $(info *** Warning *** needed libpcap components for your $(OSTYPE) platform) $(info *** Warning ***) endif NETWORK_OPT = $(NETWORK_CCDEFS) endif ifneq (binexists,$(shell if $(TEST) -e BIN; then echo binexists; fi)) MKDIRBIN = mkdir -p BIN endif ifeq (commit-id-exists,$(shell if $(TEST) -e .git-commit-id; then echo commit-id-exists; fi)) GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(shell cat .git-commit-id) else ifeq (,$(shell grep 'define SIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID' sim_rev.h | grep 'Format:')) GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(shell grep 'define SIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID' sim_rev.h | awk '{ print $$3 }') else ifeq (git-submodule,$(if $(shell cd .. ; git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null),git-submodule)) GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(shell cd .. ; git submodule status | grep "$(notdir $(realpath .))" | awk '{ print $$1 }') else GIT_COMMIT_ID=undetermined-git-id endif endif endif else #Win32 Environments (via MinGW32) GCC := gcc GCC_Path := $(abspath $(dir $(word 1,$(wildcard $(addsuffix /$(GCC).exe,$(subst ;, ,$(PATH))))))) ifeq (rename-build-support,$(shell if exist ..\windows-build-windows-build echo rename-build-support)) REMOVE_OLD_BUILD := $(shell if exist ..\windows-build rmdir/s/q ..\windows-build) FIXED_BUILD := $(shell move ..\windows-build-windows-build ..\windows-build >NUL) endif GCC_VERSION = $(word 3,$(shell $(GCC) --version)) COMPILER_NAME = GCC Version: $(GCC_VERSION) ifeq (,$(findstring ++,$(GCC))) CC_STD = -std=gnu99 else CPP_BUILD = 1 endif LTO_EXCLUDE_VERSIONS = 4.5.2 ifeq (,$(PATH_SEPARATOR)) PATH_SEPARATOR := ; endif INCPATH = $(abspath $(wildcard $(GCC_Path)\..\include $(subst $(PATH_SEPARATOR), ,$(CPATH)) $(subst $(PATH_SEPARATOR), ,$(C_INCLUDE_PATH)))) LIBPATH = $(abspath $(wildcard $(GCC_Path)\..\lib $(subst :, ,$(LIBRARY_PATH)))) $(info lib paths are: $(LIBPATH)) $(info include paths are: $(INCPATH)) # Give preference to any MinGW provided threading (if available) ifneq (,$(call find_include,pthread)) PTHREADS_CCDEFS = -DUSE_READER_THREAD ifeq (,$(NOASYNCH)) PTHREADS_CCDEFS += -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO endif PTHREADS_LDFLAGS = -lpthread else ifeq (pthreads,$(shell if exist ..\windows-build\pthreads\Pre-built.2\include\pthread.h echo pthreads)) PTHREADS_CCDEFS = -DUSE_READER_THREAD -DPTW32_STATIC_LIB -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE -I../windows-build/pthreads/Pre-built.2/include ifeq (,$(NOASYNCH)) PTHREADS_CCDEFS += -DSIM_ASYNCH_IO endif PTHREADS_LDFLAGS = -lpthreadGC2 -L..\windows-build\pthreads\Pre-built.2\lib endif endif ifeq (pcap,$(shell if exist ..\windows-build\winpcap\Wpdpack\include\pcap.h echo pcap)) NETWORK_LDFLAGS = NETWORK_OPT = -DUSE_SHARED -I../windows-build/winpcap/Wpdpack/include NETWORK_FEATURES = - dynamic networking support using windows-build provided libpcap components NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += PCAP else ifneq (,$(call find_include,pcap)) NETWORK_LDFLAGS = NETWORK_OPT = -DUSE_SHARED NETWORK_FEATURES = - dynamic networking support using libpcap components found in the MinGW directories NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += PCAP endif endif ifneq (,$(VIDEO_USEFUL)) SDL_INCLUDE = $(word 1,$(shell dir /b /s ..\windows-build\libSDL\SDL.h)) ifeq (SDL.h,$(findstring SDL.h,$(SDL_INCLUDE))) VIDEO_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_LIBSDL -I$(abspath $(dir $(SDL_INCLUDE))) VIDEO_LDFLAGS += -lSDL2 -L$(abspath $(dir $(SDL_INCLUDE))\..\lib) VIDEO_FEATURES = - video capabilities provided by libSDL2 (Simple Directmedia Layer) else $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ** This build could produce simulators with video capabilities. **) $(info ** However, the required files to achieve this can't be found on **) $(info ** this system. Download the file: **) $(info ** https://github.com/simh/windows-build/archive/windows-build.zip **) $(info ** Extract the windows-build-windows-build folder it contains to **) $(info ** $(abspath ..\) **) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info .) endif endif OS_CCDEFS += -fms-extensions $(PTHREADS_CCDEFS) OS_LDFLAGS += -lm -lwsock32 -lwinmm $(PTHREADS_LDFLAGS) EXE = .exe ifneq (binexists,$(shell if exist BIN echo binexists)) MKDIRBIN = if not exist BIN mkdir BIN endif ifneq ($(USE_NETWORK),) NETWORK_OPT += -DUSE_SHARED endif ifneq (,$(shell if exist .git-commit-id type .git-commit-id)) GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(shell if exist .git-commit-id type .git-commit-id) else ifeq (,$(shell findstr /C:"define SIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID" sim_rev.h | findstr Format)) GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(shell for /F "tokens=3" %%i in ("$(shell findstr /C:"define SIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID" sim_rev.h)") do echo %%i) endif endif ifneq (windows-build,$(shell if exist ..\windows-build\README.md echo windows-build)) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ** This build is operating without the required windows-build **) $(info ** components and therefore will produce less than optimal **) $(info ** simulator operation and features. **) $(info ** Download the file: **) $(info ** https://github.com/simh/windows-build/archive/windows-build.zip **) $(info ** Extract the windows-build-windows-build folder it contains to **) $(info ** $(abspath ..\) **) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info .) else # Version check on windows-build WINDOWS_BUILD = $(word 2,$(shell findstr WINDOWS-BUILD ..\windows-build\Windows-Build_Versions.txt)) ifeq (,$(WINDOWS_BUILD)) WINDOWS_BUILD = 00000000 endif ifneq (,$(or $(shell if 20150412 GTR $(WINDOWS_BUILD) echo old-windows-build),$(and $(shell if 20171112 GTR $(WINDOWS_BUILD) echo old-windows-build),$(findstring pthreadGC2,$(PTHREADS_LDFLAGS))))) $(info .) $(info windows-build components at: $(abspath ..\windows-build)) $(info .) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ** This currently available windows-build components are out of **) $(info ** date. For the most functional and stable features you shoud **) $(info ** Download the file: **) $(info ** https://github.com/simh/windows-build/archive/windows-build.zip **) $(info ** Extract the windows-build-windows-build folder it contains to **) $(info ** $(abspath ..\) **) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info ***********************************************************************) $(info .) endif ifeq (pcre,$(shell if exist ..