The code should be run with group "gpio", and uses /dev/gpiomem. I set up a user "tester", who logs in the gpio group. If you try this with the PiDP code installed, you'll have to kill the SIMH instance. It is not sufficient to request PiDP to "stop". I use a command like $ ps -aef | grep pidp to obtain the pid (usually 790 or so), and then a command like $ sudo kill 790 to nuke the running PiDP software. You need the cable adapter board, or a homebrew equivalent. You can get the Eagle drawings in the directory: You also need to replace the LS06 (IC6) in your tester with a jumper block. To make a suitable block, take a 14 pin socket and install jumpers: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13. Leave pins 7 and 14 empty. Vince