Circuit: * C:\cygwin\home\Vince\LTSpice\R212X.asc WARNING: Less than two connections to node V2. This node is used by R助$2V2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node U2. This node is used by R助$2U2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node T2. This node is used by R助$2T2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node S2. This node is used by R助$2S2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node R2. This node is used by R助$2R2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node P2. This node is used by R助$2P2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node N2. This node is used by R助$2N2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node M2. This node is used by R助$2M2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node L2. This node is used by R助$2L2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node K2. This node is used by R助$2K2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node J2. This node is used by R助$2J2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node H2. This node is used by R助$2H2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node F2. This node is used by R助$2F2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node E2. This node is used by R助$2E2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node D2. This node is used by R助$2D2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node C2. This node is used by R助$2C2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node B2. This node is used by R助$2B2. WARNING: Less than two connections to node A2. This node is used by R助$2A2. .OP point found by inspection. Date: Sat May 27 10:56:17 2017 Total elapsed time: 1.074 seconds. tnom = 27 temp = 27 method = modified trap totiter = 2096 traniter = 2096 tranpoints = 1049 accept = 1049 rejected = 0 matrix size = 91 fillins = 346 solver = Normal Thread vector: 10.8/5.6[3] 3.3/2.8[3] 1.0/2.1[1] 1.7/2.2[1] 2592/500 Matrix Compiler1: 47.47 KB object code size 20.0/11.9/[4.0] Matrix Compiler2: 14.39 KB object code size 1.8/2.7/[1.1]