\windows-build\PCRE\include\pcre.h echo pcre)) OS_CCDEFS += -DHAVE_PCREPOSIX_H -DPCRE_STATIC -I$(abspath ../windows-build/PCRE/include) OS_LDFLAGS += -lpcreposix -lpcre -L../windows-build/PCRE/lib/ $(info using libpcreposix: $(abspath ../windows-build/PCRE/lib/pcreposix.a) $(abspath ../windows-build/PCRE/include/pcreposix.h)) endif ifeq (slirp,slirp) NETWORK_OPT += -Islirp -Islirp_glue -Islirp_glue/qemu -DHAVE_SLIRP_NETWORK -DUSE_SIMH_SLIRP_DEBUG slirp/*.c slirp_glue/*.c -lIphlpapi NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES += NAT(SLiRP) endif endif ifneq (,$(call find_include,ddk/ntdddisk)) CFLAGS_I = -DHAVE_NTDDDISK_H endif endif # Win32 (via MinGW) ifneq (,$(GIT_COMMIT_ID)) CFLAGS_GIT = -DSIM_GIT_COMMIT_ID=$(GIT_COMMIT_ID) endif ifneq (,$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD)) CFLAGS_GIT += -DSIM_BUILD=Unsupported=$(UNSUPPORTED_BUILD) endif ifneq ($(DEBUG),) CFLAGS_G = -g -ggdb -g3 CFLAGS_O = -O0 BUILD_FEATURES = - debugging support else ifneq (clang,$(findstring clang,$(COMPILER_NAME))) CFLAGS_O = -O2 ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) NO_LTO = 1 endif else NO_LTO = 1 ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) CFLAGS_O += -O4 -fno-strict-overflow -flto -fwhole-program else CFLAGS_O := -O2 -fno-strict-overflow endif endif LDFLAGS_O = GCC_MAJOR_VERSION = $(firstword $(subst ., ,$(GCC_VERSION))) ifneq (3,$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)) ifeq (,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS_CMD)) GCC_OPTIMIZERS_CMD = $(GCC) --help=optimizers endif GCC_OPTIMIZERS = $(shell $(GCC_OPTIMIZERS_CMD)) endif ifneq (,$(findstring $(GCC_VERSION),$(LTO_EXCLUDE_VERSIONS))) NO_LTO = 1 endif ifneq (,$(findstring -finline-functions,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -finline-functions endif ifneq (,$(findstring -fgcse-after-reload,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -fgcse-after-reload endif ifneq (,$(findstring -fpredictive-commoning,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -fpredictive-commoning endif ifneq (,$(findstring -fipa-cp-clone,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -fipa-cp-clone endif ifneq (,$(findstring -funsafe-loop-optimizations,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -fno-unsafe-loop-optimizations endif ifneq (,$(findstring -fstrict-overflow,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -fno-strict-overflow endif ifeq (,$(NO_LTO)) ifneq (,$(findstring -flto,$(GCC_OPTIMIZERS))) CFLAGS_O += -flto -fwhole-program LDFLAGS_O += -flto -fwhole-program endif endif BUILD_FEATURES = - compiler optimizations and no debugging support endif ifneq (3,$(GCC_MAJOR_VERSION)) ifeq (,$(GCC_WARNINGS_CMD)) GCC_WARNINGS_CMD = $(GCC) --help=warnings endif ifneq (,$(findstring -Wunused-result,$(shell $(GCC_WARNINGS_CMD)))) CFLAGS_O += -Wno-unused-result endif endif ifneq (clean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)) BUILD_FEATURES := $(BUILD_FEATURES). $(COMPILER_NAME) $(info ***) $(info *** $(BUILD_SINGLE)Simulator$(BUILD_MULTIPLE) being built with:) $(info *** $(BUILD_FEATURES).) ifneq (,$(NETWORK_FEATURES)) $(info *** $(NETWORK_FEATURES).) endif ifneq (,$(NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES)) $(info *** - Local LAN packet transports: $(NETWORK_LAN_FEATURES)) endif ifneq (,$(VIDEO_FEATURES)) $(info *** $(VIDEO_FEATURES).) endif ifneq (,$(GIT_COMMIT_ID)) $(info ***) $(info *** git commit id is $(GIT_COMMIT_ID).) endif $(info ***) endif ifneq ($(DONT_USE_ROMS),) ROMS_OPT = -DDONT_USE_INTERNAL_ROM else BUILD_ROMS = ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} endif ifneq ($(DONT_USE_READER_THREAD),) NETWORK_OPT += -DDONT_USE_READER_THREAD endif CC_OUTSPEC = -o $@ CC := $(GCC) $(CC_STD) -U__STRICT_ANSI__ $(CFLAGS_G) $(CFLAGS_O) $(CFLAGS_GIT) $(CFLAGS_I) -DSIM_COMPILER="$(COMPILER_NAME)" -I . $(OS_CCDEFS) $(ROMS_OPT) LDFLAGS := $(OS_LDFLAGS) $(NETWORK_LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_O) # # Common Libraries # BIN = BIN/ SIM = scp.c sim_console.c sim_fio.c sim_timer.c sim_sock.c \ sim_tmxr.c sim_ether.c sim_tape.c sim_disk.c sim_serial.c \ sim_video.c sim_imd.c sim_card.c DISPLAYD = display # # Emulator source files and compile time options # PDP1D = PDP1 ifneq (,$(DISPLAY_OPT)) PDP1_DISPLAY_OPT = -DDISPLAY_TYPE=DIS_TYPE30 -DPIX_SCALE=RES_FULL -DPIX_SIZE=1 endif PDP1 = ${PDP1D}/pdp1_lp.c ${PDP1D}/pdp1_cpu.c ${PDP1D}/pdp1_stddev.c \ ${PDP1D}/pdp1_sys.c ${PDP1D}/pdp1_dt.c ${PDP1D}/pdp1_drm.c \ ${PDP1D}/pdp1_clk.c ${PDP1D}/pdp1_dcs.c ${PDP1D}/pdp1_dpy.c ${DISPLAYL} PDP1_OPT = -I ${PDP1D} $(DISPLAY_OPT) $(PDP1_DISPLAY_OPT) NOVAD = NOVA NOVA = ${NOVAD}/nova_sys.c ${NOVAD}/nova_cpu.c ${NOVAD}/nova_dkp.c \ ${NOVAD}/nova_dsk.c ${NOVAD}/nova_lp.c ${NOVAD}/nova_mta.c \ ${NOVAD}/nova_plt.c ${NOVAD}/nova_pt.c ${NOVAD}/nova_clk.c \ ${NOVAD}/nova_tt.c ${NOVAD}/nova_tt1.c ${NOVAD}/nova_qty.c NOVA_OPT = -I ${NOVAD} ECLIPSE = ${NOVAD}/eclipse_cpu.c ${NOVAD}/eclipse_tt.c ${NOVAD}/nova_sys.c \ ${NOVAD}/nova_dkp.c ${NOVAD}/nova_dsk.c ${NOVAD}/nova_lp.c \ ${NOVAD}/nova_mta.c ${NOVAD}/nova_plt.c ${NOVAD}/nova_pt.c \ ${NOVAD}/nova_clk.c ${NOVAD}/nova_tt1.c ${NOVAD}/nova_qty.c ECLIPSE_OPT = -I ${NOVAD} -DECLIPSE PDP18BD = PDP18B PDP18B = ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_dt.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_drm.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_cpu.c \ ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_lp.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_mt.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_rf.c \ ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_rp.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_stddev.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_sys.c \ ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_rb.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_tt1.c ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_fpp.c \ ${PDP18BD}/pdp18b_g2tty.c PDP4_OPT = -DPDP4 -I ${PDP18BD} PDP7_OPT = -DPDP7 -I ${PDP18BD} PDP9_OPT = -DPDP9 -I ${PDP18BD} PDP15_OPT = -DPDP15 -I ${PDP18BD} PDP11D = PDP11 PDP11 = ${PDP11D}/pdp11_fp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cpu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cis.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rx.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_stddev.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_sys.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tc.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tm.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_pclk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ry.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_pt.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_hk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cpumod.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rf.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dl.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ta.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_kg.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ke.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dmc.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_kmc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dup.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rs.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vt.