These two directories msvc152 and tester contain all the information I was able to find on Warren's laptop pertaining to his flipchip tester. I never saw him run the tester and because of its fragility I suspect he was the only one to ever operate it. I have 3d printed a base for it so that it will not be accidently destroyed if someone powers it up on a metal surface. I also added card guides to assist in centering the flipchip modules in the connectors. Care must be taken when inserting the cards to get the correct orientation for the power supply pins to match the module. If I had known the orientation I would have indicated this on the card guides. This needs to run on a machine that has an actual parallel port. It seems unlikely that a USB parallel port would work properly. An older machine will be needed for operation. Warren used an HP laptop I gave him running Win XP. Since the apps that ran on XP were starting to complain he was considering a different solution. I know he was considering using a USB interface but what I think he had decided upon was using an Arduino DUE with a smallish LCD touch screen. When I find the files for new design I will make them available although there is no software for it and it will be an enormous task to continue work on that project. It appears that the msvc152 folder has the more recent version. Many of the files in these folders have timestamps in 2017 while the files under the tester directory have timestamps in 2015. It appears that the timestamps on the files were not maintained when the files were copied. I will look at the copy Joel made for me at some point and see if the timestamps are correct on that. If you think something is missing let me know. The server I currently have does not have adequate disk to hold his whole laptop and there would be IP issues with some software which is why I picked out just those pieces that are flipchip tester associated. Doug Ingraham 12/27/2017