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c $(DISPLAYL) $(DISPLAYVT) PDP11_OPT = -DVM_PDP11 -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} $(DISPLAY_OPT) VAXD = VAX VAX = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c ${VAXD}/vax_io.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax_sysdev.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c ${VAXD}/vax_syslist.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_vc.c ${VAXD}/vax_lk.c ${VAXD}/vax_vs.c ${VAXD}/vax_2681.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -DUSE_SIM_VIDEO -I ${VAXD} -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} ${VIDEO_CCDEFS} ${VIDEO_LDFLAGS} VAX610 = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c \ ${VAXD}/vax610_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax610_sysdev.c ${VAXD}/vax610_io.c \ ${VAXD}/vax610_syslist.c ${VAXD}/vax610_mem.c ${VAXD}/vax_vc.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_lk.c ${VAXD}/vax_vs.c ${VAXD}/vax_2681.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX610_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_610 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -DUSE_SIM_VIDEO -I ${VAXD} -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} ${VIDEO_CCDEFS} ${VIDEO_LDFLAGS} VAX630 = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_watch.c ${VAXD}/vax630_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax630_sysdev.c \ ${VAXD}/vax630_io.c ${VAXD}/vax630_syslist.c ${VAXD}/vax_vc.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_lk.c ${VAXD}/vax_vs.c ${VAXD}/vax_2681.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX620_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_620 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -I ${VAXD} -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} VAX630_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_630 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -DUSE_SIM_VIDEO -I ${VAXD} -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} ${VIDEO_CCDEFS} ${VIDEO_LDFLAGS} VAX730 = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c \ ${VAXD}/vax730_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax730_sys.c \ ${VAXD}/vax730_mem.c ${VAXD}/vax730_uba.c ${VAXD}/vax730_rb.c \ ${VAXD}/vax730_syslist.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ry.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_hk.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dmc.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX730_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_730 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -I VAX -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} VAX750 = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c \ ${VAXD}/vax750_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax750_cmi.c \ ${VAXD}/vax750_mem.c ${VAXD}/vax750_uba.c ${VAXD}/vax7x0_mba.c \ ${VAXD}/vax750_syslist.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ry.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_hk.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tu.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dmc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dup.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX750_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_750 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -I VAX -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} VAX780 = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c \ ${VAXD}/vax780_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax780_sbi.c \ ${VAXD}/vax780_mem.c ${VAXD}/vax780_uba.c ${VAXD}/vax7x0_mba.c \ ${VAXD}/vax780_fload.c ${VAXD}/vax780_syslist.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ry.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_hk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dmc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dup.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX780_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_780 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -I VAX -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} VAX8600 = ${VAXD}/vax_cpu.c ${VAXD}/vax_cpu1.c ${VAXD}/vax_fpa.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_cis.c ${VAXD}/vax_octa.c ${VAXD}/vax_cmode.c \ ${VAXD}/vax_mmu.c ${VAXD}/vax_sys.c ${VAXD}/vax_syscm.c \ ${VAXD}/vax860_stddev.c ${VAXD}/vax860_sbia.c \ ${VAXD}/vax860_abus.c ${VAXD}/vax780_uba.c ${VAXD}/vax7x0_mba.c \ ${VAXD}/vax860_syslist.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rl.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rq.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ts.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_lp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tq.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ry.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rp.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tu.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_hk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_vh.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dmc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dup.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_td.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_tc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_rk.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_io_lib.c VAX8600_OPT = -DVM_VAX -DVAX_860 -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 -I VAX -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} PDP10D = PDP10 PDP10 = ${PDP10D}/pdp10_fe.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dz.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_cpu.c \ ${PDP10D}/pdp10_ksio.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_lp20.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_mdfp.c \ ${PDP10D}/pdp10_pag.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_rp.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_sys.c \ ${PDP10D}/pdp10_tim.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_tu.c ${PDP10D}/pdp10_xtnd.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_pt.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_ry.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_cr.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dup.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_dmc.c ${PDP11D}/pdp11_kmc.c \ ${PDP11D}/pdp11_xu.c PDP10_OPT = -DVM_PDP10 -DUSE_INT64 -I ${PDP10D} -I ${PDP11D} ${NETWORK_OPT} PDP8D = PDP8 ifneq (,$(DISPLAY_OPT)) PDP8_DISPLAY_OPT = -DDISPLAY_TYPE=DIS_VR17 -DPIX_SCALE=RES_HALF -DPIX_SIZE=1 endif PDP8 = ${PDP8D}/pdp8_cpu.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_clk.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_df.c \ ${PDP8D}/pdp8_dt.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_lp.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_mt.c \ ${PDP8D}/pdp8_pt.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_rf.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_rk.c \ ${PDP8D}/pdp8_rx.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_sys.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_tt.c \ ${PDP8D}/pdp8_ttx.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_rl.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_tsc.c \ ${PDP8D}/pdp8_td.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_ct.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_fpp.c ${PDP8D}/pdp8_vc8.c ${DISPLAYL} PDP8_OPT = -I ${PDP8D} $(DISPLAY_OPT) $(PDP8_DISPLAY_OPT) -DPDP8 H316D = H316 H316 = ${H316D}/h316_stddev.c ${H316D}/h316_lp.c ${H316D}/h316_cpu.c \ ${H316D}/h316_sys.c ${H316D}/h316_mt.c ${H316D}/h316_fhd.c \ ${H316D}/h316_dp.c ${H316D}/h316_rtc.c ${H316D}/h316_imp.c \ ${H316D}/h316_hi.c ${H316D}/h316_mi.c ${H316D}/h316_udp.c H316_OPT = -I ${H316D} -D VM_IMPTIP HP2100D = HP2100 HP2100 = ${HP2100D}/hp2100_stddev.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_dp.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_dq.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_dr.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_lps.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_ms.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_mt.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_mux.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_fp.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_sys.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_lpt.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_ipl.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_ds.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu0.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu1.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu2.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu3.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu4.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu5.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu6.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_cpu7.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_fp1.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_baci.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_mpx.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_pif.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_di.c \ ${HP2100D}/hp2100_di_da.c ${HP2100D}/hp2100_disclib.c HP2100_OPT = -DHAVE_INT64 -I ${HP2100D} HP3000D = HP3000 HP3000 = ${HP3000D}/hp_disclib.c ${HP3000D}/hp_tapelib.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_atc.c \ ${HP3000D}/hp3000_clk.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_cpu.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_cpu_base.c \ ${HP3000D}/hp3000_cpu_fp.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_cpu_cis.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_ds.c \ ${HP3000D}/hp3000_iop.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_lp.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_mem.c \ ${HP3000D}/hp3000_mpx.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_ms.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_scmb.c \ ${HP3000D}/hp3000_sel.c ${HP3000D}/hp3000_sys.c HP3000_OPT = -I ${HP3000D} I1401D = I1401 I1401 = ${I1401D}/i1401_lp.c ${I1401D}/i1401_cpu.c ${I1401D}/i1401_iq.c \ ${I1401D}/i1401_cd.c ${I1401D}/i1401_mt.c ${I1401D}/i1401_dp.c \ ${I1401D}/i1401_sys.c I1401_OPT = -I ${I1401D} I1620D = I1620 I1620 = ${I1620D}/i1620_cd.c ${I1620D}/i1620_dp.c ${I1620D}/i1620_pt.c \ ${I1620D}/i1620_tty.c ${I1620D}/i1620_cpu.c ${I1620D}/i1620_lp.c \ ${I1620D}/i1620_fp.c ${I1620D}/i1620_sys.c I1620_OPT = -I ${I1620D} I7000D = I7000 I7090 = ${I7000D}/i7090_cpu.c ${I7000D}/i7090_sys.c ${I7000D}/i7090_chan.c \ ${I7000D}/i7090_cdr.c ${I7000D}/i7090_cdp.c ${I7000D}/i7090_lpr.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_chan.c ${I7000D}/i7000_mt.c ${I7000D}/i7090_drum.c \ ${I7000D}/i7090_hdrum.c ${I7000D}/i7000_chron.c ${I7000D}/i7000_dsk.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_com.c ${I7000D}/i7000_ht.c I7090_OPT = -I $(I7000D) -DUSE_INT64 -DI7090 -DUSE_SIM_CARD I7080D = I7000 I7080 = ${I7000D}/i7080_cpu.c ${I7000D}/i7080_sys.c ${I7000D}/i7080_chan.c \ ${I7000D}/i7080_drum.c ${I7000D}/i7000_cdp.c ${I7000D}/i7000_cdr.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_con.c ${I7000D}/i7000_chan.c ${I7000D}/i7000_lpr.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_mt.c ${I7000D}/i7000_chron.c ${I7000D}/i7000_dsk.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_com.c ${I7000D}/i7000_ht.c I7080_OPT = -I $(I7000D) -DI7080 -DUSE_SIM_CARD I7070D = I7000 I7070 = ${I7000D}/i7070_cpu.c ${I7000D}/i7070_sys.c ${I7000D}/i7070_chan.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_cdp.c ${I7000D}/i7000_cdr.c ${I7000D}/i7000_con.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_chan.c ${I7000D}/i7000_lpr.c ${I7000D}/i7000_mt.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_chron.c ${I7000D}/i7000_dsk.c ${I7000D}/i7000_com.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_ht.c I7070_OPT = -I $(I7000D) -DUSE_INT64 -DI7070 -DUSE_SIM_CARD I7010D = I7000 I7010 = ${I7000D}/i7010_cpu.c ${I7000D}/i7010_sys.c ${I7000D}/i7010_chan.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_cdp.c ${I7000D}/i7000_cdr.c ${I7000D}/i7000_con.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_chan.c ${I7000D}/i7000_lpr.c ${I7000D}/i7000_mt.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_chron.c ${I7000D}/i7000_dsk.c ${I7000D}/i7000_com.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_ht.c I7010_OPT = -I $(I7010D) -DI7010 -DUSE_SIM_CARD I704D = I7000 I704 = ${I7000D}/i7090_cpu.c ${I7000D}/i7090_sys.c ${I7000D}/i7090_chan.c \ ${I7000D}/i7090_cdr.c ${I7000D}/i7090_cdp.c ${I7000D}/i7090_lpr.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_mt.c ${I7000D}/i7090_drum.c ${I7000D}/i7000_chan.c I704_OPT = -I $(I7000D) -DUSE_INT64 -DI704 -DUSE_SIM_CARD I701D = I7000 I701 = ${I7000D}/i701_cpu.c ${I7000D}/i701_sys.c ${I7000D}/i701_chan.c \ ${I7000D}/i7090_cdr.c ${I7000D}/i7090_cdp.c ${I7000D}/i7090_lpr.c \ ${I7000D}/i7000_mt.c ${I7000D}/i7090_drum.c ${I7000D}/i7000_chan.c I701_OPT = -I $(I7000D) -DUSE_INT64 -DI701 -DUSE_SIM_CARD I7094D = I7094 I7094 = ${I7094D}/i7094_cpu.c ${I7094D}/i7094_cpu1.c ${I7094D}/i7094_io.c \ ${I7094D}/i7094_cd.c ${I7094D}/i7094_clk.c ${I7094D}/i7094_com.c \ ${I7094D}/i7094_drm.c ${I7094D}/i7094_dsk.c ${I7094D}/i7094_sys.c \ ${I7094D}/i7094_lp.c ${I7094D}/i7094_mt.c ${I7094D}/i7094_binloader.c I7094_OPT = -DUSE_INT64 -I ${I7094D} IBM1130D = Ibm1130 IBM1130 = ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_cpu.c ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_cr.c \ ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_disk.c ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_stddev.c \ ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_sys.c ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_gdu.c \ ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_gui.c ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_prt.c \ ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_fmt.c ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_ptrp.c \ ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_plot.c ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_sca.c \ ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130_t2741.c IBM1130_OPT = -I ${IBM1130D} ifneq ($(WIN32),) IBM1130_OPT += -DGUI_SUPPORT -lgdi32 endif ID16D = Interdata ID16 = ${ID16D}/id16_cpu.c ${ID16D}/id16_sys.c ${ID16D}/id_dp.c \ ${ID16D}/id_fd.c ${ID16D}/id_fp.c ${ID16D}/id_idc.c ${ID16D}/id_io.c \ ${ID16D}/id_lp.c ${ID16D}/id_mt.c ${ID16D}/id_pas.c ${ID16D}/id_pt.c \ ${ID16D}/id_tt.c ${ID16D}/id_uvc.c ${ID16D}/id16_dboot.c ${ID16D}/id_ttp.c ID16_OPT = -I ${ID16D} ID32D = Interdata ID32 = ${ID32D}/id32_cpu.c ${ID32D}/id32_sys.c ${ID32D}/id_dp.c \ ${ID32D}/id_fd.c ${ID32D}/id_fp.c ${ID32D}/id_idc.c ${ID32D}/id_io.c \ ${ID32D}/id_lp.c ${ID32D}/id_mt.c ${ID32D}/id_pas.c ${ID32D}/id_pt.c \ ${ID32D}/id_tt.c ${ID32D}/id_uvc.c ${ID32D}/id32_dboot.c ${ID32D}/id_ttp.c ID32_OPT = -I ${ID32D} S3D = S3 S3 = ${S3D}/s3_cd.c ${S3D}/s3_cpu.c ${S3D}/s3_disk.c ${S3D}/s3_lp.c \ ${S3D}/s3_pkb.c ${S3D}/s3_sys.c S3_OPT = -I ${S3D} ALTAIRD = ALTAIR ALTAIR = ${ALTAIRD}/altair_sio.c ${ALTAIRD}/altair_cpu.c ${ALTAIRD}/altair_dsk.c \ ${ALTAIRD}/altair_sys.c ALTAIR_OPT = -I ${ALTAIRD} ALTAIRZ80D = AltairZ80 ALTAIRZ80 = ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_cpu.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_cpu_nommu.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_dsk.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/disasm.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_sio.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_sys.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_hdsk.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_net.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/flashwriter2.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/i86_decode.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/i86_ops.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/i86_prim_ops.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/i8272.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/insnsd.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/altairz80_mhdsk.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/mfdc.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/n8vem.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/vfdhd.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_disk1a.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_disk2.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_disk3.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_fif.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_mdriveh.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_mdsa.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_mdsad.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_selchan.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_ss1.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_64fdc.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_scp300f.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/wd179x.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_hdc1001.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_if3.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/s100_adcs6.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68kcpu.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68kdasm.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68kopac.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68kopdm.c \ ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68kopnz.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68kops.c ${ALTAIRZ80D}/m68ksim.c ALTAIRZ80_OPT = -I ${ALTAIRZ80D} -DUSE_SIM_IMD GRID = GRI GRI = ${GRID}/gri_cpu.c ${GRID}/gri_stddev.c ${GRID}/gri_sys.c GRI_OPT = -I ${GRID} LGPD = LGP LGP = ${LGPD}/lgp_cpu.c ${LGPD}/lgp_stddev.c ${LGPD}/lgp_sys.c LGP_OPT = -I ${LGPD} SDSD = SDS SDS = ${SDSD}/sds_cpu.c ${SDSD}/sds_drm.c ${SDSD}/sds_dsk.c ${SDSD}/sds_io.c \ ${SDSD}/sds_lp.c ${SDSD}/sds_mt.c ${SDSD}/sds_mux.c ${SDSD}/sds_rad.c \ ${SDSD}/sds_stddev.c ${SDSD}/sds_sys.c SDS_OPT = -I ${SDSD} SWTP6800D = swtp6800/swtp6800 SWTP6800C = swtp6800/common SWTP6800MP-A = ${SWTP6800C}/mp-a.c ${SWTP6800C}/m6800.c ${SWTP6800C}/m6810.c \ ${SWTP6800C}/bootrom.c ${SWTP6800C}/dc-4.c ${SWTP6800C}/mp-s.c ${SWTP6800D}/mp-a_sys.c \ ${SWTP6800C}/mp-b2.c ${SWTP6800C}/mp-8m.c SWTP6800MP-A2 = ${SWTP6800C}/mp-a2.c ${SWTP6800C}/m6800.c ${SWTP6800C}/m6810.c \ ${SWTP6800C}/bootrom.c ${SWTP6800C}/dc-4.c ${SWTP6800C}/mp-s.c ${SWTP6800D}/mp-a2_sys.c \ ${SWTP6800C}/mp-b2.c ${SWTP6800C}/mp-8m.c ${SWTP6800C}/i2716.c SWTP6800_OPT = -I ${SWTP6800D} ISYS8010D = Intel-Systems/isys8010 ISYS8010C = Intel-Systems/common ISYS8010 = ${ISYS8010C}/i8080.c ${ISYS8010D}/isys8010_sys.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/i8251.c ${ISYS8010C}/i8255.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/ieprom.c ${ISYS8010C}/iram8.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/multibus.c ${ISYS8010D}/isbc8010.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/isbc064.c ${ISYS8010C}/isbc202.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/isbc201.c ${ISYS8010C}/zx200a.c ISYS8010_OPT = -I ${ISYS8010D} ISYS8020D = Intel-Systems/isys8020 ISYS8020C = Intel-Systems/common ISYS8020 = ${ISYS8020C}/i8080.c ${ISYS8020D}/isys8020_sys.c \ ${ISYS8020C}/i8251.c ${ISYS8020C}/i8255.c \ ${ISYS8020C}/ieprom.c ${ISYS8020C}/iram8.c \ ${ISYS8020C}/multibus.c ${ISYS8020D}/isbc8020.c \ ${ISYS8020C}/isbc064.c ${ISYS8020C}/i8259.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/isbc202.c ${ISYS8010C}/isbc201.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/zx200a.c ISYS8020_OPT = -I ${ISYS8020D} ISYS8024D = Intel-Systems/isys8024 ISYS8024C = Intel-Systems/common ISYS8024 = ${ISYS8024C}/i8080.c ${ISYS8024D}/isys8024_sys.c \ ${ISYS8024C}/i8251.c ${ISYS8024C}/i8253.c \ ${ISYS8024C}/i8255.c ${ISYS8024C}/i8259.c \ ${ISYS8024C}/ieprom.c ${ISYS8024C}/iram8.c \ ${ISYS8024C}/multibus.c ${ISYS8024D}/isbc8024.c \ ${ISYS8024C}/isbc064.c ${ISYS8024C}/isbc208.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/isbc202.c ${ISYS8010C}/isbc201.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/zx200a.c ISYS8024_OPT = -I ${ISYS8024D} ISYS8030D = Intel-Systems/isys8030 ISYS8030C = Intel-Systems/common ISYS8030 = ${ISYS8030C}/i8080.c ${ISYS8030D}/isys8030_sys.c \ ${ISYS8030C}/i8251.c ${ISYS8030C}/i8255.c \ ${ISYS8030C}/i8259.c ${ISYS8030C}/i8253.c \ ${ISYS8030C}/ieprom.c ${ISYS8030C}/iram8.c \ ${ISYS8030C}/multibus.c ${ISYS8030D}/isbc8030.c \ ${ISYS8010C}/isbc202.c ${ISYS8010C}/isbc201.c \ ${ISYS8030C}/isbc064.c ${ISYS8010C}/zx200a.c ISYS8030_OPT = -I ${ISYS8030D} IMDS-225D = Intel-Systems/imds-225 IMDS-225C = Intel-Systems/common IMDS-225 = ${IMDS-225C}/i8080.c ${IMDS-225D}/imds-225_sys.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/i8251.c ${IMDS-225C}/i8255.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/i8259.c ${IMDS-225C}/i8253.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/ieprom.c ${IMDS-225C}/iram8.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/ipcmultibus.c ${IMDS-225D}/ipc.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/ipc-cont.c ${IMDS-225C}/ioc-cont.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/isbc202.c ${IMDS-225C}/isbc201.c \ ${IMDS-225C}/zx200a.c IMDS-225_OPT = -I ${IMDS-225D} IBMPCD = Intel-Systems/ibmpc IBMPCC = Intel-Systems/common IBMPC = ${IBMPCC}/i8255.c ${IBMPCD}/ibmpc.c \ ${IBMPCC}/i8088.c ${IBMPCD}/ibmpc_sys.c \ ${IBMPCC}/i8253.c ${IBMPCC}/i8259.c \ ${IBMPCC}/pceprom.c ${IBMPCC}/pcram8.c \ ${IBMPCC}/i8237.c ${IBMPCC}/pcbus.c IBMPC_OPT = -I ${IBMPCD} IBMPCXTD = Intel-Systems/ibmpcxt IBMPCXTC = Intel-Systems/common IBMPCXT = ${IBMPCXTC}/i8088.c ${IBMPCXTD}/ibmpcxt_sys.c \ ${IBMPCXTC}/i8253.c ${IBMPCXTC}/i8259.c \ ${IBMPCXTC}/i8255.c ${IBMPCXTD}/ibmpcxt.c \ ${IBMPCXTC}/pceprom.c ${IBMPCXTC}/pcram8.c \ ${IBMPCXTC}/pcbus.c ${IBMPCXTC}/i8237.c IBMPCXT_OPT = -I ${IBMPCXTD} SCELBID = Intel-Systems/scelbi SCELBIC = Intel-Systems/common SCELBI = ${SCELBIC}/i8008.c ${SCELBID}/scelbi_sys.c ${SCELBID}/scelbi_io.c SCELBI_OPT = -I ${SCELBID} TX0D = TX-0 ifneq (,$(DISPLAY_OPT)) TX0_DISPLAY_OPT = -DDISPLAY_TYPE=DIS_TX0 -DPIX_SIZE=2 endif TX0 = ${TX0D}/tx0_cpu.c ${TX0D}/tx0_dpy.c ${TX0D}/tx0_stddev.c \ ${TX0D}/tx0_sys.c ${TX0D}/tx0_sys_orig.c ${DISPLAYL} TX0_OPT = -I ${TX0D} $(DISPLAY_OPT) $(TX0_DISPLAY_OPT) SSEMD = SSEM SSEM = ${SSEMD}/ssem_cpu.c ${SSEMD}/ssem_sys.c SSEM_OPT = -I ${SSEMD} B5500D = B5500 B5500 = ${B5500D}/b5500_cpu.c ${B5500D}/b5500_io.c ${B5500D}/b5500_sys.c \ ${B5500D}/b5500_dk.c ${B5500D}/b5500_mt.c ${B5500D}/b5500_urec.c \ ${B5500D}/b5500_dr.c ${B5500D}/b5500_dtc.c B5500_OPT = -I.. -DUSE_INT64 -DB5500 -DUSE_SIM_CARD BESM6D = BESM6 BESM6 = ${BESM6D}/besm6_cpu.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_sys.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_mmu.c \ ${BESM6D}/besm6_arith.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_disk.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_drum.c \ ${BESM6D}/besm6_tty.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_panel.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_printer.c \ ${BESM6D}/besm6_punch.c ${BESM6D}/besm6_punchcard.c ifneq (,$(BESM6_BUILD)) ifneq (,$(and ${SDLX_CONFIG},${VIDEO_LDFLAGS}, $(or $(and $(call find_include,SDL2/SDL_ttf),$(call find_lib,SDL2_ttf)), $(and $(call find_include,SDL/SDL_ttf),$(call find_lib,SDL_ttf))))) FONTPATH += /usr/share/fonts /Library/Fonts /usr/lib/jvm /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions C:/Windows/Fonts FONTPATH := $(dir $(foreach dir,$(strip $(FONTPATH)),$(wildcard $(dir)/.))) FONTNAME += DejaVuSans.ttf LucidaSansRegular.ttf FreeSans.ttf AppleGothic.ttf tahoma.ttf $(info font paths are: $(FONTPATH)) $(info font names are: $(FONTNAME)) find_fontfile = $(strip $(firstword $(foreach dir,$(strip $(FONTPATH)),$(wildcard $(dir)/$(1))$(wildcard $(dir)/*/$(1))$(wildcard $(dir)/*/*/$(1))$(wildcard $(dir)/*/*/*/$(1))))) find_font = $(abspath $(strip $(firstword $(foreach font,$(strip $(FONTNAME)),$(call find_fontfile,$(font)))))) ifneq (,$(call find_font)) FONTFILE=$(call find_font) else $(info ***) $(info *** No font file available, BESM-6 video panel disabled.) $(info ***) $(info *** To enable the panel display please specify one of:) $(info *** a font path with FONTPATH=path) $(info *** a font name with FONTNAME=fontname.ttf) $(info *** a font file with FONTFILE=path/fontname.ttf) $(info ***) endif endif ifeq (,$(and ${VIDEO_LDFLAGS}, ${FONTFILE}, $(BESM6_BUILD))) $(info *** No SDL ttf support available. BESM-6 video panel disabled.) $(info ***) BESM6_OPT = -I ${BESM6D} -DUSE_INT64 else ifneq (,$(and $(findstring sdl2,${VIDEO_LDFLAGS}),$(call find_include,SDL2/SDL_ttf),$(call find_lib,SDL2_ttf))) $(info using libSDL2_ttf: $(call find_lib,SDL2_ttf) $(call find_include,SDL2/SDL_ttf)) $(info ***) BESM6_OPT = -I ${BESM6D} -DFONTFILE=${FONTFILE} -DUSE_INT64 ${VIDEO_CCDEFS} ${VIDEO_LDFLAGS} -lSDL2_ttf else ifneq (,$(and $(call find_include,SDL/SDL_ttf),$(call find_lib,SDL_ttf))) $(info using libSDL_ttf: $(call find_lib,SDL_ttf) $(call find_include,SDL/SDL_ttf)) $(info ***) BESM6_OPT = -I ${BESM6D} -DFONTFILE=${FONTFILE} -DUSE_INT64 ${VIDEO_CCDEFS} ${VIDEO_LDFLAGS} -lSDL_ttf else BESM6_OPT = -I ${BESM6D} -DUSE_INT64 endif endif ### ### Experimental simulators ### CDC1700D = CDC1700 CDC1700 = ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_cpu.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_dis.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_io.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_sys.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_dev1.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_mt.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_dc.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_iofw.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_lp.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_dp.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_cd.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_sym.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_rtc.c ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_drm.c \ ${CDC1700D}/cdc1700_msos5.c CDC1700_OPT = -I ${CDC1700D} ### ### Unsupported/Incomplete simulators ### SIGMAD = sigma SIGMA = ${SIGMAD}/sigma_cpu.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_sys.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_cis.c \ ${SIGMAD}/sigma_coc.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_dk.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_dp.c \ ${SIGMAD}/sigma_fp.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_io.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_lp.c \ ${SIGMAD}/sigma_map.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_mt.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_pt.c \ ${SIGMAD}/sigma_rad.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_rtc.c ${SIGMAD}/sigma_tt.c SIGMA_OPT = -I ${SIGMAD} ALPHAD = alpha ALPHA = ${ALPHAD}/alpha_500au_syslist.c ${ALPHAD}/alpha_cpu.c \ ${ALPHAD}/alpha_ev5_cons.c ${ALPHAD}/alpha_ev5_pal.c \ ${ALPHAD}/alpha_ev5_tlb.c ${ALPHAD}/alpha_fpi.c \ ${ALPHAD}/alpha_fpv.c ${ALPHAD}/alpha_io.c \ ${ALPHAD}/alpha_mmu.c ${ALPHAD}/alpha_sys.c ALPHA_OPT = -I ${ALPHAD} -DUSE_ADDR64 -DUSE_INT64 SAGED = SAGE SAGE = ${SAGED}/sage_cpu.c ${SAGED}/sage_sys.c ${SAGED}/sage_stddev.c \ ${SAGED}/sage_cons.c ${SAGED}/sage_fd.c ${SAGED}/sage_lp.c \ ${SAGED}/m68k_cpu.c ${SAGED}/m68k_mem.c ${SAGED}/m68k_scp.c \ ${SAGED}/m68k_parse.tab.c ${SAGED}/m68k_sys.c \ ${SAGED}/i8251.c ${SAGED}/i8253.c ${SAGED}/i8255.c ${SAGED}/i8259.c ${SAGED}/i8272.c SAGE_OPT = -I ${SAGED} -DHAVE_INT64 -DUSE_SIM_IMD PDQ3D = PDQ-3 PDQ3 = ${PDQ3D}/pdq3_cpu.c ${PDQ3D}/pdq3_sys.c ${PDQ3D}/pdq3_stddev.c \ ${PDQ3D}/pdq3_mem.c ${PDQ3D}/pdq3_debug.c ${PDQ3D}/pdq3_fdc.c PDQ3_OPT = -I ${PDQ3D} -DUSE_SIM_IMD ATT3B2D = 3B2 ATT3B2 = ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_cpu.c ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_mmu.c \ ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_iu.c ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_if.c \ ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_id.c ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_dmac.c \ ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_sys.c ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_io.c \ ${ATT3B2D}/3b2_sysdev.c ATT3B2_OPT = -I ${ATT3B2D} -DUSE_INT64 -DUSE_ADDR64 # # Build everything (not the unsupported/incomplete or experimental simulators) # ALL = pdp1 pdp4 pdp7 pdp8 pdp9 pdp15 pdp11 pdp10 \ vax microvax3900 microvax1 rtvax1000 microvax2 vax730 vax750 vax780 vax8600 \ nova eclipse hp2100 hp3000 i1401 i1620 s3 altair altairz80 gri \ i7094 ibm1130 id16 id32 sds lgp h316 cdc1700 \ swtp6800mp-a swtp6800mp-a2 tx-0 ssem b5500 isys8010 isys8020 \ isys8030 isys8024 imds-225 scelbi 3b2 i701 i704 i7010 i7070 i7080 i7090 all : ${ALL} EXPERIMENTAL = cdc1700 experimental : $(EXPERIMENTAL) clean : ifeq ($(WIN32),) ${RM} -r ${BIN} else if exist BIN\*.exe del /q BIN\*.exe if exist BIN rmdir BIN endif ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} : ${MKDIRBIN} ifeq (agcc,$(findstring agcc,$(firstword $(CC)))) gcc $(wordlist 2,1000,${CC}) sim_BuildROMs.c $(CC_OUTSPEC) else ${CC} sim_BuildROMs.c $(CC_OUTSPEC) endif ifeq ($(WIN32),) $@ ${RM} $@ ifeq (Darwin,$(OSTYPE)) # remove Xcode's debugging symbols folder too ${RM} -rf $@.dSYM endif else $(@D)\$(@F) del $(@D)\$(@F) endif # # Individual builds # pdp1 : ${BIN}pdp1${EXE} ${BIN}pdp1${EXE} : ${PDP1} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP1} ${SIM} ${PDP1_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp4 : ${BIN}pdp4${EXE} ${BIN}pdp4${EXE} : ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${PDP4_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp7 : ${BIN}pdp7${EXE} ${BIN}pdp7${EXE} : ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${PDP7_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp8 : ${BIN}pdp8${EXE} ${BIN}pdp8${EXE} : ${PDP8} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP8} ${SIM} ${PDP8_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp9 : ${BIN}pdp9${EXE} ${BIN}pdp9${EXE} : ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${PDP9_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp15 : ${BIN}pdp15${EXE} ${BIN}pdp15${EXE} : ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP18B} ${SIM} ${PDP15_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp10 : ${BIN}pdp10${EXE} ${BIN}pdp10${EXE} : ${PDP10} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP10} ${SIM} ${PDP10_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdp11 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}pdp11${EXE} ${BIN}pdp11${EXE} : ${PDP11} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDP11} ${SIM} ${PDP11_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} vax : microvax3900 microvax3900 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}microvax3900${EXE} ${BIN}microvax3900${EXE} : ${VAX} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX} ${SIM} ${VAX_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} ifeq ($(WIN32),) cp ${BIN}microvax3900${EXE} ${BIN}vax${EXE} else copy $(@D)\microvax3900${EXE} $(@D)\vax${EXE} endif microvax1 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}microvax1${EXE} ${BIN}microvax1${EXE} : ${VAX610} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX610} ${SIM} ${VAX610_OPT} -o $@ ${LDFLAGS} rtvax1000 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}rtvax1000${EXE} ${BIN}rtvax1000${EXE} : ${VAX630} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX630} ${SIM} ${VAX620_OPT} -o $@ ${LDFLAGS} microvax2 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}microvax2${EXE} ${BIN}microvax2${EXE} : ${VAX630} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX630} ${SIM} ${VAX630_OPT} -o $@ ${LDFLAGS} vax730 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}vax730${EXE} ${BIN}vax730${EXE} : ${VAX730} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX730} ${SIM} ${VAX730_OPT} -o $@ ${LDFLAGS} vax750 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}vax750${EXE} ${BIN}vax750${EXE} : ${VAX750} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX750} ${SIM} ${VAX750_OPT} -o $@ ${LDFLAGS} vax780 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}vax780${EXE} ${BIN}vax780${EXE} : ${VAX780} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX780} ${SIM} ${VAX780_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} vax8600 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}vax8600${EXE} ${BIN}vax8600${EXE} : ${VAX8600} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${VAX8600} ${SIM} ${VAX8600_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} nova : ${BIN}nova${EXE} ${BIN}nova${EXE} : ${NOVA} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${NOVA} ${SIM} ${NOVA_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} eclipse : ${BIN}eclipse${EXE} ${BIN}eclipse${EXE} : ${ECLIPSE} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ECLIPSE} ${SIM} ${ECLIPSE_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} h316 : ${BIN}h316${EXE} ${BIN}h316${EXE} : ${H316} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${H316} ${SIM} ${H316_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} hp2100 : ${BIN}hp2100${EXE} ${BIN}hp2100${EXE} : ${HP2100} ${SIM} ifneq (1,$(CPP_BUILD)$(CPP_FORCE)) ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${HP2100} ${SIM} ${HP2100_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} else $(info hp2100 can't be built using C++) endif hp3000 : ${BIN}hp3000${EXE} ${BIN}hp3000${EXE} : ${HP3000} ${SIM} ifneq (1,$(CPP_BUILD)$(CPP_FORCE)) ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${HP3000} ${SIM} ${HP3000_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} else $(info hp3000 can't be built using C++) endif i1401 : ${BIN}i1401${EXE} ${BIN}i1401${EXE} : ${I1401} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I1401} ${SIM} ${I1401_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i1620 : ${BIN}i1620${EXE} ${BIN}i1620${EXE} : ${I1620} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I1620} ${SIM} ${I1620_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i7094 : ${BIN}i7094${EXE} ${BIN}i7094${EXE} : ${I7094} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I7094} ${SIM} ${I7094_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} ibm1130 : ${BIN}ibm1130${EXE} ${BIN}ibm1130${EXE} : ${IBM1130} ifneq (1,$(CPP_BUILD)$(CPP_FORCE)) ${MKDIRBIN} ifneq ($(WIN32),) windres ${IBM1130D}/ibm1130.rc $(BIN)ibm1130.o ${CC} ${IBM1130} ${SIM} ${IBM1130_OPT} $(BIN)ibm1130.o $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} del BIN\ibm1130.o else ${CC} ${IBM1130} ${SIM} ${IBM1130_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} endif else $(info ibm1130 can't be built using C++) endif s3 : ${BIN}s3${EXE} ${BIN}s3${EXE} : ${S3} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${S3} ${SIM} ${S3_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} altair : ${BIN}altair${EXE} ${BIN}altair${EXE} : ${ALTAIR} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ALTAIR} ${SIM} ${ALTAIR_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} altairz80 : ${BIN}altairz80${EXE} ${BIN}altairz80${EXE} : ${ALTAIRZ80} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ALTAIRZ80} ${SIM} ${ALTAIRZ80_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} gri : ${BIN}gri${EXE} ${BIN}gri${EXE} : ${GRI} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${GRI} ${SIM} ${GRI_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} lgp : ${BIN}lgp${EXE} ${BIN}lgp${EXE} : ${LGP} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${LGP} ${SIM} ${LGP_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} id16 : ${BIN}id16${EXE} ${BIN}id16${EXE} : ${ID16} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ID16} ${SIM} ${ID16_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} id32 : ${BIN}id32${EXE} ${BIN}id32${EXE} : ${ID32} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ID32} ${SIM} ${ID32_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} sds : ${BIN}sds${EXE} ${BIN}sds${EXE} : ${SDS} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SDS} ${SIM} ${SDS_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} swtp6800mp-a : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}swtp6800mp-a${EXE} ${BIN}swtp6800mp-a${EXE} : ${SWTP6800MP-A} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SWTP6800MP-A} ${SIM} ${SWTP6800_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} swtp6800mp-a2 : ${BIN}BuildROMs${EXE} ${BIN}swtp6800mp-a2${EXE} ${BIN}swtp6800mp-a2${EXE} : ${SWTP6800MP-A2} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SWTP6800MP-A2} ${SIM} ${SWTP6800_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} isys8010: ${BIN}isys8010${EXE} ${BIN}isys8010${EXE} : ${ISYS8010} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ISYS8010} ${SIM} ${ISYS8010_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} isys8020: ${BIN}isys8020${EXE} ${BIN}isys8020${EXE} : ${ISYS8020} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ISYS8020} ${SIM} ${ISYS8020_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} isys8024: ${BIN}isys8024${EXE} ${BIN}isys8024${EXE} : ${ISYS8024} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ISYS8024} ${SIM} ${ISYS8024_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} isys8030: ${BIN}isys8030${EXE} ${BIN}isys8030${EXE} : ${ISYS8030} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ISYS8030} ${SIM} ${ISYS8030_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} imds-225: ${BIN}imds-225${EXE} ${BIN}imds-225${EXE} : ${IMDS-225} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${IMDS-225} ${SIM} ${IMDS-225_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} ibmpc: ${BIN}ibmpc${EXE} ${BIN}ibmpc${EXE} : ${IBMPC} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${IBMPC} ${SIM} ${IBMPC_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} ibmpcxt: ${BIN}ibmpcxt${EXE} ${BIN}ibmpcxt${EXE} : ${IBMPCXT} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${IBMPCXT} ${SIM} ${IBMPCXT_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} scelbi: ${BIN}scelbi${EXE} ${BIN}scelbi${EXE} : ${SCELBI} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SCELBI} ${SIM} ${SCELBI_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} tx-0 : ${BIN}tx-0${EXE} ${BIN}tx-0${EXE} : ${TX0} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${TX0} ${SIM} ${TX0_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} ssem : ${BIN}ssem${EXE} ${BIN}ssem${EXE} : ${SSEM} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SSEM} ${SIM} ${SSEM_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} cdc1700 : ${BIN}cdc1700${EXE} ${BIN}cdc1700${EXE} : ${CDC1700} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${CDC1700} ${SIM} ${CDC1700_OPT} ${CC_OUTSPEC} ${LDFLAGS} besm6 : ${BIN}besm6${EXE} ${BIN}besm6${EXE} : ${BESM6} ${SIM} ifneq (1,$(CPP_BUILD)$(CPP_FORCE)) ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${BESM6} ${SIM} ${BESM6_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} else $(info besm6 can't be built using C++) endif sigma : ${BIN}sigma${EXE} ${BIN}sigma${EXE} : ${SIGMA} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SIGMA} ${SIM} ${SIGMA_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} alpha : ${BIN}alpha${EXE} ${BIN}alpha${EXE} : ${ALPHA} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ALPHA} ${SIM} ${ALPHA_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} sage : ${BIN}sage${EXE} ${BIN}sage${EXE} : ${SAGE} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${SAGE} ${SIM} ${SAGE_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} pdq3 : ${BIN}pdq3${EXE} ${BIN}pdq3${EXE} : ${PDQ3} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${PDQ3} ${SIM} ${PDQ3_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} b5500 : $(BIN)b5500$(EXE) ${BIN}b5500${EXE} : ${B5500} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${B5500} ${SIM} ${B5500_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} 3b2 : $(BIN)3b2$(EXE) ${BIN}3b2${EXE} : ${ATT3B2} ${SIM} ${BUILD_ROMS} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${ATT3B2} ${SIM} ${ATT3B2_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i7090 : $(BIN)i7090$(EXE) ${BIN}i7090${EXE} : ${I7090} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I7090} ${SIM} ${I7090_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i7080 : $(BIN)i7080$(EXE) ${BIN}i7080${EXE} : ${I7080} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I7080} ${SIM} ${I7080_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i7070 : $(BIN)i7070$(EXE) ${BIN}i7070${EXE} : ${I7070} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I7070} ${SIM} ${I7070_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i7010 : $(BIN)i7010$(EXE) ${BIN}i7010${EXE} : ${I7010} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I7010} ${SIM} ${I7010_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i704 : $(BIN)i704$(EXE) ${BIN}i704${EXE} : ${I704} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I704} ${SIM} ${I704_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} i701 : $(BIN)i701$(EXE) ${BIN}i701${EXE} : ${I701} ${SIM} ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} ${I701} ${SIM} ${I701_OPT} $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS} # Front Panel API Demo/Test program frontpaneltest : ${BIN}frontpaneltest${EXE} ${BIN}frontpaneltest${EXE} : frontpanel/FrontPanelTest.c sim_sock.c sim_frontpanel.c ${MKDIRBIN} ${CC} frontpanel/FrontPanelTest.c sim_sock.c sim_frontpanel.c $(CC_OUTSPEC) ${LDFLAGS}